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>>> Beta 1.06 Feedback<<< (FINAL UPDATE 6th Release Candidate)

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12 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

- Acceleration adjustment according to ship design.

I just saw the changes to acceleration values. In this example, it took me around 5 minutes to go from 30 knots to 51 knots with a 20% EE engine. Good.


The issue is when turning, or in this case drifting at maximum speed. The water mass being pushed by the hull in the side should cause a big drop in speed.


We can see, by the time difference in the clock, that there is still no difference. The speed only dropped to 49 knots.

So the player knows, the moment he reaches the top speed, he doesn't need to worry anymore about engine efficiency.

However, if a ship with a low EE, lose a considerable amount of speed every time it turns, and then lose more time to accelerate again to the maximum speed, this would be a good reason for the player to invest in a good EE.



This 1890 CL with 10% EE had the speed drop to 14 knots. This is great. But the previous example didn't suffer anything in comparison.  There must be a hull stat that I am missing here that is affecting the results.

Edited by o Barão
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6 hours ago, SpecTRe_X said:

Germany is what I have the most experience with and, from the limited research I've done, it does look like Germany was playing with at least semi-modern CLs by 1905 in the Konigsberg class and were using broadside turrets by Dresden and Kolberg in 1906 and 1908 respectively.

Those were open mounts on the light cruisers, not turrets, with only a couple inches of steel for splinter protection.  The game also can't properly do those CL's because those side casemates are restricted to 3" guns as part of the "No Main Guns in Casemates" restriction they need to address, not just for the USA, but because the German CL's mounted some of their main 10.5cm guns in those side casemates.

They seriously need to re do guns and turrets soon.

1 minute ago, o Barão said:

However, if a ship with a low EE, lose a considerable amount of speed every time it turns, and then lose more time to accelerate again to the maximum speed, this would be a good reason for the player to invest in a good EE.

Yes, but the devs are going to need to adjust funnels to make that possible in the early years.  Its ridiculous how inefficient engines are early on, especially for CL's which desperately need that stat given their role.

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On the latest beta build, it seems there's no real way to be ahead in tech. 8 years into an 1890 start and as Britain with permanent max funding I was simply still average. It doesn't seem to matter much what we do now to try and go ahead of anybody. It seems that using the research focuses hurts your overall research so harshly now (especially since they seem to give less of a bonus on current build than previously) that you simply aren't getting a real benefit from them.

Edited by Traslo
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9 minutes ago, SpardaSon21 said:

Yes, but the devs are going to need to adjust funnels to make that possible in the early years.  Its ridiculous how inefficient engines are early on, especially for CL's which desperately need that stat given their role.

I don't see why that is needed. It was normal to have 18 - 20 knots around 1890. And you can have a 100% EE if trying to have realistic speeds for the time period.

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39 minutes ago, SpardaSon21 said:

Yes, but the devs are going to need to adjust funnels to make that possible in the early years.  Its ridiculous how inefficient engines are early on, especially for CL's which desperately need that stat given their role.


It's actually worst on 1890 armoured cruisers. You littrially can't build one with 100% efficiency even at minimum speed.


Also whilst this is from the last update i can confirm i'm seeing random changes in upkeep for ships from one turn to the next which then change again when you click on them in the fleet list. And I've weirdly had situation where sending a fleet out from port where it was set to sea control was causing my costs to go down. Something is really screwy there.

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1.06.12 issues

1) Research speed is not fast enough for a faction to meet, never mind exceed, expected technology targets for a given period. An 1890 start is unable to unlock all the tech the player has in a 1910 start, for instance. General research speed should be increased by roughly 1.25-1.5 and focused research increased by roughly 2.

2) The shipyard capacity upgrade doesn't follow the eras either. A 1890 start is stuck with upgrading the capacity 4k tons at a time. 1900 start has a max upgrade capacity of 9.6k tons and 1910 a capacity of 15.2k tons.

3) Countries still cease to be after go far enough into dept during a war. When this state is triggered the war should end and part or all of that bankrupt country should be ceded to the enemy.

4) there are too many events that come up. If the average is about 1 per turn it should be decreased to around 1 every other turn.

1 hour ago, SpardaSon21 said:

Those were open mounts on the light cruisers, not turrets, with only a couple inches of steel for splinter protection.  The game also can't properly do those CL's because those side casemates are restricted to 3" guns as part of the "No Main Guns in Casemates" restriction they need to address, not just for the USA, but because the German CL's mounted some of their main 10.5cm guns in those side casemates.

They seriously need to re do guns and turrets soon.

Yes, but the devs are going to need to adjust funnels to make that possible in the early years.  Its ridiculous how inefficient engines are early on, especially for CL's which desperately need that stat given their role.

I'm unaware of a turret needing to be fully enclosed to be such and examples exist to support this position.

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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

I don't see why that is needed. It was normal to have 18 - 20 knots around 1890. And you can have a 100% EE if trying to have realistic speeds for the time period.

Depends, if you are after a historically accurate game them why have player influenced research at all? If you are allowing the player to influence research then you must expect non historical results. It would be great if, in the fullness of time, the Dev's offered an option for a strictly (or strongly) historical game or a free play game.

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8 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

Depends, if you are after a historically accurate game them why have player influenced research at all? If you are allowing the player to influence research then you must expect non historical results.

But you can!! Let me give you one good example.


Radar tech available in 1902. In reality, this was done around the 30s. But I have the choice to change and get a non-historical result.

And the same thing happens with engines.

If you want, you can focus to be the first nation to get induced boilers.

Now in 1890, you are starting at the base level with the same tech level among the other nations. So there is no difference, but you have the option to focus and get different results in a few years.


The option is there for the player.

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The building-new-ships extreme wait times seem to be gone early on in a campaign but they eventually crop up no matter what. In 1890 starts I can generally get a decent game speed until 1910-ish, but by 1920 every other turn is a 3 minute wait for "building new ships" and then the event log tells me no AI even designed or built any ships this turn.

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52 minutes ago, SpecTRe_X said:

I'm unaware of a turret needing to be fully enclosed to be such and examples exist to support this position.

I'm talking specifically about the mount types you mentioned, not others.


Oh yes, that's quite the turret there on Bremen.  If you have information that any of the later ships mounted those guns in turrets as opposed to hand-operated mount like that I would love to see it, because I have not been able to find any online.

Frankfurt of the Wiesbaden-class wasn't much different in terms of mounting, even with a larger 15cm gun, nor even the second Koenigsburg-class or even the WW1 Coeln-class.

The Royal Navy wasn't any better, not having proper turrets on their CL's until the post-WW1 Enterprise.

2 hours ago, o Barão said:

I don't see why that is needed. It was normal to have 18 - 20 knots around 1890. And you can have a 100% EE if trying to have realistic speeds for the time period.

And unfortunately when you hit 25 knots such as with some scout cruisers in the 1905 era you're looking at massive smoke interference to do so.


Also @Nick ThomadisYou still can't armor 5"/12.7cm gun barbettes, needing to upscale it to 5.2"/13cm before the game allows you to do so.  Either change the tooltip that says 5" gun barbettes can mount armor, or let 5" gun barbettes mount armor.  And yes, I just sent a bug report.


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Ever since the 1.06 update Its been an issue never had this problem before 1.06! I cant even play the campaign I'm stuck doing custom battle because my game either crashes or freezes as soon as I exit the ship design menu for the campaign. No I do not use auto design fleet as it always does shit designs. I cannot be the only one crashing. Yes I have tried all nations and all time periods still the same result as soon as I exit from ship design.

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On 6/7/2022 at 1:50 PM, Phelidai said:

Not sure if this has been brought up already or not, but the tech researching could use some attention in future updates. Been playing a campaign as Germany starting in 1890. It's now mid 1902, and I've unlocked nearly all early-mid tech dreadnought hulls, mark 3 guns from 9-13in, mark 3 guns from 2-6in, all standard rangefinders. This felt more than a bit off while I was playing, but I figured I'd had 100% research budget for most of the time so it couldn't be too crazy. Then I unlocked marine diesel engines... that run on coal... in 1902. I never proritized engines after I got turbines, and yet, here we are. Hell, I'm even getting close to unlocking radar.


Can confirm this. The tech tree needs fixing.

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Engine efficiency seems to be better now, enemy ships do not spam torpedoes anymore (but torpedoes still fire to the other side) and guns are much better than before. Tech progression and shipyard enhancement is good (and you can get ahead of the AI). Good job. 😀 Only thing, as mentioned above, is the lack of progress of fuels.

Unfortunately, the enemy in a campaign is still...strange. Even on highest difficulty (as germany), I handily defeat france in battles, despite them trying to run away. Britain intervenes in the war but...they do nothing. They get VPs by destroying my transports, but they do not engage or can be engaged, despite my fleets being all over the north sea.
After two battles, france also does nothing.

So I am asking for the last time and hope to get an answer :
What am I doing wrong? How can I generate a battle or force the enemy to engage or something? I form battlegroups, these control the entire area of operations (green circles). Enemy battlegroups are moving freely without being engaged (even with higher speed vessels on my side in the area). Yet, when I move single ships, say in the baltic, enemy forces pounce with superior numbers, but no enemy group is in range (or even near the theater).

This is not the first time and it is super annoying. When the enemy cannot deliver a knockout blow, they are simply evading forever.
Please, I have asked before, but to my knowledge, no answer as of today, at least I have not found it.
One would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Darth Khyron
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2 hours ago, SpardaSon21 said:

And unfortunately when you hit 25 knots such as with some scout cruisers in the 1905 era you're looking at massive smoke interference to do so.

One thing I never understood. Why should we get smoke interference for a gun aimed by a sailor in the main deck or gun deck? If we have a fire director aboard, sure I understand. It is placed in a higher level to have a better view, and in those places the smoke coming from a funnel can be a pain in the ass. But at deck level? One possible situation, would be, aiming at a target in our stern. If we are moving forward, in normal conditions we could expect the smoke to interfere with our aiming. But we already have that condition in the game.


Shoot info panel in the left.

"-20% Smoke Obstruction"

This only happens if we are targeting something directly in our stern.

I never understood this mechanic, but is a game with many variables. I will find it very difficult to find a player which agree or understand all of them.😁

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Well, peace is still broken.

Playing as Italy in a 1890s campaign and am fighting AH, which have asked for peace three times now and every time I agrred yet the war continues...

Also, AH managed to build 86 ships with their starting funds (HOW?) and using up more than three times their port capacity. This simply should not happen, ever.

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I did a few collisions in battles and I must say something has changed. That is, for the better. Damage grows more severe as you attempt to continue and force your way through the broadside of a ship. Both take larger damage than before but the level of flooding is defiantly more. Clipping your bow along a ships side severely damages your bow and damage is done all along the enemy ship. Bravo team, this is a very interesting thing and I appreciate the effort into such a small part of the game battle system to make it so interesting. Looking forward to see how armour thickness and angle affects this new damage calculation.


If ya can't out gun them or run away from them, might as well make your ship into a torpedo!

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I'm glad there are now more events, but I think you overshot. I had three events between myself and the French in a single round...

On a more amusing side-note, I am currently playing Austria-Hungary and I am in an alliance with Germany, Britain and Italy, while fighting the French.... so everyone vs. the French... though not quite yet. The UK and Germany have not yet joined the war. It's still funny to have an alliance with everyone except France.
I wonder what'll happen if war breaks out between two of my allies though. This could be interesting.

Edit: Well... UK and Germany are now at war. So far I have not been prompted to join either of them. Also Germany joined the French-bashing, UK did not.

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I just can't start a war with Britain

AH 1930. Defeated France, got two provinces. I was a little surprised that Britain didn't start a war with me. I have sent ships to Scapa Flow, my ships are directly opposite Malta and Gibraltar. I have made an alliance with Germany. And I still can't start a war with Britain, the relationship with them reaches -99 and then goes back to -89. Besides, I am not at war with France, which my German allies are at war with.jNtovV1i.png

I am at war with France again, but Britan just don't care.

Edited by Lima
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I've been at war with the French, alongside my ally Italy for a couple of years now.

Italy and France have between 4 and 8 clashes every month, but my three taskforces stationed right outside their mediteranean ports have yet to see a single battle...

Also despite sitting in Invasion stance outside of French ports for more than 5 years now, my ships have yet to sink a single French convoy... or start a blockade for that matter, despite Italy and me having close to 5000 power-projection vs the French 500 in the western mediteranean and 2200 vs 460 in the North Atlantic.

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Is it intentional that surrendered ships are basically frozen in time?

My enemy ship has supposedly been flooding and burning for about an hour taking time compression into account, and yet despite being in flooding status, no water comes in (or is pumped out) and the fires don't cause damage... but don't go out either. It just sits there marrily burning, as if the surviving crew had a barbeque or something.

Speaking of surrendered ships: Are there any plans to add uses for this mechanic in the future? Because right now it's like the mechanic solely exists to shorten the time it takes to down particularly stubborn ships, but they then disappear as if they had been sunk.

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Update on my issue with getting no fights... after 9 years of war I finally got a single battle and whooped the French fleet, giving me a lead of 4500 to 0... and subsequently haven't had another fight (or sunk any transports for that matter) regardles of whether I set my fleets to Invasion or Sea Control.

But for some reason the French have started to get VP every month for nothing, despite them also not sinking a single one of my convoys.

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