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Battleship belt is basically impenetrable?


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you got that right, battleship AP is anemic at best and hilariously bad at worse, IRL Yamato was supposed to have 34" of armor penetration point blank... of contemporary amour, not iron, the equal to Krupp IV

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Its not that simple. Try it yourself, make a BB with 11 Inch armor.  You will get belt penetrating shots sometimes. There is a part of RNG there I think. I do not blame them for that, all things considered it make sense. Anyways, I do not think the % you get from armor upgrade make it "thicker". I think it make each collision box more resilient to multiple hit. Not quite sure trough.

Oh... do not forget these juicy deck pen. There is always a weak spot.


Edited by RedParadize
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47 minutes ago, RedParadize said:

Oh... do not forget these juicy deck pen. There is always a weak spot.

Lol my 8-10” deck and turret roofs say hi :P

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  • 6 months later...

I remember I had a few thousand tons of displacement to spare so I gave my BB 38.4in thick belt, 20in turrets, 15in deck, 35in conning tower, and more armor on the secondaries than they could feasibly hold. 


Yet somehow they managed to penetrate my belt.



At least I was able to bounce most shots at almost 0 degrees angle, which was very fun.

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13 hours ago, DougToss said:

It would be nice if belts had vertical height thickness instead of being from the deck to the keel. I think that would made a huge difference, as some ships had thick yet narrow belts. 

Also would lower the weight of the ship since the belt won't be so bloody massive as well. And also means we would have to be careful where we put the belt in future as well.

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Where are you getting 20in from? It's more like 45-50. Even a 11in gun will pen 20in at 5k


Note I am assuming TNT and 1930 tech. TNT is available before the 18in gun is and the 18in is only first available in the very late 1920s

Propellant makes a HUGE difference in armor pen


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Then there are also heavy and super-heavy shells, which further increase penetration.

Then there are also two more things: Randomization and partial pens.
I've seen guns that according to the in-mission stats shouldn't be able to penetrate the enemy's armour and yet they somtimes did anyway. The random factor can apparently go beyond what "should" be possible according to stats.
And even IF the armour is able to prevent full pens 100% of the time, there are still the partial pens. While those do significantly less damage, they still do damage.

Then there are of course also shots that hit the extended belt armour, even when you shoot at a perfect 90% angle, as well as hits into the superstructure.

So in short, don't trust solely the stats.

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