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Everything posted by Axel

  1. War with Denmark has been concluded with a peace deal. Bork Bork Bork
  2. St Johns PB Outcome: French take the port Report: With no resistance showing from the Danish navy the French fleet was left only to be engaged by the tower defenses of the port.A few brave souls of the French Navy sailed in between all the forts straight into the harbor and capturing the port for the French.
  3. Not that its worth anything but here our recent PBs that ive been able to make it to.
  4. Id say in about 6-7 more days everything down here will be over
  5. Just let everyone know when the Spanish and French can come and take it back
  6. I would like to say that Solas represents himself here and not France or BORK. He has taken it upon himself to do this with no backing anyone other than himself.
  7. I have also been repeatedly told that your screenshot is from 4 days ago which had apparently already been talked over with you. As you see above chailang said today that the person was not in a clan.
  8. Can we trade getting a Santa Cecilia for knowledge on what the pray button does?
  9. Hello fellow humans, I have been wondering something about the civil war for quite sometime. Who started the Russian Civil War? What were the major battles in it? What type of warfare was used in the war (Guerrilla or Traditional)? Does anyone know some interesting books on the subject? Thank You in Advance, Axel
  10. Not too keen on white but it is definitely not bad ill just have to get used to a white ship. Cant wait to sail around a Swedish ship. Bork Bork Bork!!!
  11. this is why PvP2 sucks ass for hunting you have to go out in a speed built buc to catch anyone
  12. How would the original idea not change a thing? All you mentioned here was the population part which I too said the same thing.
  13. This could work but it could also have the same affect when seeing US: High Population GB: Very High Population Sweden: Very Low Population. However if they maybe add in the map before you choose a nation like Aventador said so you dont choose Spain when it has no ports because the nation has no players. Im not sure what the best way to do it is but maybe adding the map, putting hints in the description like "Sweden has many enemies around her", and possibly a disclaimer that descriptions are based on starting positions on a clean map and nations will change as the players start to play.
  14. Looking at how the main nations people choose in the game seem to be the United States and Great Britain (with Pirates coming next probably) people have been looking for a way to encourage people to play the "smaller nations" such as Sweden. While I believe we still should keep thinking of ways for people to be encouraged to choose the smaller nations I think there is one simple thing that could be done as a start. When I first joined the game I looked at all the nation descriptions to see which I liked the best. I of course saw the US was labeled as Easy and when I was just starting I didn't want to learn this new game by being thrown into the deep end so I joined the US. After about 2 weeks I felt I had learned enough to go to a harder nation and went with Sweden. I expected some sort of difficulty change but I found none. The only difficulty we had was a smaller population. I feel this part of the description is misleading and should be changed. While not top priority it seems like an easy fix and could be a good step towards keeping nations somewhat balanced. I will also attach the current nation descriptions for the US and Sweden and a possible idea for how to change them.
  15. When you dont even get the Swedish numbers on the list :'(
  16. Dont worry there should be a healthy number of Swedes in the OW soon on the Global server
  17. 1. Can you give us more information on the new crafting system? ie What resources will be needed, how much of the resources, what the new refits require etc 2. When will the test bed be updated with new patch stuff? 3. Can you explain in more detail the new module system? Will it be like getting officer perks or do you pay xp to get them and then have to get more if you wanted a different one? 4. Is smuggler flag getting taken away or is it staying but going back to you can attack all smugglers but itll be a FFA battle?
  18. What a question. I will try to answer this but only a true member of BORK will be able to know what it truly means. In the simplest sense of it BORK is the 3th Swedish Flotilla. BORK came from the early days of the steam release on PvP2 in Sweden. We started joking around saying Bork Bork Bork! in chat when we would pull flags and it caught on as our battle cry. We then were forced to make a new clan as the leaders of our old one had stopped playing. We named it after our battle cry. BORK then went on to fight many enemies of larger sizes and held their own against them having a fun time and having a member count of about 60 at our largest. Then as the game slowly lost players some going to PvP1 some quitting altogether BORK also fell apart. With only a small number of the "original swedes" who had been feared on the seas by many BORK has become more of a legend of PvP2 that only the players who played back in January-March of 2016 truly know. BORK has since reformed on a few occasions with new patches but not many players have seemed to want to come back to the game yet. Us few who have come back every single time have made our stance clear. BORK stands for small nations being treated fairly by devs and players, PvP and lots of it even against the odds, and having fun in a video game. Praise be to the Swedish Chef and let him lend us his strength in our endeavors! Bork Bork Bork !!!
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