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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. i agree we can look at this subject also in a other way >> we actually need more nations: it probably will reduce the "big" nations>> to acceptable proportions as well. we can start to introduce with >> canada and china..japan i would encourage this idea.
  2. here you go.. if they did not /could not sink it by cannon fire they just sabotage it by explosives... a ship has a soul .. i call it murder.. the people who are watching ,must have second thoughts about this...and call it a execution disgusting rulers i say... so a good idea to restore the ship for active duty...
  3. forged papers is trash in the first place .. and actually i do not want anything to do with it.., even in another concept. i would rather go for a reduce on the impact of forged papers . also it increases grind ,and i don't really like that either in such a massive way... i would rather go for a building up increase method.... instead of a start over... for introducing this ..it will probably result in to early guiting of rvr and the entire game in the medium turn activity. wipe out concepts are not the way to go
  4. oke go away ....and i marry your girlfriend /wife .(just kidding) i just don't like nation shifters they have a agenda i don't want.(and disrupt balance in many ways) you choose to become a admiral of a nation (old nation) you choose to become a other identity in a new nation but you start at the bottom and earn you position in the/your new nation for starters everybody starts at the bottom even i did and everybody else. for new nation starters you start as a new captain (i can agree with that), in a for you new clan or nation, i think with your experience it is the best option. (balance wise) its a harsh world in an immigrated country even for wannabes admirals but the pigeons must fly in the mouth of the braggers and have everything for free .... buy a lottery ticket and win the power at your feet in a second. @admin
  5. it is actually very simple downgrading in rank is the best option. it cannot be the case that a captain in the clan is passed by an admiral who is / will be in your clan after 1 day and will be forced into a large portbattle. at the expense of a lieutenant who is busy months up in rank in the same clan. and has to check to participate after a long time. it's not fair and actually very strange that this is possible its basic implementation of a non existing issue where they did not think about. in the first place resulting in easy access to other nations without any thoughts about balance in a nation vs numbers vs players. make a shift of nation and telling the king, he is the emperor now...
  6. elements and supporters of the option> delete port bonus as a solution. are people who have a different agenda than what they are actually fighting for, they see the benefit but the solution is a side issue. false champions for their own abominable gain. the destruction for their own gain at the expense of others. maybe these evil elements should actually be removed. pief paf poof maniacs without brain cells chain them
  7. development can also increase the port points x2 problem solved. what i see most is the delete word instead of the word increase throwing up restrictions yourself is a bump in the hand of development throwing in your own glasses is also a referring word. impose restrictions on yourself bears witness to a slavish character instead of a free trader (quote of the day) water travel starts with trade protecting them starts with armed ships what came first the chicken or the egg (second quote in one day ) shouting about topics done by short-sightedness are words in the darkness. the thinkers think their words, and are not seen in the light of the chaotic world. (thirt quote) third quote in one day i am on a role here! or not I think .... and I don't think so! lol
  8. this forum is starting to lose its homogeneous coverage to games that don't even exist or are under development and then there is the release, the version of naval action it all starts to become a bit unclear what you look at or read about. I think it would be better to split the forum into parts for which the game is going to apply or applies to I would not like to see posts that apply to games that I don't have, but that are offered to me in the main lines without knowing what the game is about.
  9. but than certain nations would not exist in the first place. perhaps we need all the nations of the world from that era to exist in the game. even the shineese, even a sanpan.... in this game....
  10. hi your game experience is in this, and many game cases.... limited by your graphic card..( new present-day games require computing power ) a good option would be to buy a new apple or gaming pc .(or if possible to build in a new graphic card in a apple [not sure if that is possible in your case] ) with a good graphic card on board or a single stand alone card . for games >> your graphical card is the most import= piece of equipment >> to play games . welcome yourself to the more demanding and more expanding/extending gaming world ..
  11. all good ideas in someway or another . BUT The big problem is : devs do not listen to the european forum posts for implementation of features ( but only ideas and only solutions to existing problems ) ask yourself why is there no trade? and it/that will count for many ideas...it's a rollercoaster . the first thing what we as a community need is a grip on q and a for this game. but that will only provided by development ,and only... if they want to do so. but that is not what i see often, the only thing i see is a blackout (what will take about 2 months ( ) / we still have 3 weeks to go ) until then it's just a speculation on what will happen... the only thing i seek is expansion, but we just don't know the solution.
  12. did you check to have your ship selected as main? otherwise it will jump back and will not select it
  13. or release loot with the right mouse button when you sunk a vessel and rewarded for that as you got the kill... (just like it is when you boarded a vessel and it was attached to your ship ) (but only in pve battles) (pvp >> free for all)
  14. just a message for all foreign powers that have an opinion about this when these crimes take serious forms, the dutch admiralty will consider appropriate measures at a higher level and will appeal to the clans. and appropriate measures will be taken. crimes against the nation will be punished. even if the gods think otherwise. One for all, all for one our norms and values are dear to us we do not live in a republic of bananas
  15. let me say something to you .... you are absolutely right. i am irrelevant let's keep it that way....otherwise i got banned! i gave you a like: i love you too. :)) i am the biggest noob and always sink. never done port battles . to crowded for me, and rvr is not my stuff ! ,..never been in big battles and mostly run away from enemies from witch i don't no know the name off. i am a trader. and as you can see innocent. ps: and about my clan and the many captain who sailed under it: fo ... if sashes are hung on the flagpole, beautiful sea battles would hang on it. for which you would bow as a greeting.
  16. the only fact i can agree upon is the "botched release" I don't think it is because it has anything to do with the bonus shipyard..there is always a workaround for that issue , or people don't use their brain. - if parameters would have changed (friend list) it would not have been a problem. that's a fact . in this game ports are clan owned and clans do have a saying in their own port , but are you a supporter of that port . if not >> don't whine about it.. if you are a supporter of that particular port and have no access to a port bonus >> whine to development to increase the port friendlist. it has nothing to do with people playing the game - for starters > it is also how the game is build .(TOOLS) this game is too basic for this issue . that's the fact. you can build a house : with only a piece of wooden lumb in 3 years with only a iron hammer in 2 years with only a electrical hammer in 1 year with only prefabricated click part system in 14 days but what do you prefer.... the only thing this game needs is TRADE (the first thing games are build from.. [ building block ] ) if it does not have a solid trade system it does not generate pvp everything else is artificial... and a fake experience, and a licorice holder .
  17. if you look at the game it all comes down to : (in a nutshell )Restrictions . .why a 25 Point port instead of a 50 point / a 55 point port instead of a 110 point .(landmass based ) .why a 2 minutes timer and a free timer for the weaker side .why is there no proper trading system like in eve (we have the example we all want ) .why a 20.000 br battle when having no captains to fill it . why not a land mass based (island) port battle rating like 850 br or 3500br or 8840br .why do we have only 10 slots for selling in a contract and you need to sell a full warehouse of stuff.(and make the best of you only port you posses) .why can we have only 15 on the friend list and there are 30 more clans with a request for joining. .why are some products a drop .(copper) and having a iron ore mine in a port as a mine the same goes for tar and many more stuff .why only 9 ports to own and 20 ships (ask any Spaniard if he has seen the inlet port or barcelona nuevo [territorial wise restricted vs mapsize reach]) .why is it 24 hours, and not maintanance to get a new dlc paint. (do i play from 9 to 10 only?) .Why do we have russian ship in the caribbean whos never been there , and a ship in the game in the caribbean ,who sunk in port. .why are there no original dutch ships in the game crafted at willemstad. .why are perks restricted to four ships in fleet and no further more perks for the captain like if he became stupid suddenly.(so why are fleet restricted to the perk system) just some of the long list of examples, because i can go forever there are no restrictions for that list . you know everything is explainable, but also a restriction to your game play style....Why ...? but when you start to combat symptoms, you usually end up with the same complaint that you tried to suppress. also i do not know the reason for those restrictions. it supposed to be a open world( like in eve as an example) where there are no restrictions only the hp sizes of the items and ship vessel. also i see, that we talk a lot about what our imagination brings to the forum, but that is mostly not constructive (when there are so many restrictions), even i see also stuff brought in the game where i wonder where that comes from .(i have a idea but can not prove it i can't read russian) but the bottom line is its all restrictions on restrictions what at some point brings the fun down and playability in the long run. where we all come to a point to move on to a point of no return. mission completed. quote of the day : when you simply play Naval Action you play only on the surface.... when you want to play in depth... you will sink with no survival.
  18. wel increase the number would help a lot at least. besides... who conquered the port? perhaps it can be free to build ships ,but that's not what it is atm perhaps than a option to make building ships a free option ,....is a developer coding process... and a choice from the port holder. if he wants to make the port free for that process.(or not) but that's not what we have ... the closest option is to increase the friend list number.
  19. well smaller clans are way too horny for their control over their own clan warehouse... that won't happen it's roosters behavior. they want to keep it all in their own hands, instead of conquering their own port.and support other clans.
  20. the result will be players losses in the long run like i stated as a result . "it is what it is". recomendable >> NO.! so we players must act against this. and that why we are all here. we have to keep all the players in the game.
  21. the problem i think is the amount of clans on the friends list . there are only 15 clan slots available and way to many groups of players in other small clans .> the friends list it should be doubled to let's say 30. mostly the bigger clans are put in the list . to have at least the majority of players to have access to build bonus ships smaller clans are therefore usually the victims of this phenomenon. it is not the intention of port holders to impose a restriction on smaller clans its the mechanism what gives the port holder a limitation it is the mechanism that performs that restriction .and yes it need s a fix my conclusion is that this game has way to many restrictions (stinginess) in some areas >> what results in >> in player losses in the long run. remember playing naval action has nothing to do with killing players ...it's a wrong thought,. sailing the 7 seas has all to do with protecting your vessel and protecting trade routes and ports,(that counts even today) if you want pief paf poef go play world of warships. even the expression killing a ship is a child's expression. it's sinking a ship ... losing your load and breaking down your power. and start again. to rebuild your empire. and become the best in it.
  22. agreed i believe the initial picture (what you propose will do fine ) will do fine my picture will give only a little insight in this difficult matter..
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