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Pre-Orders stopped - because Paypal

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Good thing you send those urine samples, they have a 99.9% proof record. Nothing can hide from the laboratory - except during the Olympics. ;)


Hope this will be resolved soon, until then, I guess it's proof of the games success - even though now you can't build on it until it's back on the list. Keep up the good work !

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You would not be the first legitimate business practice that Paypal has ruined, and won't be the last. Fortunately you have steam to move to, but many others have not been so lucky and have seen their sucessful business die because of this very thing you're experiencing now. "You're selling too good! We're freezing your account!" sounds ridiculous but it's something they're well known for doing.


I hope everything works out, and I'll be one of the first to throw my money at you once you move to steam.

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Formal complaint sent


Please tell us what your complaint is about:

I have just found out that you have frozen the account of Game-Labs LLC, (case PP-003-614-057-132). I would like to request to unblock their account as I have received the game and I am satisfied with the quality of the product.
My transactions ID are:
XXX - that's 19 Oct 2014
XXX - that's 30 Dec 2014.

What do you want PayPal to do, to put it right for you?

I will be grateful for urgent resolving PP-003-614-057-132 case, because I would like to buy another copy of Game-Labs LLC product.

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And some folks thought I was being paranoid when I said PayPal gives me the creeps. I don't know if it's possible to reach any humans at PP, but I'll send an e mail.


At least finally motivated me to buy Ultimate General, which I was going to do anyway, I just hadn't gotten around to it, until this travesty of justice. 

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The funny thing is that they usually side with buyer if the item wasn't recieved but here they are hindering them from finishing the game we pre ordered haha


edit, this is what I sent


"I heard that you guys have frozen their paypal and I would like to explain that you are hurting those who have bought from them as a result. Those that have purchased from them preordered a game, a game which is in alpha and is pretty fun so far, however your blocking is hindering their ability to get funds and as a result, their ability to finish a product we have paid for. Essentially, by freezing their account, you are disrupting the progress for the product we have paid for so please unfreeze them(No I don't want a refund) so that they can continue to finish the game we have paid for =D"

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