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>>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt x2 latest version)

Nick Thomadis

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15 minutes ago, jw62 said:

Just tried to use a refit from a few hours ago. all refits show red, going to try a work around

just opened each in shipyard, hit refit then save, all good, just have to try and not refit ships already done.

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45 minutes ago, jw62 said:

just opened each in shipyard, hit refit then save, all good, just have to try and not refit ships already done.

nope, this is really f'd up. Only the ships that I had upgraded will upgrade, but those are the ones i had upgraded. I'm at the beginning of the radar 1 refit for a 1890 start campaign. This is why I took a break, and yeah, cyberpunk Phantom city. I put a lot of time into each campaign, I fight each battle out. I'm clocking 4100 hours, thanks for getting me through covid and it's two two heart surgeries, but I'm getting a divorce. You a hot mess, and I'm sure you'll lose some fat and put on a shiny new UI and I'll be back, but for now honey, I'm gone.

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It seem the version make refit have some limit.

For example, B class ship have a refit B-1. then player use B-1 to make a new refit B-2.

A B class ship can be refitted from B to B-2 without B-1 before

But in a B class ship want upgrade to B-2, player need to refit it to B-1, then refit it from B-1 to B-2.

Edited by itolan1752
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1 hour ago, itolan1752 said:

It seem the version make refit have some limit.

For example, B class ship have a refit B-1. then player use B-1 to make a new refit B-2.

A B class ship can be refitted from B to B-2 without B-1 before

But in a B class ship want upgrade to B-2, player need to refit it to B-1, then refit it from B-1 to B-2.

That's good if so, as it allowed for some game-braking tricks

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1 hour ago, flaviohc16 said:

That's good if so, as it allowed for some game-braking tricks

Sound like good. BUT!

If player build 4 B class battleship, and keep refit them 6 times until B(1939)-6, each refit need 3 months.

Then player suddenly need new batch of B class ship (usually happen on late game that most hulls has been researched, and he don't want to design another ship)

Player need refit them 6 times until B(1939)-6,which need 3*6=18 months.

someone may think "player could make a new refit just like B(1939)-6". but after that, player actually got 2 different class because every time player want to refit 1st and 2nd batch B class, he need design the same refit twice(if player want to keep the same).

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I’m going to need to do some more testing but I think this fix from Optx2 got broken in

Uploaded Optimized x2 version including the following:
- Further optimization in the Battle AI logic affecting fps performance and, also, addressing issues where the AI could desire to fight too far away, even beyond its main guns' firing range.”

(Emphasis added) I’m seeing the AI doing the same thing it used to in where it is evaluating the ideal range to be far too far away.

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Uploaded repaired version including the following
- Reverted the Refit ID fix because it prevented building a refit based on a previous refit design. This was an unwanted error of the new system so we had to take back the feature until it works properly.
- Fixed bug that could make a player accidentally delete all ammo of a selected ship when making a bug report with a shortcut.
Please restart Steam to get this update properly. Users should not allow downloading of updates during gameplay because it may corrupt their installation.This is an advice not only for our game but any game.

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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( R latest version)

please do an update to minor nations in game like let us be able to invade them after they declare war on us without them been an allied of a major power imagine selling a punch of ships to turkey and then they declare war and you have to fight them also love to see them be able to upgrade thier ships so tired of having minor nations in a battle and still have a torpedo boats with 1.5 km range torpedoe in 1930

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Could we make an option "convoy escort" for ships?

In the Second World War, the UK used it's older, slower battleships in convoy escort roles, As I am in the habit of refitting my ships into oblivion instead of scrapping them, it would be a nice option to have as it would allow me to utilise them better than I am at the moment, and allow me to use them to reduce shipping losses.

I suppose allowing us to implement a convoy system would be handy as well.

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23 hours ago, flaviohc16 said:

That's good if so, as it allowed for some game-braking tricks

I strongly disagree. Having to do two refits instead of one is tedious, makes the ships in question unavailable for much longer, and costs a lot more money - on top of being kind of dumb and unrealistic.

I'm not aware of what game-breaking tricks you mean - but we're talking about a single player game here. No one is forcing you to use exploits, and if you do, it'll hurt no one but you. Besides - why not simply fix the exploit, instead of making us jump through even more hoops when it comes to refitting? That system is janky enough as it is.

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The "dissolving" of nations mechanic is absolutely broken and needs to be a priority. Nations should not be dissolving with billions in their bank account and fleets of ships worth billions of dollars. For example, it's 1931 in my current campaign, 1.5 years into it, and Spain dissolved 2 turns after I gave them $1.2 billion for an alliance. Even if they hadn't just gotten a massive check, they had a decent sized fleet they could have mothballed to be sold.

Nations seem to dissolve randomly regardless of funds available, and without making any modifications to their budget to reduce expenses. It needs serious work. 

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Forcing us into battles just for the AI to run away from 20 minutes is absolutely asinine and needs to be fixed. If the AI has 4 destroys faster than the fleet they encountered and are just going to run away, have them automatically, and successfully, withdraw before battle.

Furthermore, when the player opts to "leave battle," usually because they don't want to chase ghost ships, the results should be exactly as they are when they left. Randomizing the results after leave battle makes absolutely no sense and it's terrible.

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Weird edge case maybe.

When you build a bunch of ships and can't crew them all, the come in mothballed and get commissioned as crew becomes available. Ok, cool.

When you exceed your shipyard capacity, construction and repair takes longer, with a maximum of 2x duration. Which is fine, but is kind of exploit-ey imho, since if you have enough money, you can basically build any multiple of your shipyard limit in 2x the time. (6 BBs in 2 years or 60 BBs in 4 years. hardly seems fair.)

So I build 30 BBs at once. When they finish construction, 16 of them are in mothballs due to insufficient crew, so I immediately refit them. It's a 7 month refit, but it's going to take 13 months because of shipyards being over capacity. So far so good.

But the next turn, the ships are immediately in a "low crew" state and the refits don't start until crewing is available. Because all the BBs are completed building, my shipyard is now below capacity.

As crew become available, the ships enter a 13 month "repair" state. (Which is not a 7 month refit...) but when I add more ships the refit queue and exceed the shipyard capacity again, the 13 months repair state, which is already doubled from the original refit length, increases again.

I don't know what logic paths are being followed here, but something seems off.

Edited by Dave P.
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46 minutes ago, Narbar said:

I have 300k victory points in a war against the French, they only have 20k.  What reasons would stop the option to select peace?



I think there are some ongoing events (land invasions or alliance mechanics) which sometimes get in the way. It's annoying. Keep checking back every turn and it'll probably give you the option at some point.

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Okay, so... I know people complain about how your ships will fire torpedoes into your other ships from behind. And yeah, that's annoying. But I just saw an AI CA do that to one of its own cohorts - 10 torpedos and 43k damage, sinking their own ship in one go.

None of my ships were even within torpedo range. I have no idea what it could have been shooting at.

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On 1/26/2024 at 7:25 PM, GodWentAFK said:

Furthermore, when the player opts to "leave battle," usually because they don't want to chase ghost ships, the results should be exactly as they are when they left. Randomizing the results after leave battle makes absolutely no sense and it's terrible.

It does make sense if you are already engaged, but not if the enemy is out of range and running.

Edited by Tortenschachtel
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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt latest version)

Uploaded optimized version including the following
- Brought back the Refit ID fix, which now should work properly. It should also speed up saving procedures and turn times.
- Aiming fine tuning: Gun aiming is sharper, making the rate of fire more significant  and the accuracy more realistically balanced.
*Economy balance:*
- Oil resources become even more significant in growth, income and fuel consumption
- Nation growth is normalized in values. There is a more balanced growth during war, revolution and peacetime period, plus growth is shaped up according to GDP, so it distinguishes developed nations of very high GDP from developing nations with too low GDP.
Please restart Steam to get this update properly. Users should not allow downloading of updates during gameplay because it may corrupt their installation. This is an advice not only for our game but any game.

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@Nick Thomadis

I was brainstorming fixes for some of the AI clowncar ships we see all to often, and it hit me. Most AI ships are clowncars because of one or 2 specific reasons. 1) Unoptimized use of the hull, or 2) mixed main caliber guns.

Unfortunately I cannot suggest anything for 1, however for 2, is there a possible way to have the AI prioritize barrel count of same caliber guns? I have noticed the AI can be quite formidable when you give it a good design, so a good focus on AI prioritization in ship building could help it in building challenging ships to fight (campaigns are best when I win by strategy, not by curb stomping terrible AI designs).

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1 hour ago, ijp8834 said:

@Nick Thomadis

I was brainstorming fixes for some of the AI clowncar ships we see all to often, and it hit me. Most AI ships are clowncars because of one or 2 specific reasons. 1) Unoptimized use of the hull, or 2) mixed main caliber guns.


I +++ it. When AI builds good ships player must do soo too. I do remember back with demo campaign ai created really damn good multipurpuse CA that cut thro my fleet to the point i was raming them with dd-s just to knock them out of the combat.

They were literally the reason i lost that war.

Also alot of the problems with dd is caused by AI using torpedoes as soon as it can 10-15km. I highly suggest (unles that was not fixed before i stoped playing) Puting 5km max shoot distance for AI. Early game DDs were far more dengerous then late game DDs used by AI.


I highly suggest giving max distance in which torpedoes should be sent


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