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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Sella

  1. Well XP rewards should't be the same as in OW because everybody will start grinding though the duel room. Also custom duel rooms would be nice. Kinda like Warthunder custom battles were you can fight friends were you earn any XP. It could help with ship testing. I'm not sure about ship loss. I think that there should be but i don't know at what level. Maybe something like every 3 deats 1 dura.
  2. Check this thread from the 4th page and on: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6805-pacific-coast-whats-the-plan/page-4 It might help you get some ideas and add to them there since that thread is a bit more compact of ideas I hope that you don't too much distracted from your tractor driving
  3. Players are expected to come and go especially at this stage of the game. Also with the addition of new content over time numbers are expected to bounce back and forth. Salty,toxic,rude etc posting is to be expected since younger people have access to the game and you cant expect to be as mature as us. Its the internet. That's one of the most important things i 've learned about it. Something that we think that may be easy to fix may be not. You cant expect so many things by a small dev team in such a short time. Just think how much time was needed for OW to be created. Now before you say i sound one of their employees i am not. I'm just being rational. They are being honest and i appreciate that since i think that honesty in a consumer-seller relationship is one of the most important things. They are not EA in terms of size and in terms of thinking (thank god) so i think we should all acknowledge and appreciate that. But they might grow over time and if they begin to turn like EA i will one of the first to fight them like i did with others. I will repeat: Patience is a virtue. Do you want a fine and polished product or a shiny rushed one?
  4. How many threads have to be created about pirates? it was certain that the way that pirates work was going to change. All it was needed was patience and as you can see for yourselef the pirate role together with diplomacy is leading in the dev priority poll. It has been almost 4 months since the EA release and people are going mental with certain things which i find hard to understand. I myself await the development of exploration but i understand certain things need to be addresed first like diplomacy and land in battles that will add more to the gameplay. Seriously people need to be more patient. Those things don't just drop out of the sky
  5. I'm willing to guess that it will be similar to the shallows mechaninc in OW.
  6. Because youtubers hype people and make them forget that early access is mainly for testing purposes.
  7. If you find her plans make a post about her in the shipyard section with her info but make sure that she hasn't been posted before. Use the search bar to find out
  8. The preffered timeline is 1690-1820. If you find any galleon plans that was built in that period present it in the next ship selection vote and it might have a chance to make it in game
  9. What happened to exploration Obviously diplomacy mechanics are a priority but it feels a bit weird that land in battles got developed first than exploration,even when exploration placed 3rd in the previous poll and land in battles 4th. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7978-development-plans-prioritization-proposals-and-feedback/ Could it be that those two will somehow be linked in the future?
  10. It has been discussed multiple times. There is a chance that a Europe map will be added if the game's population allows it or if everything that the devs want to be developed till then, is developed. Also that glorious douple posting
  11. Well this is the closest that we have so far:
  12. I think that the next devblog will be published when land in battles is finished. At least that seems the most logical option to me.
  13. This is already planned if i am not mistaken. Eventually titles will be added for completing challenges and they will unlock pennants to fly from your ship.
  14. You probably need to re watch the stream from 2:33:00 and on.It might answer some of your questions regarding pirates and their possibility of changing. Not sure if i can link it.I will need mod confirmation on this Also as i have replied in another thread of pirates where you again made(but thats just a personal opinion):
  15. Imho Pirate mechanics or everything regarding them is definetely going to change in the near future so it won't be "just another nation with a black flag".Cleary other critical mechanics regarding gameplay are more important at this stage.This game has been realeased as early access for a couple of months if am not mistaken.The open world itself is very young.So i don't see why this is such a big thing.All we need is patience.You can't expect that much from such a small team in such a short time.
  16. Well too bad I usually hang around the shipyard Best of luck to those that will get chosen!
  17. Oh well,i just thought that it might help. Thanks
  18. May i suggest a pinned topic and locked in the economy section clarrifying this so it wont happen again?
  19. On the other hand (a bit offtopic) you could change the French flag to the pre revolution one.
  20. Sella

    sick with flu

    Just an excuse to sneak in more content! I'm joking Get well soon!
  21. Sella


    If we start adding every nation that had a presence in the carribean in the game's timeframe we will end having 20+ nations.Like Courland,Haiti and all the emergent factions.
  22. Building the hype for the big content patch.Sounds good,nice work!
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