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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to volunteer for the beta testing if still open.  I can play an hour or so each weekend and several weekdays.  My computer info is :


OS Name    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version    6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer    Hewlett-Packard
System Model    HP Touchsmart 610-1280qd
System Type    x64-based PC
Processor    Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date    AMI ING_707, 6/29/2011
SMBIOS Version    2.6
Windows Directory    C:\Windows
System Directory    C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale    United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
Time Zone    Eastern Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    10.0 GB
Total Physical Memory    9.98 GB
Available Physical Memory    5.20 GB
Total Virtual Memory    20.3 GB
Available Virtual Memory    14.9 GB
Page File Space    10.3 GB


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I am afraid you wont be able to download the testbed since your not marked as "tester"

All approved test-members have access a subforum section where they fins all they need.


So I am am sorry to tell you, you have to wait for either another wave or the early access of steam.

Wich will come for sure

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I am curious as to whether I might actually be able to sail the ship in any meaningful way?

For instance I would want to know where the wind came from and learn to trim the sails accordingly for the best efficiency.


Sailing is probably more important than firing in a game of this type. Ships spend far more time jockeying for position than actually finally letting rip with there main armament.



I would love a sailing simulator combined with a fighting simulator in the age of sail.

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The thing below I want to be mechanics NOT just statistics. In other words things that work or the player can interact with.

THis is all from memory at the moment so please correct me if I get a few wrong


Sailing & Ship Management




Depth Sounding 

Light Built\Normal Built\ Re-enforced hull (heavy built) - some ships essentially got extra armour in the form of heavier woods that were used and how thick they were

Lack of ships sinking. Most games have ships sinking quickly when wooden ships almost never had this happen unless a magazine room exploded

Navigation instrumentation

Cleaning the undeside of the ship in port dry dock (scraping) - freshly scraped ships would pick up some knots for a but until the barnicles grew again

Coppering the hull - longer speed retention from barnicles

Crew rebellion ??? This could be a double edged sword. Having to keep the crew happy. In reality mutiny was very rare.

Fleet Signal flags

Period ships - what are the periods that will be depicted? Although some ships such as victory served for hundreds of years.

Convoy escort


ICE - breakers and effects on equipment and men and how they function.




Terrain and Sailing features:

  • Coral Reef as an obstacle
  • Islands
  • Shallows
  • Sea Currents (no game really does this well)
  • Map Reading that show obstacles and mapping them yourself
  • Wind - Very Very important
  • Becalming
  • Anchors being deployed in the correct manner and physics of dragging an anchor or needing more deployed.
  • Big seas\storms
  • Bilge pumps and damage control features - fire fighting parties
  • Tacking\Jibing
  • Deploying sails of different types and using them at the right time
  • Being able to angle sails for the best speed
  • Straining sails and breakages in heavy weather
  • Carpenters and sail-makers on ship
  • Re-Supply
  • Shore fortifications
  • Army transports
  • Corvettes
  • Cutter
  • East Indiaman
  • Fire Ship
  • Frigate
  • Hulk
  • Port floating batteries
  • man of war
  • knave
  • pinnace
  • pinque
  • ship of the line
  • bombard ship\mortar ship
  • xebec



Weapons  & Battle Features

  • Boarding Pikes
  • Cutlass
  • Officers Swords
  • Blunderbuss
  • Muskets
  • Boarding 6 barrel (iirc)
  • Night Battles
  • Boarding hooks
  • Grappling hooks
  • Sneaking on board enemy vessels
  • Amphibious assaults and landings such as copenhagen
  • Long Barrelled chasers
  • Carronade
  • Unicorne
  • Snipers
  • Marines
  • Bronze guns and other metal types
  • Chain, heated, round, shrapnel, shell, grape and other types of shot
  • ready ammunition and powder boys bringing more up
  • Clear for action and the lack of causing casualties
  • Gun smoke obscuring views in larger battles



It occurs to me that most games tend to throw out more complicated individual mechanics in favour of allowing the player to control fleets of 6 or more ships. 

Most games simply include wind in its simplest form and have all the sailing automated. 

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Games I have played in the age of sail have been leaning toward the technical side of how naval warfare was carried out 

rather than in the spirit of adventure. But age of sail was sadly the closest non-turn based that I have played.


I hope this game can raise the bar and include both the technical side of warfare to allow people to learn and grow. I mean good mechanics that are realistic not just stats.

While still giving the feeling of engagement and adventure.


I was not a fan of WOT simply because I felt it was not something that was any more than WW2 themed. There were no infantry or any of the other arms that made tanks needed or made tanks redundant. It was simple watch and shoot whack a mole style play with some team tactics possible. My point though is that for me it lacked depth and flavour for the period and instead replaced it with simple multiplayer "football\rugby" sport tactics.

You could have replaced the tanks with anything and the mechanics would have simply worked because it was not deep. There was nothing unique to tanks. Stats is what it was.

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Will we be able to sight our own guns and will the effects of weather, wind, temperature etc need to be taken into account?

pitch and roll affects the aiming an range since you cant shot as far downwind because the sails are pushing you at an angle where you cant aim the guns high enough.




Lack of ships sinking. Most games have ships sinking quickly when wooden ships almost never had this happen unless a magazine room exploded

true they sink alitle bit to fast for my taste but againt just fine for the matchplay type

on opensea i would reduce it since geting a sh1tload of dubloons from the admirality for captureing and saving an enemy 1st rate or other Lineship will have a large prizemoney and should be allways more worth than an +1Kill for the statistic.. ALLWAYS


about the large list would be to long to answere ind etail but i can tell you that atleast 75% of it has allready been sugested and will be implemented one day or another.


salute and welcome to the forums

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have several questions from the alpha footage i have seen.


First of awesome game so far.



1) Sea Currents and local currents and the sand bars that created them played an important part in naval combat, have you added any in? and what will their effects be?


2) Just as important as currents are gusts, this creates an area of foam or slack water to indicate its presence, have you added them? how will they be shown? will they have positive speed boost options and negative damage option if the gust is too strong.


2) Square rigged ships could typically get between 20 and 30 degrees of headwind depending on the skill of the crew and the type of rigging. However the footage shows them advancing within 10 degrees of the wind, this was impossible. instead it was used as a breaking action that would slow then reverse the ship (hand break turn of the day).  Will you add this possibility? will run, close/beam/broad reach be illustrated on the dial?


3) Depending on how close to the wind a ship is it will lean more or less, lean affects trajectory and target size. it was counteracted or accentuated by moving basalt. This allowed you to get a larger range or reduce you foot print. will lean be added and will you be able t alter it?


4) Marines were present on every ship and would take pot shots when in range of another ship, the footage shows ships within musket or deck swivel cannon range. Will these be added in?


5) Multiple ships? a plan of attack would be created before hand then flags and other signals used to instigate it or changes to it. Will this be possible? ye old sea chart with direction arrows and attack orders (kill that ship then support xx) 



Thank you


Cant wait to see it when damage effect is added and the wind effect in the sails is perfected (wheres the flapping and rippling)


Keep up the awesome work


Good Luck!!!



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1) not yet 


2) same as 1 we just got the second version rough sea for testing


3) if you mean Heel yes its in you can alter it my durning the yards more paralell to the wind


4) fully animated crew has alot of performance maybe we get some amrines for boarding


5) what do you mean that we have diffrentships aviable at the same time? at the moment it is only 1 ship per player at the same time.



Thank you


Cant wait to see it when damage effect is added and the wind effect in the sails is perfected (wheres the flapping and rippling)


Keep up the awesome work


Good Luck!!!



a Sail in the wind is allways full and does not flaping around, its basicly like a solid structure.


hope i could help you

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a Sail in the wind is allways full and does not flaping around, its basicly like a solid structure.

But the sails in this game spend plenty of time luffing. Whenever you turn your yards parallel to the wind, they should be shaking and flapping noisily. And when a square rigger pinches up close to the wind, the square sails will be shivering slightly. Jibs and staysails are also likely to flap somewhat when tacking or sailing downwind.


If we could just get a one-size-fits-all animation for these specific instances, I would be overjoyed.



. However the footage shows them advancing within 10 degrees of the wind, this was impossible. instead it was used as a breaking action that would slow then reverse the ship (hand break turn of the day).

You can't sail that close to the wind in the game, but ships have a lot of intertia and can fore-reach for quite a distance while decelerating. That's probably what you've seen.




3) Depending on how close to the wind a ship is it will lean more or less, lean affects trajectory and target size. it was counteracted or accentuated by moving basalt. This allowed you to get a larger range or reduce you foot print. will lean be added and will you be able t alter it?

You would never move ballast except in port under very close supervision. Ships already heel on various courses of sail, but it needs to be tweaked.

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But the sails in this game spend plenty of time luffing. Whenever you turn your yards parallel to the wind, they should be shaking and flapping noisily. And when a square rigger pinches up close to the wind, the square sails will be shivering slightly. Jibs and staysails are also likely to flap somewhat when tacking or sailing downwind.


You would never move ballast except in port under very close supervision. Ships already heel on various courses of sail, but it needs to be tweaked.


on sails its hard currently.. unity shaders are lacking in some areas. maybe unity5 will solve this

the dilemma currently is this - they are either animated (luffing etc) OR they don't accept light and look like shit OR they eat GPU and CPU as cloth making 25 v 25 just impossible


ballast agree. even though captain determined how ballast was placed (for trimming purposes) it was not usually done during battle

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