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Senhor Lenhador

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Everything posted by Senhor Lenhador

  1. We're in agreement, that comment is unacceptable. I don't know who trastamara is in game but it's a stupid and unpleasant comment. Some Spanish players make stupid and unpleasant comments. It doesn't make your comments any less distasteful or your tone any less obnoxious. and given your apparent position as the US faction's mouthpiece I stand by my statements that your unpleasantness in particular is a disproportionate -but by no means exclusive- factor in Spanish-American relations. My views were later echoed by Redii on the same thread in regards to Swedish-American relations. It's not just what's said but also who is saying it.
  2. I don't think I've ever encountered a player as downright unpleasant as you come across in the forums, in the battles we've fought and in practically every communication I've seen you make to me or to others. Maybe you're a lovely guy in person or on the TS and maybe the arrogant snark you inflect in what you write is purely accidental but I wouldn't put money on it. You're posts have none of the entertainment value of Vicious or Pellasgos and they don't have the quirky role play like bluster of Kloothommel or the almost clinical style of Anolytic. All they've got is an acerbic style of "comedy" seemingly designed to belittle people and self aggrandize (I find it impossible to believe wall references to Spanish speaking players to whom your teammates regularly call tacos and worse has anything to do with GoT). They exhibit a puerile adolescence masquerading as Bismarkian realpolitik that does absolutely nothing besides piss me (and practically everyone in my faction and our broader coalition) off. I don't know how influential you are in your faction but you certainly talk like you're important so I'll take that at face value. If I played for the US I would be appalled at your posts representing me. If I was in an allied faction of yours, as I've occasionally thought of joining, I'd be embarrassed to have you on my team. But as a Spanish player I can tell you that you and your posts are no insignificant part of why the faction by and large refuses to consider juggling the alliances just in case we get stuck with you . I'll gg and o7 anyone in game, including you and I strongly agree that things should always be civil between players and factions even if they don't like each other but I want it out there that I find your posts distasteful to the extreme.
  3. The Production Power Index has been updated in a second report. I have read the suggestions posted in thread and have for the moment maintained the current format of the report. Labour Contract generation, is important but I feel not as important as access to Strong Hull regions or the other resources, although I might still put it in. A momentum count is tricky, mostly because I only want to update this weekly and momentum can swing wildly throughout the course of a day let alone a week. Also comparing clans and tracking who shows up in port battles is both very time consuming (and difficult because I don't know all the clans) and I worry very likely to expose me to a lot of salt. Not to mention that would ignore the importance of screening, for example the battle of Filipina was arguably won by VLTRA screeners outside the port battle. So it's all very tricky but we'll see how this evolves. As always please comment and feel free to check the figures, I'm pretty sure the formula is quite clearly explained and easy to understand. Also it doesn't look like much but there's a quite a bit of work in doing even small stuff like this so i can't even imagine how Jeheil does his far more impressive show it week after week. Hats off to him. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SmI7qt_hvClyiE5buzY9tbBH5v3dc0jThgb8bZyBzAA/edit?usp=sharing
  4. What goes on within the Spanish faction? Who is Pablo Frias? Why does the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plain? Answers to all these questions and more await you in ATLAS Spain's BRAND NEW and NEVER BEFORE SEEN ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLAN!!!!!!!! Don't miss this UNIQUE OPORTUNITY to be part of PvP's 1 EURO's most impenetrably mono-cultural faction (equaled only by the French). We have lvl 50 Crafters, access to EVERY SHIP IMAGINABLE and strong links to VLTRA and other Spanish clans to have YOU engaged in RvR and JaJaJa-ing LIKE A PRO IN NOTIME!!!. Leave the toxic and vicious culture of the British, abandon the worst night-flippers in Christendom, up and leave the seven hells that is the Dutch faction and COME SAIL WITH ATLAS. Already in the Spanish faction? Then you're already half way there to being one a select group of players dedicated to "shouldering" ;P the burden of Spain's extensive empire of ports and regions. CONTACT SENHOR LENHADOR NOW and a get a zero obligation run down of what awaits you in ATLAS. Be one of the first 10 to join and RECEIVE a set of carving knives ABSOLUTELY FREE, 50% off your next purchase, A yet to be disclosed PRIZE
  5. NATIONS RANKED BY POWER (This is a sensationalist headline designed to grab your attention; it may not actually represent the contents of this document) As a keen viewer of Jeheil's ‘A Letter to the King’ I've never been wholly content with the Tally of Sails, Splinters and Blood, especially after the regions patch several months ago. At first it was an acceptable method of keeping rough score but with it's continued counting of individual ports instead of regions and the count being quantitative and in no way qualitative it's a poor metric in evaluating the relative power of nations and alliances (IMHO). This shouldn't be taken as a criticism of Jeheil or ALTTK, the series is great and an important part of adding depth to RvR and the larger NA community. So in the honoured tradition of put up or shut up, I've created my own rough system of trying to gauge the various factions' power and control over the map and resources. It's an infant system and I've tried to avoid too much analysis on the figures until some of the kinks (and there are bound to be kinks) have been hammered out but it does involve a bit on how I think the resource side of the war actually works. I'd love feedback so leave comments either here or on the Google Doc provided. Even if it's just "this is pointless go die in a hole" all feedback is good feedback in my book. Current PPI Scores as of 26-2-2017 Britain Spain USA The VP Denmark Sweden France Pirates 3.01 2.79 2.67 2.03 2.21 1.76 1.88 1.47 The Triple Alliance The Second Coalition 5.35 5.33 20-2-2017 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WE89jr41cP5knxHE77iTVByuDU8TVLzdgtK0zImVUZo/edit?usp=sharing 26-2-2017 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SmI7qt_hvClyiE5buzY9tbBH5v3dc0jThgb8bZyBzAA/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Buenas señores, Este post esta relacionado con el ultimo vídeo de Jeheil "A Letter to the King Episode 46". En este episodio Jeheil habla sobre los "nightflips" y también habla sobre posibles soluciones. El propone cuatro, de los cuales las primeras dos son continuar quejando o sufrir en silencio, pero las otras dos pueden ser soluciones actuales. La tercera es crear un acuerdo al estilo del "Tratado de los Tres Admirantes" con áreas libres de RvR o con RvR solo durante ciertas horas del día etc. El, tanto como yo, cree que esta solución es súper difícil, ya que el TdTA nos costo horas y horas crearlo y solo eramos 3 facciones. Además, apostaría que no hay la voluntad necesaria entre las 7 facciones para crear y mantener un tratado así. La cuarta posible solución (en mi opinión la mejor) sera cambiar las alianzas y hacerlo para que los Ingleses y los Americanos están en diferentes alianzas. Sera cambiar los Americanos por alguien en nuestra alianza o incluso cambiarnos nosotros con los Americanos. Eso dará ha las dos coaliciones jugadores fuera del horario Europeo. Personalmente me parece una idea curiosa y hasta buena y por eso viene este post promocionando la idea aquí en español ya que muchos de la facción no hablan ingles y no siguen "A Letter to the King". Aclaramos unas cosas: Jeheil no es ni diplomático, ni líder de ningún clan inglesa, ni se cuanto peso tiene en las otras facciones y por lo tanto esto es simplemente una idea de un tío de la facción inglesa. Aun así creo que merece la pena pensarlo y hablarlo entre nosotros ya que con los Americanos en el norte y los AUSEZ por el Yucatan este problema nos afecta mas que a nadie. Aqui tienes en video y te lo ruego que perdonas mis faltas en castellano, como muchos ya sabeis no es mi lengua materna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXiZ6ghBvfI
  7. My pick would be "The Triple Alliance", nice and simple. You could even shorten it to "TRIPAL" (TRIPle ALliance) which has the added bonuses of sounding like "triple" and well as being TRI meaning 3 and PAL meaning friend which I think is neat.
  8. (Please note, this is not an official message from the Spanish Faction. Rather this is me amusing myself during a long sail moving goods around the map. Any queries you may have regarding Spanish Faction diplomacy should be directed to CeltiberoFrog) n the name of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three truly separate and distinct persons and only one divine essence... Be it manifest and known to all who shall see this public instrument, that at the village of Tordesillas, for the sake of peace and concord, that a boundary or straight line be determined and drawn north and south, from pole to pole at a distance of three hundred and seventy leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands. And all lands, both islands and mainlands, found and discovered already, or to be found and discovered hereafter on the western side of the said bound shall belong to, and remain in the possession of, and pertain forever to, the King and Queen of Castile, Leon, etc., and to their successors. We entreat our most Holy Father that his Holiness be pleased to confirm and approve this said agreement; and that he order his bulls in regard to it to be issued to whichever parties may solicit them, and that he lay his censures upon those who shall violate or oppose it at any time whatsoever. Their Excellencies.... The Representatives of His Most Catholic Majesty The King of Spain and the Oriental and Occidental Indies. PLVS VLTRA (Please note, this is not an official message from the Spanish Faction. Rather this is me amusing myself during a long sail moving goods around the map. Any queries you may have regarding Spanish Faction diplomacy should be directed to CeltiberoFrog)
  9. I don't want to be rude but with the new super large circles screening has never been easier. However the new mechanics mean screening is really only a delaying tactic to keep the SOLS out of the battle not the attempt to sink the flag and win without a fight. It's still worthwhile though. The Danes logged in well enough away for a proper screening fleet to be effective but the British/US/Dutch screening fleet was doing a TERRIBLE job. They were all bunched up in the mouth of the port, no wide perimeter and our own screening fleet (which I was a part of) was able to get very close to the port before someone even started a battle. They had Vics and Santis in the screening fleet mixed with 5th rates and then half the people ran away. It was a mess. No shame in that, lord knows Spain's had some poorly organised defenses in the past but that's not the fault of the Danes. Yes logging in near the port is not very historical and it does kind of bend the rules, truth be told I'm not a huge fan of it BUT as a worst case scenario you had to fight a 25 v 25 battle. The US didn't lose Georgia because of this "exploit", it lost because you didn't screen well/were faced with superior numbers outside the PB and then were out sailed inside the PB by probably the best 1st rate fleet on the server. ddosing the TSs if it happened is poor form and bad play, no defense of that from me.
  10. The Spanish position remains unchanged. We ask that the Dutch wait until Monday so that we may move our ships from ports West of Cabo de la Vela. El Consejo Español
  11. This is not an official message (you can tell by the lack of shield and fancy Times New Roman font ) 1- On August 22, the day before the Spanish declaration of war, in negotiations with the British repeated attempts to try and negotiate RvR free zones to help newer players and traders were rebuffed. 2- On September 11, a thread was started in national news by the main Spanish Diplomat Celtiberofrog (in a personal capacity) again suggesting the possibility of RvR free zones this time specifically mentioning the Dutch. I and many other Spanish players voiced our approval of such a proposal on that thread. As far as I'm aware there is no Dutch Council presence on that thread and the Dutch responses that are there are critical of such a proposal. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16390-pvp1-coalition-war-issue-sept2016/ Simply put there's never been either a Spanish nor a Franco-Spanish/Hispano-Danish policy to 1port the Dutch or anyone else. In fact there's been multiple attempts at various stages of the war to not have that happen. I don't like that the Dutch have two ports. Most if not all Spanish players don't like that the Dutch have two ports and that's why the OP exists. could it have come sooner? possibly but then faction policy is often slower than we'd like because of the need to consult and discuss among the players.
  12. El Reino de España Announces Through her Representatives The Most Noble and August Clans: RAE, EI, CELTI, BIC, CORSO, CAZA, COSA etc. The End of the Dutch Campaign The Spanish faction considers the Dutch Campaign over. Therefore unilaterally and without conditions Spain declares she will not contest any ports to the East of Cabo de La Vela. All Spanish ports West of Cabo de la Vela will remain under Spanish control until further negotiations. Spain needs until Monday to remove our fleet from the affected ports and so asks the Dutch not to take those ports until that date. The Spanish captains wish to have it known that they believe the Dutch fight well and bravely and they consider them a worthy adversary. Spain also hopes for a future where she and the United Provinces might one day work together in achieving mutual goals. El Consejo Español
  13. From a Spanish perspective this is a rather silly post. For one thing the Three Admirals treaty was a huge undertaking and as one of the Spanish diplomats involved (we all put in many hours and a few late nights)I have no problem in saying publically that the bulk of the work was done by the Dutch player Pellasgos, who you won't even mention by name. Even if you don't like the conditions of the treaty the precedent it set and the goodwill it fostered makes it very valuable. The time and effort Pellasgos and the rest of us put in to trying to improve the game was immense so be a bit more grateful even if you disagree with it. Secondly, the truth is, you can't destroy a nation you can only harm the player base and that's bad for the game. The harcore will always be there its just the newbies and the traders you drive away. It's half the reason there's a forum thread full of Spanish players trying to suggest ways to not harm the Dutch player base when the faction is on the ropes. This is a war game but it's not analogous to a real war, it's the game part that needs the emphasis and games need a fun and worthy opponent. You win some you lose some but if you've got nothing positive to say don't start a forum post bagging people who poured a lot of time and potential sleep into efforts to make the game better for everyone including you.
  14. I also agree with frog. At this stage every nation has been thrashed at some stage, possibly apart from GB and even they've had their bad times. We've got nothing to prove by wiping out factions, or humiliating player bases. An agreement of this nature would help player bases and also might help reduce some of the bad feeling between factions and the accompanying toxicity. It would certainly be a tricky thing to realize but I think worth a shot.
  15. Im on holiday atm and have been for nearly a week so I´ve missed most of these battles sadly. First things first, well done to GB,VP,US alliance on your offensive. It looks like you organised well, fought hard and brought your numbers to bare where they counted. The Spanish player base knew it would be a struggle going into the war and you’ve given us a whacking so kudos to you guys. That said lets call a spade a spade and lay some things squarely on the table. 1: Beating an isolated Spain impresses me a whole lot less considering the losses on the Haitian and South American fronts. Spain is part of a broader coalition war and lets not pretend its all been one sided. Credit where credit is due and its due to the Danes, Swedes and French too. It should give us in the Spanish faction some comfort. 2: to GB players; Seeming aggreived that Spain declared war on you is pretty silly as is this victim act of saying its 5 vs 3 and youre being ganged up on and bullied. Spain upheld it part of the 3 Admirals treaty untill its expiry, refused to give any guarantees while we worked out our position post alliance patch and also proposed RvR free zones to protect new players and crafter/traders on both sides. Both Spain and GB acted in good faith but war was inevitable. The simple truth is the way the numbers stack up (using the votes, which while not perfect is still a good rule of thumb); GB is well over double the power of the next faction. That next faction by my reckoning also happens to be VP. It’s the same reason the Swedes declared war, the GB/VP/US alliance means that neutrality by any other faction condemns the rest while pissing off potential allies should the super alliance ever come for us. The Spanish faction could do with a bit more organisation and bit less bravado in some instances but we´ve got our priorities in order when we reject the idea of some players having perpetual RvR hegemony. 3: Lastly, putting Cuban ports on ridiculous timers is a cheap trick. It may be good strategy but its poor sportmanship and anything but playing with a straight bat. It tarnishes what is otherwise a very impressive and well played campaign.
  16. The declaration was meant to go up a while before pulling the flag but the person putting it up had a new account and needed moderator approval, we only realised after buying the flag; sorry for that. This post is primarily meant to clear up any doubt that may exist after the expiry of 3 admirals treaty as well as an attempt to promote a frank but civil tone in our diplomatic dealings.
  17. Spain, acting as ally to France and friend of Denmark-Norway and Sweden, feels obliged to declare openly and plainly her intention to wage war against the United Provinces and Great Britain as far as our ability allows. We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Dutch and British Diplomats in the creation and maintenance of the Three Admirals Treaty and also appreciate their efforts, made as late as today, to try and create a new treaty. You've been open and fair with us and we want to be open with you in our dealings in the future.
  18. Sigh, if we could take off our roleplay pantaloons for a second. Of course Spain complained and the British listened not because they're gentlemen but because having watched the player populations of France and Denmark plummet they didn't want that to happen to Spain. Why? because winning isn't coloured dots, it's fun, engaging battles with a competent enemy and at the moment the British have boxed in their RvR by being allied to over 3/4s of the map. Now the previous British declaration about Cuba is good for Spain sure (and much appreciated) but it's just as good for the British and the game overall, as would be the unsigned treaty. Now I don't want to sit here and whine about being ganged up on being treated unfairly what I want is: Firstly, to clarify whether the Brits (and possibly the Dutch) will try and conquer Cuba or whether they would simply be screening/PVEing to help the USA (I think it's the latter) Secondly, to point out that as long as there's a grand alliance and as long as France, the Pirates and Denmark hibernate Spain is needed, yes NEEDED in RvR; unless you want to spend your time on bottle fetch quests or fighting empty PBs. Let's, if only for a moment, remember we're not actually the Duke of such and such representing the imperial Crown of whatever. We're a bunch of fellas on our computers playing a game which requires a whole lot of other fellas playing to be fun. Speaking of fun, it might be for the best if the British come up and help the yanks because if Cayo de Sal is anything to go by we won't see an enemy ship otherwise.....
  19. The temporary treaty is currently not signed while the Dutch council figures itself out a bit. I wouldn't mind if Gooneybird confirms whether this overrides the pre-treaty-negotiations declaration by the British regarding Cuba. Apart from that, I'm just going to leave this rather hastily done map of what Spain thinks the current political situation is (which could accurately be summarized with one rude word ) and wonder aloud: Where is your fun going to come from?
  20. Senhor Lenhador

    My Images

  21. Well might as well try and set the record straight, at least in so far as it pertains to the Spanish perspective. Whether Spain is defeated or not is a moot point because "winning" in this game is having fun not coloured dots on a map. You can have all the coloured dots you want and you'll still have lost if you're bored stiff with no proper enemy to fight and nothing to do apart from collect bottles and do missions. I'm pretty sure that the British and elements of the Dutch Council get this. The declaration a week ago by the British that they wouldn't try and go beyond south Cuba and the Caymans and the fact people like Pellasgos used that as a jumping off point and made a deal that has been agreed to by the British, the Spanish and by at least part of the Dutch faction should be seen as good for the game, even if you dislike certain parts of the accord and even if it doesn't go ahead. It's a step int he right direction while we wait for the next patch. In regards to Americans, it makes no sense for them to be in this accord. They're not really part of the Caymans/Cuba war; they have no ports in the areas discussed, there was no significant screening of ports in the area by Americans and in general they've been conspicuous only by their absence. The valiant conquest of the not so terribly well defended coasts of Florida is a topic for separate discussions between Spain and the USA. The American's want to negotiate and we're more than willing but we just to make sure they don't try and hold the accomplishments of other factions over us. On a slightly different note, Lobogris: you're a good player and a valued member of our faction but this isn't the place for any issues you may have with inter-faction decision making. Instead take it to the national chat, the Spanish section of the forum or the Spanish TS because. It's a very poor look when allies and teammates publicly squabble.
  22. Righto, well then that's a case of crossed wires and as Deltonos said, our bad If it's a real problem for you or anyone else I imagine Deltonos will take it down if you ask him, if he hasn't already. In any future discussions (if and when our rather robust internal processes allow them to occur) maybe we'll look of some other form of publicly available minuting because we're as much sick and tired of the "he said, she said" that accompanies inter-nation dealings in this game as anyone. Y Deltonos para que lo sabes, ya hace mas de un siglo que mi familia no tiene acento Britanico. Australiano y orgulloso de serlo!!!!!
  23. Let's keep our hair on. Everyone in the TS was aware of the recording and consented to it, as is borne out in the recording itself, with the strong implication being it would be published. I'm also not a lawyer (they're a bit thin on the ground apparently) but unless there's been an issue been raised by anyone else who was recorded I think this is pretty harmless. For my part If you want to suffer my stuttering voice for 50ish minutes then go nuts
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