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Everything posted by Twig

  1. What you seem to not realise is, that that is the reason why there is always a preround bevore the main tournament starts. Further I'm not crying, I just dont understand why they now make the reward higher than announced! Especially when the "only" chance is deactivated for a long time - Is this arranged to favour some players? Cause it looks like it is! Sure, there was plenty of time and I dont disagree here. But Hethwill it seems like you dont know that many teams did not participate cause they knew that they would not be able to get into the tournament even if some drop out. There were 7 teams on the waiting list. I decided not to participate because I expected that we have to do one match on a set time - and I knew that I can not be there any week. That we can fight at any time we would decide was announced later on when a lot of teams already subscribed. And this was what draged out the tournament. - So its not about "I wanted to participade, but..." No this is about changing what was announced again and again - So, if you announce something and than stay at it the full time! I know with updates this is pretty heavy and I dont espect them than, but this is not an update! Again no! Please read, this is only about: "Give them not to mutch and stay to the announced amount" They can have one ship or two - Thats okay, they earned it - But not more!
  2. So if we follow the explanation - where is the tournament for the PVE Server? The so called (and named) special event was supposed to be the only one as far as I can read from the announcement. Correct me if I'm wrong but shoudn't this be than the same for all servers? I have never understood the sense of the tournament anyway. But this gives the "fun" element to much power. To point 1) : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15474-tournament-sign-up/?p=297357 32 Teams only cause it was easier -> (32x3 = 96) So 96 player from 10k players were involved. So everyone had a chance when only 32 teams were permitted?
  3. 1) I woundt say anything if every player could participate - that was not given cause the tournament was limited to those which saw it early. So NO not everyone! 2) This tournament was planed by players not by the devs. They only said they would support it. Those ships were a special but the BP's wasnt included. 3) The special event is a special event - a tournament is a tournament and thus no special event. 4) This is also about capriciousness. Something I dont like at any point, not in politics, not in normal behavior and not in a game where we all try to make it better. @Bungee this has nothing to do with my sportsmanship!
  4. Edit: as said by the mod olavdeng2 this is not part of the thread where the winners were declared. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16889-winners-of-the-naval-action-3v3-tournament/?p=323400
  5. Because it wasn't liked in the "tournament winning" declaration. Here what has been deleted by the mods cause they dont like it when someone notice them changing their announcements / promises. This is not about that I dont think they would deserve it - It is about beeing fair and staying to their word! If I have to speak it out, then I will cause this shoud not be a "dictatorship of the proletariat" ***************************************************** I dont get it!!! Iit was announced that they only get one ship and not the BP's for those! Seems pretty unfair to change that right now for a player made tournament epecially when we think about that the special event is disenabled for a long time = Thus no one else can get them right now. "The stakes are high, with awards aplenty to the victors. Rewards are as follows: A total of 13.7 million pieces of eight to be divided between those squadrons which place first, second, and third in the honorable fray. Four Bucentaure-class ships to be likewise divided. Perhaps most sought of all, a L’Ocean-class ship for first place, an Aggememnon-class ship for second place, and a Heavy Rattlesnake-class sloop-of-war for third place teams..." http://forum.game-la...ament/?p=296663 This is insane! Please stay at what you announced! Those BP's were ment to only drop at the Event (Special Drop) - Not as a reward! "... To celebrate the increase in the steam ratings 4 ships will be added to the game as event ships. Rattlesnake Heavy – event blueprint L Ocean – event blueprint Agamemnon – event blueprint Gunboat – redeemable for existing users and event blueprint. Redeemable will be given out by end of the week. Event ships are available from special events only – that will be available for for all users on PvP and PvE servers...." http://forum.game-la...tures/?p=297938 ***************************************************
  6. Ging auch eher darum was Apo geschrieben hat. 3-5 im Schichtbetrieb nenne ich keine Flotte es sei denn es wird immer auch mit anderen aufgefüllt und dann ist das nicht den Kurländern alleine zuzuschreiben. Also keine "Spezialflotte". Ja ich reibe mich an dem Begriff! Aber gut davon - Apo wir klären das im TS, das arme Forum muss nicht den Ausflug mitmachen
  7. Entspann dich - Es wurde mit den jetzigen Einstellungen Ausprobiert und wird nun mit dem kommenden Patch sehr wahrscheinlich behoben / angepasst.
  8. Die Schweden kannst du da getrost raus rechnen... Ich war auch schon des öfteren bei Euch und Ihr habt mehr Ruhe als wir! Und das obwohl momentan sogar es eher "ruhig" ist. Bei den Piraten ist vor Mortimer auch immer was los. Ich weiß aber auch das es bei den Dänen und Franzosen um die Hauptstadt herum echt ruhig ist. Spanier kann ich nicht bezeugen. Dutch genauso, Ammis haben immer Ihre ruhe. @ Apo - Meistens sind aber nur 3-5 Kurländer abends online (Oder irre ich? Sehe nie mehr mit =K= bei euch im Channel)
  9. Das hier ist keine Tauschbörse - Wir haben bereits versucht so etwas aufzumachen, aber es gehört hier nicht hin!
  10. Wahres Wort zum Ende! - Apo euch als "Spezialflotte" zu bezeichnen ist, naja, anmaßend... Soweit ich das mitbekommen habe, haben sich die Schweden zusammen immer auf die Verteidigung konzentiert. Zudem es laut deinem Prinzip ja mehrere "Spezialflotten" gibt. BSPW: Allender (richtig geschrieben?). Ich glaube du kannst euch eher als aktive Spielgruppe innerhalb eines Clans deklarieren als mit so hochgegriffenen Begriffen Ansonsten hast du in allen Punkten recht! Die Briten (und evt die Amis) sind die Nationen die sich den Luxus des ungestörten Spielens leisten können. Gut evt nicht vor der Hauptstadt aber bspw. um Nouvele-Orleans ist es extrem ruhig. Den Luxus haben wir nicht! Übrigens: auch die Franzosen haben das 1 Port leben erlebt. @ Sinu, das ist aber nicht nur bei den Briten so - Ich glaube hier gleichen sich beide Seiten aus. Eventuell ist dass das Problem einer zu großen Nation - Das sich keiner mehr um andere schert! Denn klein sein schweißt zusammen - Größe trennt! @ Hagen, du kannst leider die Dänischen Hoheitsgewässer nicht mit den Schwedischen Vergleichen. Die direkte Nähe von zwei!!! Freihäfen macht das wesentlich einfacher für Piraten und Freibeuter. Es war schon immer so, das in den Schwedischen Heimatsgewässern extrem viele Piraten und co unterwegs waren. Um ehrlich zu sein, wenn ich Urlaub davon machen wollte, bin ich bei euch rumgeschippert!
  11. Haven't any good pirate yet. Only Hethwil but I count that more to his cheesy (Dutch) time - And thank god, he is a viking now ^^
  12. Most of the new players didn't dare to ask. I can just say to them: Ask what you have to ask, we all know that to get into this game without advice is extremely hard and frustratig. We all know that there is no manual or tutorial included in this game which makes it verry hard to understand. Thus just ask, I know that the most players will help you! If you are playing for sweden just pm me - well you can pm me even if you arent sweden ^^
  13. Naja, aber die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist mega gering - evt. hattet ihr einfach nur Glück!
  14. 1) Leveling is far too easy. The patch where the exp difference between the levels was drasticaly lowered really destroyed something of this game. Most player in the max level cant even sail them properly. Even more, the challange to get to the next level and to achieve something was totaly destroyed. Hate that! It killed the fun factor! And for them which had to go through the full amount of level earlier, that was not fair! (weeks of grinding gone). Actualy I think that this was the point were the game got boring! 2) Outposts! We've got only 8 and I can not understand why. Ive tried to have an outpost at any corner of the map but thats just not possible. We need more of them! 10 or even more should be fine. I dont care if they cost more gold (Hell, I'd would even buy another one for 5 mio and the next for 10 mio) 3) Clanwarehouse - It needs a change. The bar is not proper for any object within it. It is a hell to withdraw gold cause you always have to take the bar and will not be able to find the amount you need to withdraw. 4) Offizier - I belive you've already announced it, but we need a second offizier sothat you can just switch instead of skilling again. 5) Update - Yeah I know, we should be happy when the update comes but it was asked what kills fun! And to wait for an update to happen any time for more than a month is frustrating. This pretty much killed a lot of fun I had in the game. I do not dare to switch my outposts, only in free towns. I do not dare to grab my ressources from the only national port I've kept to collect them there cause they all might be deleted. 6) Ports - We need more unique ports. The all look like the same right now. 7) Interface - This grew shit sucks!
  15. Do you want to make the game even more easy? Or switch into a game where you dont need to collect something? Isn't this the fun? The non craftable upgrades are fine as they are! I DONT GET IT !
  16. Can we also get finally a dragonboat for us vikings? Just kiddin ~ Actualy I would like to see a new / bigger trader ship for the upcoming patch. I think that in the new tradesystem with the new trademissions a bigger is definitively needed.
  17. What a joke, especally the britts shoudnt be - cause youve got at least one of any kind meanwhile we (the swedes) only got gunboat bp.
  18. I would like to refer to the titel - the question is still on!
  19. Bist halt ein "Traditionssegler" ;D Zurück zum Thema: Ich bin mir immer noch nicht sicher ob dann diese "Neutralen" Städte auch hier schon in Natives umgenannt werden. Ich hoffe doch sehr - Sollte ja nicht sehr schwer sein dies zu Bewerkstelligen. @Sinkingnoob nein die Nationenspezifischen Firstrates wurden noch nicht angesprochen. Ich bin ein bisschen Enttäuscht das die Forts noch nicht im PB integriert sind, aber ich kann verstehen das dies echt eine Heidenarbeit ist. Nur bin ich sehr neugierig wie sich diese "Küstenbatterie" etablieren wird. Auch bin ich gespannt wie es um die Gebiete die den Schiffsbau verbessern gestellt ist. Das Vic. Gebiet wird wohl sehr hart umkämpft werden Anstelle neuer 1-Rates würde ich gerne eher die angekündigten Handelsschiffe sehen. Gerade jetzt wo das Handelssystem umgeändert wird und neuer Güter eingeführt werden. Die Indiaman ist zu klein. Gut, im Vergleich zu der Zeit davor ist Sie Groß, aber dennoch wird nun der Handel wohl hoffentlich so stark steigen das größere Handelsschiffe unabdingbar werden. (Dann kann man endlich große Konvois fahren) BTW: Weiß jemand von Euch ob oder wann das Interface im Hafen überarbeitet wird? Immer graue brühe, ist eintönig
  20. Its a Frigate not a 3rd... This is totaly different! Does this mean that we can expect the patch within the next days?
  21. I like the idea to give regions crafting advantages for a special kind of ship. I additionaly like the idea to "force" people to build their ships in "not safe" szones when they want those. BUT here I just see nothing regarded to the clan warehouse - Do you keep on this bank transfere kind? THIS HAS TO CHANGE!!! I also see the "special" events listed anywere - Are they gone now or will they come back? The question I also see here is: Will there be any "landlord" like announced before? Everything else seems pretty nice - Cant wait to see this! Is the Indefatigable the line-ship or the rebuild frigate?
  22. I can tell you what it was in my clan regarding LH: We collected the LH but not forced. Why did we do that? First: The goods used to craft the materials came from the Clanwarehouse. So the player were able to raise his crafting level without spending money. Yes you were able to trade those but we asked them to please try to keep them inside the clan. Money is nothing and LH are needed at any time. Secondly: Cause we were able to not "buy" those LH we were able to offer small prices for almost any ship. There was no fee for the ship only the "producing" goods prices. We organised the whole clan so that we had every ressource at the amount we needed to build ships. Thus those players got only a bit money as compensation for their LH / Ressources. But: These things made it possible to build ships extremely fast and cheap. The producing costs in the clan were only 100k for a Victory. The money for the ship went into the clan warehouse. Also we were able to craft the needed upgrades directly cause we worked hand to hand. So every member was able to order his ship and as soon as it was build he paid the small amount to get his hands on it. (Yeah we also made exeptions for those which needed their ship faster but it was fine the way it was). This was way better as any other system ive seen in this game at that point. Edit: The more I read, the less I understand what you are talking about. 1) Why can no one else try? 2) You can also get those event ships - Last event I visited I was alone there but I was able to "sneak" one chest. 3) The diplomancy was in the hands of clans even before (Council) but now you can directly take part in it by vote. Sure, the council talks about it and mostly decides those even before you have to vote but now your vote counts! Not clan power, this is power for the player directly. 4) for 10% players and 90% loss? Most players are in clan so even if you talk about it, this should be directly the other way around so: 90% for the mayority 10% for the solo players. 5) Even if you got one terrible clan, that doesnt have to mean that every clan has the same conditions. To play not in a Clan is your decision but dont blame the others which decided otherwise! Are you trying to troll around?
  23. Das kannst du aber immer noch - Gut, kostet die Crew ein wenig mehr aber wenn du mit nem Kaperschiff reingehst (+doc) kostet dich das wenn du gut bist max. 10k auf die 200k....
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