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Where did you 'discover' naval action?

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I first heard about it while talking to someone a while back about POTBS and filed it off in the back of my mind. Then more recently i saw jingles playing it so i looked into it more, realized you could preorder, and here i am. (ordered late last friday night and assumed id have to wait a week, but i got my key this sunday!)

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I found a YouTube link somewhere and was impressed.  Might have been on Rock Paper Shotgun.  A few weeks later, I then found that RamJB was mostly posting Naval Action vids now instead of his War Thunder vids that I used to watch.


Is there a connection between this game & WT?  Are you lurking there, Gaijin?  Both Russian devs, both forums look quite similar in structure...

Edited by War Radish
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I have a confession - I wasn't aware of Ram or SideStrafe until they joined Naval Action :ph34r:


However, I'm glad they joined and have enjoyed the battles with them both though I haven't seen them for a while.



That's because I'm avoiding you. I'm tired of getting my arse kicked :D


Naw, just kidding ;). I think it has more to do with playing timezones. Also last 2 weeks I've been able to play much less due to real life commitments ;).

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