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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Sella

  1. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5699565s
  2. Will there be a limit on the amount of times you can switch nations?Because if somebody has 2 steam accounts spying will still be possible.
  3. Well the Karteria fits the timeframe as well but steamers dont have a place in an age of sail game. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7959-greek-ships/?p=150454
  4. Excellent news! Some clarification on the exceptional vessels please?
  5. I just made this post only to like it.Look away
  6. You assume right Merry Christmas guys.
  7. Yeah i know about it guys!I was only joking!
  8. Wait.I'm orthodox and we clebrated Christmas 2 weeks ago. Mindf*ck.
  9. The number of times you can do it will have to be limited somehow though.Because everybody will start using that option to lets say avoid a fight or whatever.
  10. It would be sad if exploration gameplay eventually wont get implemented.It will actually make this game unique instead of being another sugarcoated PvP MMO.
  11. People are going to abuse whatever you throw at them because they are people.You can't really prevent that.
  12. Hello guys! I know this is the french part of the forum and i am really sorry that i can't ask you in french but i couldn't find a better place to ask about something. So i was checking some of the old stuff i had posted and eventually came across to this: http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=11237 The site says that she was previously maltese and named "Santa Maria del Pilar" but it sounds more spanish than italian to me. Any chance you know anything more about her? Pictures or plans are always welcome! Merci!
  13. Also think of it in that way: The fog covers the rendering of the open world.If there wasnt any fog somebody would complain about trees or ships popping up
  14. I didnt say that i am entirely against the idea of implementing ammo crafting.I said that i dont really like the idea of implementing different quality types of ammo as i fear that at some point in the future it might lead to the introduction of premium ammo. Please refrain from jumping into conclusions. Cheers
  15. I think that the introduction of quality ammo is one step before adding premium ammo were you will have to pay for real money so i personally do not want that.
  16. Merci beaucoup pour ces informations. Leboiteux les a demandées pour moi qui ne parle pas français.
  17. Middle one seems the best. Alternatively you could make it like that: 0/5 kills while commanding/using/sailing a lynx.
  18. Just a quick thought.Only for this early phase of course. What if you could create 3-4 men squads so that friends that want to be on the same team will be in the same team but they wont be able to pick what team that is because it will be random.And then other people or squads fill the remaining gaps? Makes everyone happy i guess.
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