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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Duels are 1v1 vs another player of the same ship. I haven't been able to find a duel yet and so do not know about dur loss.
  2. I like using ctrl L to see how many of my last shots hit & how many missed as I am still working on aiming better.
  3. I don't get what you are saying? If someone is afraid of getting attacked on the way to their mission, then do go play on the PVE server.
  4. So if your level mission is too tough do a lower level mission, I love how they added the ability to do lower level missions.
  5. I have had an outpost at Island Harbor . A few days before the patch I was able to find trader brigs to attack. Yesterday, did not find 1 AI trader, only large AI fleets. I'll update this post after today. Although do not go much by my word as I haven't had this outpost for very long.
  6. I also could not find any traders, but yesterday was only the first day of the patch, so give it time.
  7. I'm glad to see it wasn't just me. Sent in a support ticket yesterday bc any chat in ALL did not show up.
  8. Great job devs on the quick fixes.
  9. Ganking makes me think of a bunch of teenage girls that go to the bathroom together bc they cannot do 1 thing on their own.
  10. Just a quick question, does that include attacks on enemies, for example a Spanish attacking a U.S. player who is sailing by the Spanish capital?
  11. As Leviathan posted in another topic Just for further clarification the 'reinforcement' part mentioned in the patch notes is regarding player reinforcement spawn positioning not that NPCs were added again. Thanks for clarifying this.
  12. Pirates should still be able to capture NPC ships. Many have complained 'pirates should not capture ports, pirates should not craft ships'. Removing the ability to capture ships is making pirate ports & crafters a necessity now. I'm all for what others have posted, keep the ability to capture ships up to frigates.
  13. Not a good idea IMO Let's say a player is new, they take out their cutter and try to get a bigger ship. They capture a brig from an NPC but they can't sail it? A crafter wants to get a Mercury blueprint. Now they have to buy Mercuries and break them down to try to get the blueprint?
  14. That does sound interesting but they would have to add the mechanic of being able to enter enemy ports just for these missions, I believe.
  15. Give it some time, you will get lost but then start to find your way around. Stick to one direction until you find a port in the distance. Once a port is found, head to it to find out what port it is, then use the map, m, to figure out which direction you need to go. Also, at night, in a storm or in dense fog, drop sails and wait until you can see more. A basic cutter is a free ship that is fun to get lost in. If you are desperate, tp to your capital or log out & log in again when you can tp.
  16. Back to the question, how does tagging work? I have tried to tag a higher class ship & gotten BR difference too high. Does that not apply when a larger ship tags a smaller one?
  17. No worries, I have the escapometrix bookmarked Just did not have it opened at the time. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=651042782
  18. So today I was sailing my privateer around and got tagged/ganked by a group of 5: 2 connies, 1 trinc, 1 surprise, and 1 frigate I believe. I really don't mind bc I'm learning pvp & running but with that br they should not be able to tag such a small ship as the privateer. I'm curious as to how tagging actually works. Is there even a br percentage cap (i.e. In order to tag, the tag group br cannot be more than 120% greater) or such? If not, there should be to reduce ganking. If there is such a mechanic, it needs fixing.
  19. I thought I already posted but did not see it so this may be a repost. name: Anne Wildcat Potbs server : Antigua Potbs society: League of Blue then Black Sail Pirates Potbs nation: Pirate (Cuthroat) although I did create Spanish & French players to try naval officer & privateer but didn't get far NA IG name: Anne Wildcat, pirate on PvP1 What I like better about NA Ship combat is skill based (no classes, consumables, buffs, debuffs, etc), manual sails, the open world (don't know why but sailing the ow in potbs can seem more of a grind), having a good chance in battles with captured ships (no Hectors needed), Econ, so much easier. What I like better in Potbs Avcom (dueling and boarding combat was fun) Skirmish system was better than small battles here So many missions both avcom & shipcom Epic missions Items (being a little OCDish, I liked collecting even if I didn't use it. Some type of collectible (but not usable, don't go that way please) item here would be cool)
  20. The only advantage to having ship deeds that I see is let's say a crafter wants to sell the ship at distant free ports, they can then sail in their ship with the deed to the free port, put it up for sale, and sail back instead of sailing the ship they want to sell, putting it up for sale, and then buying a cutter to sail back. But then I really don't know how selling ships goes and so may be wrong.
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