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>>>v1.09+ Feedback<<<

Nick Thomadis

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As another issue/suggestion: If i try to delete a design that is in use it should either ask whether i'm sure or be kept somewhere so it can be later refit if it's removed, otherwise you end up with ships that can't be refit ever because you lost the original design.

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3 hours ago, kineuhansen said:

biggest thing i would love to see in campaign is the fleet limits and some hulls still need fixing and speeking about hulls would love to see some cruiser hulls with some brand new superstructure

A bunch of ship updates were supposed to be part of 1.09... But the number of bugs with the map seems to have delayed it... They will come eventually

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10 hours ago, ZorinW said:

Back after being banned.

Has anyone else noticed that the time needed to travel a certain distance on the world map is way too slow? For example, my 1898 BB with a cruising speed of ~12 knots takes 16 turns (months!) to travel from Danzig to Tsingtau. The cruiser Fürst Bismarck with a similar top speed only took 1 1/2 months in 1900!

Fürst Bismarck was accompanied by two freighters, so their average speed as a group must have been 11 knots to make the journey in 42 days (~1 1/2 months). So yes, ships in UAD move WAY too slow across the globe.


I could be wrong, but if your ship has a short range, it needs to make stops, and refuelling/restocking takes a couple of months, depending on how much fuel you have onboard. 

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Really want the option to select the Mark of gun I want, maybe when we scrap ships we can reuse the guns?

Also would like the option of when refitting, not to have the gun’s mark updated. Sometimes they don’t fit or looks weird. What if I just want to refit some secondaries, a new tower or engine?

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On 11/3/2022 at 8:28 PM, Pappystein said:

A bunch of ship updates were supposed to be part of 1.09... But the number of bugs with the map seems to have delayed it... They will come eventually

If the 3D model guy would be the one who also has to deal with map bugs than that would explain A LOT of what is going wrong here...

Edited by ZorinW
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3 minutes ago, Shaun said:

I could be wrong, but if your ship has a short range, it needs to make stops, and refuelling/restocking takes a couple of months, depending on how much fuel you have onboard. 

So did the Fürst Bismarck and the cargo ships. So that has nothing to do with it.

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Im having issues with CA hulls not firing their main armament at all. I have a Myoko style Heavy Cruiser in my 1920s Japan campaign with 5x2 8.2-inch/50 mk.IV guns and when providing full broadside to an enemy only one turret forward and occasionally one aft would engage, the rest would aim, track but never fire despite being loaded.




As you can see the Secondaries have no problem lighting up the target but the main guns just refuse to fire at all, and when they do they never do so in salvos.

Edited by Suts
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11 minutes ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

I want to note as the Japanese I am 8 years into the campaign now and still have not been able to trigger a war with someone.

Park a task force in the South China Sea, it should build tension against the Japanese and Russians and you'll be at war in a matter of turns, this is how I've instigated wars as the Japanese.

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1 minute ago, Suts said:

Park a task force in the South China Sea, it should build tension against the Japanese and Russians and you'll be at war in a matter of turns, this is how I've instigated wars as the Japanese.

I have a large fleet in the south china sea, a small fleet up north by russia, and the rest are in harbor i stay to my side of the map and dont go past india.

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3 minutes ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

I have a large fleet in the south china sea, a small fleet up north by russia, and the rest are in harbor i stay to my side of the map and dont go past india.

Tension mechanics working as intended I suppose )))

No but seriously we need to have more direct control over Diplomacy, targeting certain nations we want to go to war with

as well as being able to force negotiations after a hilariously one sided but never ending war.

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This info tab doesn't tell me anything. 


It shows Italy, France vs Germany, what is this? Who's this faction??? Not mind.
As USA I have alliances with Britain, Italy and Japan, warring with Germany and Spain, this info doesn't relate to that tab.
What are these victory points telling me? especially if they don't even relate.
We can get any of that info from the politic tab anyway.


How about we replace this tab with a taskforce manager, where all our taskforces are listed, and where we could double click on any listed taskforce and the map will scroll/locate to. Would be much more useful!



Would be good if listed per ocean area. 

Edited by Skeksis
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I'm not sure this is a bug.

In my Japanese campaign, the Chinese navy ceased to exist in the 3rd war with them in 7 years.

The only battles I was seeing were submarine battles. They all took the same theme. I'd kill a submarine, and be awarded over 29,000 VPs. Not that I'm complaining.

I assume this is to prevent people from what I intended to do - have an all submarine navy to avoid costs and build economy. It didn't work out well anyway, I ended up with 100 unrest within 6 years. Didn't help I had no submarines yet lol.

2nd concern this campaign - Japan ended up under blockade from the Russian navy. I was showing zero tonnage. I actually have the entire fleet intact in the same locations that prevented that in the past. So, as you might expect, I was confused again. It sorted itself out, but having changed nothing in that war, I'm not sure how I was blockaded in the first place. Possible bug?

The Question of Noumea

During a war with the French that I foresaw, I stationed a few submarines at Honiara. When war broke out, I attempted to move my subs to the other side of Noumea and it wouldn't let me - after a few tests, I realized the other side of that arbitrary map line in the Pacific (the eastern map edge) is out of range of any submarines.

Allied Ports

Cannot sail to any ports controlled by my allies. And as a side note, in the case of Germany at least, I can't sail to some of my own ports in Germany. Any attempt to sail to either Emden of Helgoland redirects that task force to Wilhelmshaven.

Subs taking Damage

When subs take damage they never return to port, even when set to repair priority very high.

And game hung up permanently at Next Turn once.

That's all for now.



Edited by Admiral Donuts
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19 hours ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

I want to note as the Japanese I am 8 years into the campaign now and still have not been able to trigger a war with someone.

That is down to RNGus.  You have to be pro-active in deploying fleets (don't keep them all in harbor)  I found it easiest to trigger a war by setting a baby doomstack between Japan and Korea in the straights.

  I played Japan and was at war in 1890...

For me China took longest on the post 1.09 beta time...   9 months.  I have not tried US since 1.09 Release but I was able to get to war in that early 1891.  


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Bug report:   Winning war against Russia:   VP are me (China) 1275,  Russia 1276.    Get an event that pops  "The war is going badly do you wish to sue for peace"

It was my only war at that time... And without transport loss or lost battles Russia some how got 250VP a turn for the four previous turns (they had no ships in the Pacific region at all to interdict me or for me to kill.)    Russia had their entire fleet in the med fighting and LOOSING vs Austro-Hungary.


It took me moving a fleet to the Red Sea for me to A) engage Russia, and B ) actually stop the 250pt per turn run that Russia was somehow doing against me with no ships near me.    I had early Submarines, Russia doesn't even have Fire-control yet (at-least on their ships)

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i having issues special with the with ai special the autrian hungary some how getting more victory points then me after the war started it had like 3000 vp after 3 turns and a couble of turns more it had between 5000 6000 vp if anyone know why or how please explain it to me ps the need to scrap the vp system in game

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