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Ports out of Stock - Something wrong or by design?

Tom Farseer

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Hey all,

During the last few weeks I experienced severe lack of trading goods (at least the ones that make a decent profit) in every port I checked, regardless of the time of day. No contracts on said goods either. I myself had a contract in Cartagena de Indias for Merino Wool for about a week without a single unit being filled. I checked more than once per day and never was outbid. AI price rose slightly above contract once but was below for the rest of the time. The same happens for example in Santa Fe: Iberian Dried Pork which is low in price therefore in profit (with weight being 100/unit for all goods) is in stock but I have not seen Parisian Furniture in several weeks now. No contracts either.
@admin Have trade good drop rates been lowered for some reason? With current player counts I find it unlikely that all the AI traders carrying those goods get captured.

On the other hand ports like Nassau or Carta still seem to  make decent money (perhaps on Teak and Cartagena Tar alone?)

I know of several other people who have experienced this. Are there any other players more inclined to trading who have experienced this?

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9 minutes ago, Tom Farseer said:

..Are there any other players more inclined to trading who have experienced this?

Yes. Me and others. Last patch killed trading, because - as you said - no trade goods to found out there. After searching for a while we completely stopped trading and started capturing trader for dubloons and goods by ourselfes. I fear this is not a bug, it is by design.

Edited by Sven Silberbart
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Just now, Tom Farseer said:

So it's not just a select few areas.
The question that remains is: Is this by accident or by design?

they removed trading 

it is by design

to come with a new trading update later 

or soon

so....trading is not in the game actually



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3 minutes ago, Sven Silberbart said:

capturing trader for dubloons and goods

I even disregard any trade goods found in a trader ship. As you most of the time get only low numbers of it as loot, e.g. 4 pieces or so, it's  not really worth the time imho. Depends ofc how many time one wants to spend to hunt traders.

Hopefully this will Change with the next 'trade' patch. But I'm uncertain if it will improve trading or will make it even worse.

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Just now, Joernsson said:

I even disregard any trade goods found in a trader ship. As you most of the time get only low numbers of it as loot, e.g. 4 pieces or so, it's  not really worth the time imho. Depends ofc how many time one wants to spend to hunt traders.

Hopefully this will Change with the next 'trade' patch. But I'm uncertain if it will improve trading or will make it even worse.

well worser that what we have now is probably not possible. 

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Just now, Joernsson said:

Since we are talking about NA I would say: You never know :D

completely True

but if .... than admin found the "holy grail " of inactivity.

 i am convinced that is not a goal...oh wait.... is it  ....Nah....

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The issue I see is that when they do implement the new trading as it is currently on the test server there will be no point actually trading in trade goods as the missions will give better reward for less risk. They have not finalized the rewards for the trade missions yet and there have been calls for the current doubloons rewards to be changed to Reals, but the issue will be that to take a mission costs nothing so there is no initial outlay like there is with normal trading, so if you get intercepted all you lose is your ship and the mission item which was free, so why bother buying trade goods to sell in another port.

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