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Manual sails

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Pro-tip: if you double tap your A or D key youll notice in the ships compass the rudder will say "fr" and "fl" respectively, thats full rudder in ethier direction and will turn you faster then holding ethier key down ;)

On square riggers manual sailing is a manditory skill, practice it often

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When you are sailing close to the wind in the cutter (around 45 degrees), pulling in the boom halfway can give you a few tenths of a knot. But this is a bug as much as  a feature and will likely change soon.

Actually, I gained over a knot doing this last night.



But still, the main advantage of manual sails in a cutter is to slow down and reduce heel. If you rely on hammering the S-key to decelerate, you will be trashed by every manual sailor out there. Not because it makes you turn faster, but it does help you turn tighter (and slower).

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