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Missing Forts and Towers in mission battle mode


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I was F11-ing that bug but just wondering is it a bug or made in purpose? Cause I can see Forts and Towers in PVP but since last 10.4 patch I don't see them in missions (every single one cause always doing missions close so should be visible) ??

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28 minutes ago, Liquicity said:

I don't think forts were shooting in PvE missions anymore anyway, because on testbed players started to use the forts to kinda do the work for them

its not about forts shooting AI... I never saw Forts or towers shooting to AI and I dont expect or even want that (loosing kills/gold/xp) but they were helpfull against enemy players clicking into missions. Fighting 7-8 bots plus enemy player or players has obvious end :) Forts gave some chance and what goes with it FUN. One of our players was ganked in consti by enemy trinco and consti and had nice fight thanks to forts (he sank trinco and consti escaped :D)


20 minutes ago, mikawa said:

if you manage it to tag an AI ship in front of your harbour, you should get assistance from the forts too

not agains AI imo...

Edited by Mamen
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But that must be something in the last patch. I remember doing a mission shortly before the patch where two enemy players joined and I could only fight them back by sailing towards the mighty forts of Morant ....

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13 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

There was issue that forts were not shooting AI, but AI were shooting forts (stopping next to forts / towers and shooting). Another issue is players take missions just in front of ports, also in greenzones of capitals! As there are usually 2 forts and towers around, it grants them 100% safety. Removal of forts and towers from missions is a good addition. Players were abusing the system to take missions just outside the ports to get protection of fortifications, thus making it impossible to kill them :)

Fighting few bots and player/s alone is abuse?... Agree that mission should not be spawn in protected area but lets not make it so one sided. Forts are not so powerfull anymore (we've checked that) and deliver serious punch only very close so gank of enemy ships can still kill you very ez.

Would be cool if rewards for mission rise with distance from friendly ports

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After 10.3 accuracy became really low forts were able to dismast us one map square away only. Above that distance if you are not sailing straight it's quite safe. I'm just saying that pve heavy ship is very ez target for solo hunter not mentioning how ez is for gank... I love pvp with challenge. We gank indefat with 4 surps... Belle poule came to help him. Indefat managed to sail to forts on zero distance with 80 crew where we lost 2 surps after demast. I think that was fair. Outnumbered those guys were able to survive on home waters and we had fun by taking challenge.

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3 hours ago, mikawa said:

if you manage it to tag an AI ship in front of your harbour, you should get assistance from the forts too

Poeple where tagging 1st rate ships in front of ports and using the AI towers/Forts to sink them and than looting the ships.  So Devs made a change to keep from this being abused.  IF you can't take the AI your self without fort help than maybe you shouldn't have attacked it in the first place.

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43 minutes ago, Hodo said:

I have also found if the forts werent in render range in battle when the battle starts they wont be there if you sail there in battle.  


this happens if you spawn into a combat way too far from a port, this is not a bug, intended due to optimization issues atm.

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12 minutes ago, Ink said:

this happens if you spawn into a combat way too far from a port, this is not a bug, intended due to optimization issues atm.

Oh it is definitely not a bug, I agree.  I was just saying IF that was the case, where he was in a battle further away than the forts rendered and sailed to them, they wouldnt be there. 


EDIT- 3K posts !!!! 

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3 minutes ago, Hodo said:

Oh it is definitely not a bug, I agree.  I was just saying IF that was the case, where he was in a battle further away than the forts rendered and sailed to them, they wouldnt be there. 


EDIT- 3K posts !!!! 

Thats not the case, forts are not loaded in a mission at any distance, either point blank or miles ahead.

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