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>>>v1.09+ Feedback<<<

Nick Thomadis

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Hello Admirals,
We are very happy to announce the next large patch for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts. The game now includes the full global map and all playable major nations for the campaign. The campaign has been enriched with many new features, including submarines, minefields, the finalization of the main technology tree, and various new aspects which aim to make the gameplay deeper and more realistic. Please read below in detail what v1.09 has to offer.


You can place your generic feedback in this thread.

Hotfix Patch v1.09.1

Hotfix Patch v1.09.2

Hotfix Patch v1.09.3

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6 minutes ago, Iuvenalis said:

@Nick ThomadisDo I need to disable the beta branch in Steam or are both versions the same at present?

The Beta branch is updated too, but it is advised to switch to the live version now. New hotfixes may come according to what feedback we will receive.
The current v1.09 is considered stable for everyone to play and a clear upgrade to the previous 1.08+ so there was no need to delay it further. We will work for the next major update while players enjoy 1.09.

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New Live update / New 1890 japanese campaign


Next step on the tech tree. 3000 tons CL


No need to research something that I already have.




10.2 cm guns (4 inches) - I can add turret top armor, but not side armor?




Japanese dreadnought 1890. Minimum beam slider will not allow to place the towers in the superstructure.




Impossible to raise tensions with fleets on sea. (japanese campaign) This makes the campaign unplayable for me. I already reported the bug.


If the CA had this funnel type, I could place two of them in 1890.



The beauty.


Edited by o Barão
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Okay... I've noticed that, when ships detach from a taskforce for repairs, instead to go back for repairs to the port they came back from, or to the closest port, they go repair wherever around the world. Playing as Spain, I had a ship going to repair to a random small port near Japan, other in south africa and a couple to the caribbean, after a battle in the mediterranean.

This is a behaviour which should be corrected ASAP, as it makes the already annoying fleet management (which badly needs enhancements, but that's another topic) even more of a chore. Yes, now they don't go back to the mainland instead of the port assigned, now it is even worse.

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Again the world map is just too large and its unrealistic! The Chinese never fought the Germans, French never fought the Japanese, etc. Make map specific theaters such as European, Pacific, and Mediterranean map areas. It may make the system work better without as many bugs and the drain on the CPU will be less. The campaign is just too much and not any fun nonstop wars, absurd costs (its why the japs never sailed to the Atlantic), etc. Custom game while still not good enough is better than the campaign. Is there anyone else who feels the world map is just too much and unrealistic since apparently everything else is going to realism?

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9 minutes ago, o Barão said:

This is a sandbox game. Not a history book.

Yet they consistently change things to a realistic standard. Ammo supply, logistics costs, crew training and cost, etc. the list goes on. Hardly a sandbox game 😂. Maybe the ship design sure but the campaign is not a sandbox game.

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I'm in the minority here when I say i usually like to play the custom battles for fun, but I think It would be incredibly cool if you could add a lot of the campaign stuff to custom battles as well!

I've wanted to voice my suggestions here for a while but I've never found the opportunity, and I think now's a good time to say it!

Some people like me and some of my friends use UA:D as a place where we can design our own warships, and I think it would be easy and great if you give players more control over the ship designs by unlocking other versions of hulls and parts from previous time periods, so perhaps people could simulate fighting with outdated battleships in customs, since after all it's not as serious a mode as campaign.

Also I'd absolutely adore it if you let us rename our ships individually even in custom battles; I want to use this feature for simulating naval battles in my fictional world, and naming the ships myself would make that a lot easier!

I don't see a situation where this would interfere with the campaign, and they all seem like simple enough changes to implement, so could you please throw this side of the community a bone and improve customs a bit?


thank you!

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If yall want a world map fine whatever but there are some who dont and some of us want smaller campaign maps. Why is that so hard to accept some of us dont have the time to commit to a campaign that could take a month. If this was a sandbox game you could do a full campaign from 1890 to 1940 in less than a couple days its a realism based game simple as that. I just started playing a campaign today starting at 1890 and after 4 solid hours im only at 1898 theres so much to do and manage on a global scale it makes it tedious.

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4 minutes ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

If yall want a world map fine whatever but there are some who dont and some of us want smaller campaign maps. Why is that so hard to accept some of us dont have the time to commit to a campaign that could take a month. If this was a sandbox game you could do a full campaign from 1890 to 1940 in less than a couple days its a realism based game simple as that. I just started playing a campaign today starting at 1890 and after 4 solid hours im only at 1898 theres so much to do and manage on a global scale it makes it tedious.

This is a feedback thread, and the main purpose is to report bugs and issue in a clear manner, in order to help the devs in the dev process.
Hence, writing 5 answers one after the other is not helping, at all.
And yes, spain never fought russia for example, but everyone fought the japanese. The point also, is the territories and colonies, which are both an incentive and a provider of means of developing a strong navy.
So no there would be no sense of specific theatres in the campaign. For global powers like the UK, the allocation of forces needed to protect their vast possessions means that they MUST have a huge fleet, but that it will be fairly spread out. You can't condense all the RN next to the shore of your main enemy.

Heck, if you are bored by lenght and management and want quick paced action, you can go for WoWS or just basically play in custom battles.
And yes for your first question, I don't think you are alone with that opinion but the vast majority waited for the global campaign since years, as it's one of the main selling points of the game.

Still, you are right in the sense that CPU handling is even more a major problem, diplomacy is a joke, and most of the new mechanics either don't work properly or need some tuning.
The work on these was progressing rather well during the beta process, but as usual they deployed it live far earlier than common sense would advise.

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2 hours ago, Kiknurazz91 said:

the campaign is not a sandbox game

You have a point there.

While you can influence your government, the AI government has final say. So not full sandbox.

Dev's have made a hybrid sandbox, it's different! 


Edited by Skeksis
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1.high level crew has too much bonus for accuracy.i cant believe when i saw 3000% range found bonus.

2.all of the technology and design become stupid and meaningless in the face of high level crew

3.and its unbelievable that a ship has 100% hit chance at 25km distance,just because she has high level crew.

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