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Everything posted by EricKilla

  1. We do not "hide" behind timers. We merely set them for the times we are on and able to muster a defense. You are guilty of the same.I challenge you to try and take "port after port". If we can get up to attack your ports, you can stay up to attack ours. I also extend the challenge to Lord Vicious. If you can beat your clan's inactivity, then come at us.
  2. Oh please. If that's your stance, then hurry up and kill them.
  3. I dunno, the latter could be funnier, slapstick and all.
  4. Well you could have an ally who would be willing to help you take back the North side of Hispanola and the rest of Cuba, should you opt into friendship.
  5. For starters, I am an American and there isn't much latency on PVP1. Second, the Admins have been talking about it for a while.
  6. If he's really over two hundred years old, then he is the spawn of Satan himself.
  7. We have offered to give you the entirety of the Western Gulf of Mexico including Texas and the Western half of Louisiana. We will take it back, but we have to get through you first. We don't want the damn land, and I'd rather have someone I can trust owning it than the pirates.
  8. I merely ask for what is mine friend. If Britain were to take all of the south of Cuba, and then gave it to us, would you be angry? Would you say, "Hey, America, that's ours, give it back!" But hey, we didn't take it from you, we took it from Britain, so you have no right to attack us, y'know?
  9. Reward: 150,000 Your IGN: [WBK] EricKilla Bounty's Nation: USA Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN: [TOTC] CptBlackthorne Last Known Port: Dunno Reason: Because he won't shut up.
  10. That said, we must clear up our territorial disputes before such a thing can be possible. I am willing to extend an olive branch of peace, but I am not afraid to wield the arrows of war.
  11. It means that we were willing to be your friends and allies.
  12. Spain doesn't have to though. That's what gets me.
  13. Stop it! You'll make me wake the neighbors! You cite events that happened over four months ago as if they are recent history. You dare to accuse our recapture of rightful American ports as "illegal acts of war," failing to remember that the only reason we had those ports in the first place was a Spanish-American territorial agreement that the Spanish Council violated by siding with the pirates. In the past four months, we have actually tried to help Spain. We have tried our damndest with the Brits to negotiate an end to your war. We have offered you land freely that we could have kept (see Yucatan, Pre-SORRY invasion). We have kept to our agreements, and we have been kind and fair to you. Our alliance with the Brits is solely against the pirates, though it would appear that, due to failure to honor agreements, and hell even give us notice that you were breaking the agreement in the first place, that alliance has expanded to cover the Spanish. You back-stabbed us, betrayed us, took our land, and then have the gall to call us traitors and backstabbers. You say we adhere only to a policy of "Manifest Destiny" when my clan as a whole has nearly a hundred ships and a massive amount of resource buildings frozen in limbo in outposts on the West Coast of Florida. Retaking them is not "manifest destiny", it is reclaiming what we need to survive! Your pirate allies are all but inactive; the largest headcount in the SORRY teamspeak this week was 12 players. 12 players! AUSFC is being pushed back, hard, in the south, and, as you take one port a day from the British, they are rapidly reclaiming their empire. When the Brits have pushed back to the Yucatan, and they shift their focus to you, what will you do? The United States will launch attacks against you. When we inevitably take ports, and your pirate allies fail to show because they are beaten back and inactive, what will you do? This does not even take account the pirate infighting that has begun. Several pirate clans, including the FORGE, now ANVIL, have declared war on SORRY and AUSFC. In the interest of game stability, and to ensure that the United States still has players when this diplomacy patch rolls around, it may very well be necessary to push you back to Cuba, even if as a temporary measure to show you that we are not to be trifled with. You have awoken the sleeping giant of the United States. Are you prepared to deal with it?
  14. Nonsense, just you blaming my success on a bug. I'm not sure what the bug was. It surprised me too. I find it amusing that they were "annoyed" by my talk given some of the messages I was sent after the battle. As with any hackusation, I am honored that you would imply that myself, or any of my faction mates, hacked the game. Your faction is in a very good place, diplomatically. You have a lot of chips; it would be wise to cash them in now, rather than risk losing them. As for the performance in the port battle itself: I have had the pleasure of being in the majority of the port battles conducted by the SORRY clan against America in the last few months. I've gotten a feel for how they roll and move. With an equal sized force as yours, they would have finished the battle in the time that we were in the battle. You all went to one tower, and in 15 minutes you still hadn't taken down a single tower with a force of 15 SoLs versus 1 gray teak Constitution. Perhaps the PB ended due to a lack of damage done. Maybe it thought that the battle was empty.
  15. Resulting to ad hominems now? You are the very definition of wit.
  16. I diplo-defended the port battle. 1v15, I was in a connie, them in SoLs and I talked them out of the PB.
  17. Forum Gods forgive me for double posting. I was absolutely astonished about what happened at Cayo Biscayno. Perhaps there really is a chance for us to be friends. Diplomats of Spain, you are welcome in my TeamSpeak: ts10.gameservers.com:9176. Let us work together for the betterment of both of our nations. ¡Todo Por La Patria! E pluribus unum! May there be a new age of friendship between us!
  18. At least it is better than your pirate friends at New Edinburgh.
  19. When I saw "In game map tolls" I was afraid you were going to suggest they charge us money for opening the map. I vehemently disagree with the idea of giving people an easy mode map. We all learned how to do it; so can they. There are third party maps and tools that help you plot a course. Frankly if you're an adult and you can't read a map, you've got bigger problems.
  20. I love how a random comparison I used has devolved into this. Back to the topic at hand: I offered my TeamSpeak to Frog in a private message here on the forums. I've welcomed him to my Clan Teamspeak for diplomacy. He has not shown up once. He asks to speak with us in TS and then doesn't even have the common courtesy to show up, after I spend a good chunk of my time reworking my server and setting up new perms, channels, and server groups to facilitate diplomacy whilst not opening up my Teamspeak to spies. Please forgive me if I'm a little miffed. If Frog missed the PM: Look dude you gotta keep an eye on that stuff. It sends you an email saying "EricKilla has opened a conversation with you" and everything. If you want to be a diplomat for Spain you really need to keep an open eye for all the forms of communication. I can't bother tracking you down in game and playing message tag with you, and I lack your TS information.
  21. All I see here is a failure to keep up with the mechanics of the game. 1, 2, and 3: You have 30 seconds before they can tag you. Plan accordingly. If you are entering a port, run for the port. If you just exited the port, and get tagged, run into the port. If you're in a PB, if you cap the port successfully, you will be able to join the port and you will be right next to it. Also, you will have all the other people from the PB. If you lose the PB... well you're screwed either way, and that's completely fair if you ask me. Best option in that case is just stay in the PB and do as much damage as you can before leaving. 4: You must keep aware of your surroundings at all times. A ship does not magically appear like that, with the one notable exception of someone who has logged off in OW. But even then, you have 30 seconds where they cannot attack you. 5: Battles close after 2 minutes. If this is a problem you encounter constantly, then you should coordinate your efforts with your friends. Wait in port and leave as a group. Gankers have a hard time ganking an equal force. The battles close for two reasons: To help people who have set up an equal battle, so that the battle may not become ridiculously stacked in one direction after a short period of time. It would not be fair to gankers if all of a sudden ten minutes into the battle, poof here comes a massive fleet. Likewise it would not be fair to defenders who have evened out the battle and are fighting back, to have a new gank fleet pop in all of a sudden. This also prevents Port-Ganking. Port-Ganking is where one ship sits outside port and either tries to goad someone to attack him, or attacks someone themselves. Then their friends all pop out of the port and wreck your day. God no. I get it, it sucks that you get picked off and killed, but something like this would completely kill PvP. We do have a PvE server where you cannot be attacked by other players. If you're having such a problem with PvP, you may want to consider switching to that server.
  22. The hard part about comparing ships full of hundreds of crew and small animals is that they are not one in the same. It would not make sense for a mouse to give up against a cat, because a mouse is a small animal who is trying desperately to survive. The mouse would die, and cease to exist. In contrast, a ship is an entity made of wood and metal. It is a tool crewed by living beings, not a living being itself. This crew can go overboard in boats and as individuals, if need be. The ship itself does not fight for survival; if it sinks it will not lose consciousness and feeling, it will not lose it's soul, because it truly has none. We assign them as people, just as we assign other sentimentalites. Surrendering one's ships to the dark depths through means of explosion or scuttling is not suicide. It is merely the destruction of a tool, and that destruction is often used to further someone's aims, whether that is denying the enemy team their ship, or using their ship to destroy several others. I think, in the context of war, this is perfectly acceptable.
  23. Fireships and scuttling ships are valid tactics in war. I see no reason to disable them.
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