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AI vs AI

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I saw a battle formed yesterday very close to my ship and as my own nation were outnumbered (300BR vs 380BR) I thought I would jump in and assist.


Both sides were AI, not a player in sight.



I am now no longer surprised that AI fleets for players to attack are few and far between sometimes.


What is the point of AI acting like this without player reinforcement requests ?

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This reminds me of some pretty epic fights i came accross while playing Privateer back in the day!

This sounds logical to me since not only players come accross hostile nations but the AI as well. Would not mind seeing a huge battle between AI controlled ships myself!

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If you see 2 AI fleets attack each other and you join 3 minutes later, the battle has not even started yet.


Whilst you don't see the point, the answer is in your question:

It provides opportunity for players to fight 380BR fleets whilst having a group 300BR backing him up.

You can consider it to be potentially offensive used reinforcement. It grands you opportunity to join a bigger battle than you normally would do.

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Whilst I was lucky to get into the battle as it occurred right in front of me, isn't AI on AI going to remove one of the two fleets from circulation for players hunting them ? My concern is that I hope the mechanic to generate fleets for the population to hunt etc takes this fleet loss into account.


Will the requirement for new fleets to spawn take into account number of players and fleets lost to action (Both AI on AI and Ai on player).


I would hate this kind of activity to have the end result that 70 players huddle around a spawn sight awaiting the next fleets to materialise so that they can be instantly engaged.


A concern rather than a whinge...

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I agree, takes long enough to sail around and find AI as it is without the AI eliminating each other so there are less fleets to find and engage, i suggested upping the AI on open world so it wasnt so boring and time wasting to sail and find some, yet to see a change yet though.

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ah common, that is just utter bullshit.


As mentioned, an AIvAI is the same as you coming across an AI fleet. Both are variants of the principle.

The argument you make that it drains AI in the open world is flawed and you know it.

The is ALWAYS a steady number of AI fleets around, i think the number is 1500. Regardles how they die, they instantly respawn.


Since only yesterday you stumbled across your first AIvAI battle shows how small the problem is, whilst the feature has been around for a LONG time.


@ speirs

There are plenty of AI out there, 1500 to 150 players on average. There are several hubs where AI shipping is more frequent due to geographical design and port location.

It has nothing to do with the lack of AI, but everything with your ability to find (new) ones.

If an area is a bad hunting ground, what to do? what do to? oh yea! MOVE!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im not so sure you should be wishing these battles away....Be pretty easy to find players to gank if ALL battles shown were players vs AI.


Besides the AI respawns elsewhere once its defeated, so its not like the actual numbers of fleets sailing around is less.


Protip: If theres a shortage of AI where you are hunting, your hunting in shitty grounds....

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At the moment, with the low amount of testers, we need the AI. As soon as we get more players we can get rid of the filthy AI! (PvP shard and PvE shard). 


Its my hope that AI in the OW after launch will be a rare treat, perhaps something that players will fight over for the right to take....

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Its my hope that AI in the OW after launch will be a rare treat, perhaps something that players will fight over for the right to take....


What about traders and escorts or the AI you can hire to haul your goods?  Should have some to beef up player traffic.

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