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Impossible join location into a battle


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Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water


Over 6  minuets into the battle these 2 christians joined the battle on either side of Anson. Considering the amount of time that passed this should not have been possible since the battle had been sailing away from the initial point of engagement. Arganaut made a comment regarding patch notes but I was unable to find anything that would explain how a ship can join a battle at a location other than the initial point of contact. A video showing the battle is here: 



Most recent patch notes are from 9/11 from Admin:


Small patch has been deployed today 11th September 2019

Main changes

  • All ships (with the exception of imported ships) will be allowed to capture by the Admiralty on the War server.
  • Oak, Fir, Mahogany, Sabicu planking has been allowed for NPC captured ships
  • NPC captured ships will have from 1 to 4 upgrade slots (compared to previous 3). 
  • Increased the probability to get a better ship from the admiralty notes and for premium ships
    • crafted ships still have a 3x higher probability to get a better ship
  • Added the following ships to NPC fleets compositions
    • Niagara, Rattlesnake, Pirate Frigate, Trincomalee
  • Removed the following ships from NPC fleets 
    • Bellona, Santisima Trinidad

Other changes

  • Fire shock bug fixed - it is now correctly showing when ship is in fire shock, and is not showing when ship is not in fire shock.
  • Increased the amount of people required to fight the fire from 6 to 15 per square meter of fire
  • Increased the size of the fire that causes ship to go into fire shock.
  • Speed for all ships of the line with the exception of bellona, christian and santisima (rare lineships) slightly reduced













Edited by Raekur
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7 minutes ago, Raekur said:

the join circle is not 6 minutes from the point of contact.

Depends how fast you sail, and how far in the join circle a person joins. 

I've had battles before and kept a careful eye on my speed and direction, and instructed my allies to join on top of the enemy. Its always fun to watch the tide turn so quickly and go from running for your ship's safety, to turning and sinking some gankers. And my allies get to finally make use of that prepared perk I always nag them about (I think its useless most of the time, but it does have its moments). I digress.


Anyways, the join circles are positional. If you know how they work, you can generally control where you put the join circles in the initial tag. Putting them in unfavorable wind positions for your enemies is great. Putting the join circles in land or in shallows is even better.

Furthermore, join circles allow quite a lot of positioning room inside them. Notice in the join circle how far back in the circle the Hercules joined. He has at least a minute or two of sailing just to make it to the front edge of the join circle where he could have joined. Then he's got to get to about where the crossed swords are in OW, (which appear about where the ship that was tagged is). Thats another minute or two of sailing in the instance.
Meanwhile, the Trincomalee is communicating with his friends outside, telling them how far he has gone, and in what general direction. Another minute or two has passed, and at this point, the Hercules and his companions are starting to get inside the enemy's join circle. The second rates join the battle and erase a third rate. 


Nothing seems amiss to me, but Ink has already responded that he'll look into it. 

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17 minutes ago, Oli Garchy said:

Very normal and common with this ROE not "impossible" at all




PS if GA pvped more yall might know this ;) 

Spot on. This sounds perfectly normal with current RoE.

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9 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

Don’t think it is a question on RoE, but more if you with the speed should have passed the enemy join circle.

the entire development of the OW was balancing the size, time and speed difference between OW and battle instance. Its not easy but we have a reasonable system atm. this case was them not fully understanding mechanics and I cant blame them as the only way we find out about it is sailing in pvp. They will probably remember this lesson

Edited by Oli Garchy
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When I joined the battle at Khristinan (Gringo 69) I just went into battle without your speed / wind / positioning measurements, the problem here is for players who don’t read the patch notes that until the battle rating has not leveled or 20 minutes have passed the battle is open. and yes, we decided to teach a lesson to the players who want to get a guaranteed victory. when our newcomers gank, I give one advice, take the same ship as the enemy and attack him, are not confident in your strength, call friends and ask them to take the same ships as the gankers and attack them if you have time and you want someone drive take the rate and comrades and wait for possible retaliation. You will see many examples of such battles every day ... but why read the patch notes and notes

here is wisdom - "Victory loves preparation"

-Google translator
Russian version:

Когда я вступил в бой на Христинане (Gringo 69) я просто заходил в бой без ваших замеров скорости/ветра/позиционирования проблема здесь в игроках которые не читают патч ноты о том что пока боевой рейтинг не уровнялся или не прошло 20 минут битва открыта. и да мы решили проучить игроков которые хотят получить гарантированную победу. когда ганкают наших новичков я даю один совет берите такой же корабль как у противника и нападайте на него, не уверены в своих силах позовите друзей и попросите взять такие же корабли как у ганкеров и нападите на них если у вас есть время и вам хочеться кого то погонять возьмите рейт и товарищей и ждите возможного возмездия. примеров таких битв вы увидите множество и каждый день... но зачем читать патч ноты и заметки 

вот вам мудрость - "Победа любит подготовку"

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44 minutes ago, henry.fouchet I said:

lol guaranteed Victory….it is what you do from some month….. Russians Zerg...you teach Nothing...you troll and gank only….Really you are so bad…. and poor from spirit…. it LOL 😛

the zerg of players going after a lone trinc is cool. NA is all zergs ebbing and flowing like the tides

Edited by Oli Garchy
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Just a reminder to those that seem to be hell bent on distracting from the issue this thread is about. 

1. It has nothing to do with the patch or a battle staying open until the br is equal.

2. It has nothing to do with knowledge of how to pvp or what ships were used.

3. It has do with the spawn in location of ships that joined the battle over 7 min after it began and their positioning.

Stay on topic or do not post.

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2 hours ago, Raekur said:

Just a reminder to those that seem to be hell bent on distracting from the issue this thread is about. 

1. It has nothing to do with the patch or a battle staying open until the br is equal.

2. It has nothing to do with knowledge of how to pvp or what ships were used.

3. It has do with the spawn in location of ships that joined the battle over 7 min after it began and their positioning.

Stay on topic or do not post.

yup and 6 7 or 8 minutes in, you sailed through what would be the open world join position from the tag so you got spawned on top of. it is what it is no cheats or hacks

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12 hours ago, Raekur said:

So your saying that within nearly 8 min of sailing at over 13 knots I would not be beyond their join circle, seriously??

Judging from the battle timer in the screenshot you sailed about 6 minutes and 45 seconds before the enemy joined.
Sailing 6.75 minutes in a straight line at an average 13 knots will get you as far as 1.46 nautical miles or 2.6 km.
If I remember correctly, the tagging circle around a ship in the open world map denotes a tagging range of about 500 m inside the battle instance meaning 1 km in diameter. The join circles  are a fair bit outside of that initial circle.
So I'd say their joining right next to you is very much possible, especially when considering that you probably did not sail the full 13 knots in a straight line all the time.

PS: The screenshot also shows the 3rd rate they joined next to, doing just above 8 knots on a broad reach with auto skipper enabled. Which reduces distance traveled in battle to 0.9 nm (=1.6 km). So if you want accuse people of hacking, please don't start by stating imaginary speeds...

Edited by Tom Farseer
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