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I'm real new to the game but enjoying it a ton so I stuck together a quick video to introduce my subscribers to it:


Hopefully I got most of what I said correct (slightly terrified of my lack of knowledge being an issue) but would love any feedback/corrections or suggestions for things to include in future videos that I've missed etc.. planning to continue making them as I learn.





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Hear is an other video, recorded on the 2.1.2015 at 3:14pm GMT.

Heavy Weather - Bellona, Trinc and 2 Brigs VS. Bellona, Trinc and a Surprise.

Less comments & better play at my side.
But still lost my bowsprit to a friendly again. :(



Tragalgar 32 Ships on the 3.1.2015 at 5:20pm GMT.

3 Victorys, 4 Constitutions, 3 Trincomalees, 3 Surprises VS the same lineup


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Due to the server problems at Trafalgar (no firing, no visual damage feedback, ...) a normal pvp which took place on the 3.1.2015 at 06:00pm GMT.


@Ram: remind me to flee when you come over the horizon in open world.. i hope you have carronades equipped when you 10 miles away :)

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Gamestart was a disaster with one of our first rates randomly deciding he didn't want to play, one of our frigates being disco, and one of our Santisimas getting mostly reduced to a floating battery.

Still an epic fight however. Enjoy!

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that boarding at the end was epic. I did it once and still cannot forget ;)


Ohhh yeah. Specially because it was literally on the nick of time. As soon as I jumped to the other Santisima, mine slipped below the waves. That was pretty satisfying, not gonna lie :D

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I am really enjoying this game and a couple of days ago we had a huge 32 light ship battle, it was a lot of fun and less organised than the usual Trafalgar, so here it is:


Side note: i really need to remember to make the thumbnail text lower down.


also, keep a look out on my channel and here for in a couple of days i will post the biggest ship battle i have ever been in(50 ship Trafalgar)

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A battle in the Trincomalee where I speak a little bit about battle tactics, situational awareness, the need to stay off PVE in order to learn proper combat, and some tips of what my train of thought was during a battle where the setup was pretty unfavorable for us.


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