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Limited dock space

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If this was covered elsewhere i didnt see it so forgive me.

I like that th dock space is lower and that you need to add space to it but is there a limit on total spaces?

For instance can you still ( with power creep) end up with 7 ports all with 5 ships in it or is there a limit on spaces? Like are players only allowed say 20 dock spaces to be spread wherever they want?

That would be cool and make it less likely that players have 35 or more ships spread out over the map, or at least minimize it some. 

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The number is for all ports. You can have one port with 20 ships (the max dock space) or 10 ports with 2 ships each or a mix of such.   Just a heads up on testbed 17 slots was like 26 millions.  They dropped the price a few hotfix back so no clue what it is now.  Also to all ways remember your fleet ships count as part of that pool as you have to remove them from fleet to jump to another friendly outpost.

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To be honest, I do not like this move. Especially since to expand from 5 slots it costs 250k gold just for 3 extra slots. Thats ridiculously expensive for such little return.


I feel it'd be better if each outpost you open, that outpost has 2 open slots that are separate from the whole pool. Then to upgrade, it cost something like, 50k for an extra slot, but JUST for that port/outpost (price can be adjusted as well) but you have a limit on how may slots you can have at once per port based on your over all rank. So a midshipman can only have two slots per port, but a Flag captain (or equivalent can purchase a max of say, 4 more slots, so a total of 6 per port)

Its a much more logical and sensible way to do things than whats currently in place. Right now, its just an arbitrary limit that only ends up hurting solo players since clan members tend to rake in a TON of cash and can pay for the max amount of port slots easily after only a little time.

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The whole point of the restricted port slots I believe is two fold:

1) money sinks (we had none before) 

2) makes conquest fluid, if you can't have 10 ships all over the place. Your are forced to pick your docks carefully.

(people hate change) 

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2 hours ago, monk33y said:

The whole point of the restricted port slots I believe is two fold:

1) money sinks (we had none before) 

2) makes conquest fluid, if you can't have 10 ships all over the place. Your are forced to pick your docks carefully.

(people hate change) 

While I do agree, there are other money sinks such as purchasing permits to build extra outposts.  The first extra outpost is 50K I do believe, the second is 450K (this is on Global PvP)...that is quite the jump and I do know it is meant to slow players from expanding to fast, especially new players, and to make them think about their expansion purpose and location.  But holy moly....450K is alot even for the seasoned player with a good income and bank roll.


While increasing port slots is a good idea, I agree with Kitsune, port slots should be available according to rank but everyone still starts with 5.  Also, the cost of permits for extra outposts should be lowered.....a jump of 400K is a bit much.   I am not sure as I have only checked a couple of ports (both with sought after resources), but are the costs of outpost permits effected by the ports resources?  If so, that would make sense but if not then 450K is a rather harsh expansion cost for a player.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How many ships can dock at an outpost without expansions. I have an outpost at Brunswick. I pulled into port with a Rattlesnake and a captured Traders Brig in fleet. Only ships in port. I wanted to sell the Traders Brig. Tried to send the Brig to docks so I could sell it. I keep getting a message that the dock is full. How can the dock be full with only two ships?

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17 minutes ago, 38gbear61 said:

How many ships can dock at an outpost without expansions. I have an outpost at Brunswick. I pulled into port with a Rattlesnake and a captured Traders Brig in fleet. Only ships in port. I wanted to sell the Traders Brig. Tried to send the Brig to docks so I could sell it. I keep getting a message that the dock is full. How can the dock be full with only two ships?

5 total at all ports you own. You get 3 more each expansion

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On 6/11/2017 at 2:50 AM, John Vain said:

While I do agree, there are other money sinks such as purchasing permits to build extra outposts.  The first extra outpost is 50K I do believe, the second is 450K (this is on Global PvP)...that is quite the jump and I do know it is meant to slow players from expanding to fast, especially new players, and to make them think about their expansion purpose and location.  But holy moly....450K is alot even for the seasoned player with a good income and bank roll.


While increasing port slots is a good idea, I agree with Kitsune, port slots should be available according to rank but everyone still starts with 5.  Also, the cost of permits for extra outposts should be lowered.....a jump of 400K is a bit much.   I am not sure as I have only checked a couple of ports (both with sought after resources), but are the costs of outpost permits effected by the ports resources?  If so, that would make sense but if not then 450K is a rather harsh expansion cost for a player.

Huh? The 450k outpost is for like #6 outpost. I currently have 5 I setup and next one is 450k about like it was pure wipe or close.

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Outposts and dock space are not real money sinks. They are one time hurdles which actually promote the usage of alts and favor power gamers.

As long as we haven't gone over all hurdles, we will not play the game (/ PvP) for full.

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Let's be fair it only takes two days to make 1million.

Like anything in life, the more time you put in the better the rewards. 

If that fails turn pirate, capture nationals in there safe home waters and sell ships!

Money is easy, ship slots is easy. 

Work = reward 


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On 7/6/2017 at 4:53 AM, monk33y said:

Let's be fair it only takes two days to make 1million.



It took me at least a week maybe more to get to 1 million, and far more hours than I care to remember sailing in loooooong straight lines scanning the horizons for enemies.  By the time I got to 2 million I decided trading was very detrimental to being able to participate in the combat part of the game so I stopped trading and need that cash cushion to last a long time. 750k for 3 more dock slots is a serious number of sailing hours


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1 hour ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:


It took me at least a week maybe more to get to 1 million, and far more hours than I care to remember sailing in loooooong straight lines scanning the horizons for enemies.  By the time I got to 2 million I decided trading was very detrimental to being able to participate in the combat part of the game so I stopped trading and need that cash cushion to last a long time. 750k for 3 more dock slots is a serious number of sailing hours


Huh? I can make 120-180k and hour doing solo 5th rate fleet missions. How ius money an issue once you have 2 mil to get the ship you want?

Edited by CaptVonGunn
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