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28 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:


OK STS (<---wow that sounds like a disease, lol), now who's talking smack?  What do you care whether people rank up fast or slow?  Is this an appendage-measuring contest based upon XP earned?  You type too much, bro, or your forgot to take your meds today. :P3

I have made curse since than, actually very shortly after that screen shot and port battles was done, but the problem is these are the guys that throw the votes in there nations and control things.  The PvErs seem to have the most say when they haven't little to no involvement in the RvR politics in game other than there votes.  Which I think is wrong.  PvPers should prob get an extra vote or do something like for each port battle you went to in the voting week you get an extra vote since your more involved in things every day.  This will help a lot of nations that have newer clans that are wanting action compared to the old guys that don't want any actions.   Be honest with me if you been on this game over 6 months and some what active you should be maxed out rank.  

PS this is the smack talking thread so I can throw some of it in there.   I actually had some one call me a casual player the other night.....lol I have way over 3K hours in this game.  I'm far from a casual player lol

9 minutes ago, Marrius said:

I find that as @Sir Texas Sir I believe stated that the United States is a bit divided. Although nothing that we saw last year with Great Britain. Sure the United States has the largest population with Great Britain a close second. What needs to be considered however is the number of rookies, pve, and econ/crafting players. I do believe that Great Britain and United States are increasing having their ranks slowly filled by non-PvP players and at least with Great Britain, a whole lot of rookies. @ElricTheTwo was hitting this or at least scratching the nose.

Yes, this is a "PvP" server. Unlike other MMOs however, Naval Action is a sandbox game as well. PvE and crafting only players are just a big apart and have the same right on the server as any PvP player. A similar game of the same sandbox gametype I would say is Arma II and III. Specifically the game type mode wasteland which is a very pvp heavy game type. However, you will still get a decent percentage of the population on a server focused more on collecting loot, pve, base building, and that occasion hello kitty that just wants to fly around with the only hind on the damn island. So my views I see it as healthy to have a collection of various interests on a single server and that even though United States, Great Britain, and Dutch alliance might have the larger population how many of those are "experienced" PvP players.


But you can't count the PvErs out when dealing with RvR stuff cause many of them while they don't go out hunting or doing any PvP on the open world other than running in there traders, still will show up at Port Battles.  Specially if it's one of there econ ports.  That and a lot of them have a habit of jumping on the war path bandwagon when there team is winning only.  If there is one or more defeats they suddenly go into hiding.     So you can't say well we only have 20 PvPers even though we have 200 players so we can't match your 20 pirates PvPers even though pirates might be only 40 players total (just throwing numbers out there that have nothing to do with actual).  Cause when the shit hits the fan those 200 players will prob have that 20 double compared to say the pirates that might get an extra 25 the 40 double.  I would prefer to see 15 vs 15 than say 15 vs 35 (screens and all) in PB with nations of more equal numbers fighting each other than having on side backed by a much larger nation.  

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6 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

I have made curse since than, actually very shortly after that screen shot and port battles was done, but the problem is these are the guys that throw the votes in there nations and control things.  The PvErs seem to have the most say when they haven't little to no involvement in the RvR politics in game other than there votes.  Which I think is wrong.  PvPers should prob get an extra vote or do something like for each port battle you went to in the voting week you get an extra vote since your more involved in things every day.  This will help a lot of nations that have newer clans that are wanting action compared to the old guys that don't want any actions.   Be honest with me if you been on this game over 6 months and some what active you should be maxed out rank.  



Congrats on curse, but I have to disagree with you on this.  First off I've been playing for just under a year and I am not max rank, one to go.  So according to you I haven't been playing the game "the way I should".  Right?  Sounds like that's what you're saying.  But more importantly, you also seem to be saying that I shouldn't have as many votes as the players who are seeking a pvp battle in lieu of a trade mission.  How does that make them less involved in the game?  I don't get that view at all.  No, IMO I think the devs have this one just right, that the higher rank you are the more votes you get.  That sounds about right to me.  Just my opinion though.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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42 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

PvPers should prob get an extra vote or do something like for each port battle you went to in the voting week you get an extra vote since your more involved in things every day.  

Yes! Just like the American fore-fathers wanted! 

I see PvE and crafters involvement in port battles increase when it involves a major crafting or resource port such as Castries for the Pirates. Frankly, Great Britain can pull the numbers with a smaller faction. The United States however, I do not believe they can. They seem to need to cozy up with someone decent size especially when IGG is not available in strength. 



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9 minutes ago, Neverdead Ned said:

Bottom line, if you're carebear on PvP2 and you either get cap'd or sunk, you have no right to bitch.  Sooner or later, we're coming.  Consider it our duty to bring pvp to you.

Agreef. It should be expect that there is a high chance of this in a PvP active server. People should not complain about the lack of open world PvP either though. There are easily places you can go and target. Privateer and Storm Crow do this very well. However just sitting in a free port popping in and out does nothing for PvP.


Also has anyone looked at those prices of ships at La Nav? They are outrageous especially for the material being used. A teak wood St. Pavel for 6mil? I can get a L' Ocean with live oak for 500k less.

Edited by Marrius
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5 minutes ago, Marrius said:

Yes! Just like the American fore-fathers wanted! 

I see PvE and crafters involvement in port battles increase when it involves a major crafting or resource port such as Castries for the Pirates. Frankly, Great Britain can pull the numbers with a smaller faction. The United States however, I do not believe they can. They seem to need to cozy up with someone decent size especially when IGG is not available in strength. 



This game isn't based on american politics so we don't have to have things equal for every one. PvErs can get those same extra votes by showing up at the port battles to.  All it's doing is rewarding the active players and not the guys that been around for every and throws there votes when they log on once a week with all there alts.  This will give smaller active clans more power in a nation too.   

Oh don't get me wrong we need PvE and PvErs in the game, but they shouldn't not be the controlling factor of any faction.  Specially when it's controlling the RvR of the game. 

And that is exactly why folks need to break that alliance cause they have gotten so cozy and they use others to do a good chunk of there fighting.  Do they really need all of GoM?  Hell do they even use it?   France would prob love there TX/LA spot back and I have not seen any offer to help them.  Notice the one nation that has no players talking in there and they have the largest population?   I think the Brits are doing better cause of the fact they have so many of the smaller clans growing while the one large one is kinda fading into the back ground. I was kinda hoping to see that with the NPG/IGG split thing that some of the politics would change and things would get shaken up.   US really needs a reality check about how bad they have it or not and the taking them to 11 ports was close they ever had it, but they got Brits to take the heat for them while they just reap the rewards and took ports back.  Never once saw them truely help brit get a region back for them selves. Look at some of recent port battles.  Even than only a few US players and those are some of the good PvPers are the ones that show up to help Brits and Dutch.   You can remove Dutch/Brits for when they attack and defend and they still show up with close to 25 strong in both the mornings and eve slots.   I'm going to bet you we will see prob over 40 tonight at the port battle.   You can prob have all the dutch and Brits sit that fight out and they will still have plenty left over on the out side to fill a battle two times over.  Which is why Dutch truelly didn't need to use Castries to pull us off that port battle.   They can hold there own if they ever just get organized and stop the inner fueds.  It's why many of us left US to become pirates or other nations.  

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3 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

...  All it's doing is rewarding the active players and not the guys that been around for every and throws there votes when they log on once a week with all there alts.  This will give smaller active clans more power in a nation too.   



This is where the problem lies IMO, this and alts.  That's where the voting system really tends to break down.  Inactive players and alts voting.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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5 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

This game isn't based on american politics so we don't have to have things equal for every one. 

Actually what I was stating was based on what the American fore-fathers wanted. They did not want everyone to have a voice in politics. They only wanted a small percentage which were educated, land owning, whites. The average joe they felt were not sophisticated enough to have a say.

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12 minutes ago, Marrius said:

Agreef. It should be expect that there is a high chance of this in a PvP active server. People should not complain about the lack of open world PvP either though. There are easily places you can go and target. Privateer and Storm Crow do this very well. However just sitting in a free port popping in and out does nothing for PvP.


Also has anyone looked at those prices of ships at La Nav? They are outrageous especially for the material being used. A teak wood St. Pavel for 6mil? I can get a L' Ocean with live oak for 500k less.

Never noticed that name, but it's DN.  They could be putting them up high like that to buy them off with an alt or something.  Though all those ships are old crafted before regional so they shouldn't be that hig.  l'Ocean for 500K would about cost of goods (not labor hours charged) .  I just sold one for 3 mil that was a note ship from one of the ship chest.  That is very reasonable for a 1st rate.  Majority of the players are rich off the fine wood so folks jack all the prices up. I do sale a lot of ships on the side for cheap around Mort and Atwood.  Keep getting to many notes of ships I can build better ones of so I sale them so some one that can't craft can get into better ships.  The econ is truelly a mess on in the game and I can't wait for a wipe in the future to see how much folks freak when they actually got to work to get the goods they have like new players.   I hear all the time folks say they don't care about this region or that cause thy have stacks and stacks of mats sitting not being used.  That doesn't help the game one bit.

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8 minutes ago, Marrius said:

Actually what I was stating was based on what the American fore-fathers wanted. They did not want everyone to have a voice in politics. They only wanted a small percentage which were educated, land owning, whites. The average joe they felt were not sophisticated enough to have a say.


Don't forget Betty.  She couldn't vote either.  ;)  For what did women know of politics?  Silly.  (Hey, has anything changed?  :lol:  Don't shoot me)

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Another US port lost because carebears. Duck me. Also if the devs would fix that hello kittying GUI bug with the marines, not only that but it acted like i had marines in the way of how little my crew was manning everything until i boarded Ned, at which point i was saddened to see i had none, and then was lagged out to the point where i could not even change attacks. I only assume because the server was confused. The moment after I sank everything cleared up perfectly then my game crashed. Also, because this forum is supposed to be salty, and for some reason its civil, ef you pirates :lol: 

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So I logged in for about 15 minutes today (haven't punched the clown to some pretty ships in awhile), and I noticed some of the usual shit talk going on in global.

Thought to myself "How much do I want to bet that the person crying like a baby is a U.S Player in NPG". I looked and to my complete lack of surprise, I was correct. 

Seems in the couple months I haven't played some things remain the same. Stay salty NPG. It's not JobaSet's fault you guys are bad.



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We need to start battling over some shallow ports....  1st rate and 4th rate battles require mortar brig or higher - so the junior players can't all come with mortar brigs.  At the Windwards last night, we had a player who wanted to get in, but the BR wouldn't let him... 

There are just SO FEW shallow port regions on the map now - especially on the eastern side of the map - zero.  

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Undercrewed cerberus's, even if that's less than satisfactory, are a good option for the newer players to get into.

I believe level 4 is 150, which is perfect. I know that's not optimal but due to how shallow water ports are hard to come by in the antilles, it's one if the best options.

Cerbs are cheap and have 5 durability, fast and if sailed well they could be a real thorn by stern raking/camping.

Edited by Teutonic
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10 hours ago, OneEyedSnake said:

Another US port lost because carebears. Duck me. Also if the devs would fix that hello kittying GUI bug with the marines, not only that but it acted like i had marines in the way of how little my crew was manning everything until i boarded Ned, at which point i was saddened to see i had none, and then was lagged out to the point where i could not even change attacks. I only assume because the server was confused. The moment after I sank everything cleared up perfectly then my game crashed. Also, because this forum is supposed to be salty, and for some reason its civil, ef you pirates :lol: 

Well first thing MORON (see put some salty in there) if you change ships your mods and repairs stay with your original ship.  So if you had a marine mod on that ship it won't be on the new ship you took command of.  We where laughing a bit when you found out you no longer had the marines when you switched ship to keep from sinking.  There was something else we round out that battle we won't be saying a thing about.   lol

23 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

We need to start battling over some shallow ports....  1st rate and 4th rate battles require mortar brig or higher - so the junior players can't all come with mortar brigs.  At the Windwards last night, we had a player who wanted to get in, but the BR wouldn't let him... 

There are just SO FEW shallow port regions on the map now - especially on the eastern side of the map - zero.  

We have an issue in BLACK where some folks just flat out refuse to do shallow waters.  These are the same guys that want to only be in 1st rates.  I have said a few times if they want SOL play they should go play a National and not a pirate. I actually hate SOL for the most part, but they have there use in big SOL battles. 

As for shallow waters.  Look at the map.  The problem is that the US will defend Little Harbor to the end for the silver (they have two other silver regions) and the pirate refit so that one is pretty much out the window.  In the Gulf there is one shallow with no regional bonus, but that is another silver port.   There is shallows south of KPR for the Brits that has no regional bonus but I have no clue what is produce there.  The South Cuba island by Spain (was pirate at reset) has no regional bonus either and could prob be fought over.   That leaves us with two other Brit and 2 us regions in the Bahamas that can be fought over.  US and Brits are the only ones that own them.  The problem is if any one attacks any of these we will have to face 35+ H Rattlers swarming all over the place.  This is why Pirates keep the Little Harbor flips to after reset to get the numbers down to something more even and even than US/Brits all ways out number us.   

People need to stop voting for this stupid care bear alliance so folks can fight over stuff.  Maybe let some of the small nations get a foot hold.  France lost a port last night so they are back down to two regions and none with a regional build bonus.  Yah thanks Dutch/Brits lets keep crushing the little guys.   

So this morning I did a little counting.  At this point the port/regional count per nation is such:

Danish :               7 Regions

Dutch:                  11 Regions

GB:                       23 Regions

France:                2 Regions

Pirates:                5 Regions

Spanish:              1 region

Swedes:               5 regions

US:                        20 Regions

Now the alliances: 

DFS:  14

DBU:  40

Pirates:  5

I was kinda surprised to find out GB had more than US, but I think most of the gulf is large regions with more than 3-4 ports so it just looks like they have more.  I know brits lost a few recently so that means they still had more than the US did.  They both can prob loose a region or 5 .   Even if you put them down to 15 regions they will have more than every one else which makes since they are the two largest nations.  The problem is no one wants to attack regions way over out of the sway or of no use.  Looking at a map right now Copper/Gold/Silver is broken down like this.

Danish:   1 Copper, 2 Gold, 2 Silver

Dutch:    1 Copper, Gold, Silver

GB:      4 Copper, no Gold, 1 Silver

France:  None

Pirates:  1 Silver and Copper

Spanish:  None

Swedes:  1 Copper

US:  3 Copper, 2 Gold and 3 Silver

Now take into account the alliances.   

DSF:   2 Copper, 2 Gold, 2 Silver

BDU:  8 Copper, 3 Gold, 5 Silver

Pirates:  1 Copper and Gold

This shows you who has the most resources out of the two alliances and can afford to loose prob some of those regions to other nations.  Now lets look at the woods. I'll only use the main three that are hard to get.   Ceder, Live Oak and Mahogany


Dutch:  1 Mahogany

GB:  2 Mahogany, 1 Cedar


Pirates:  1 Live Oak



US:  One Live Oak and Mahogany

Now lets look at the alliances:


BDU:  1 Cedar, 1 Live Oak, 4 Mahogany

Pirates:  Live Oak

So when you loose one little region port stop your bitching DBU cause you have  over twice the regions as the rest of the server and you have the majority of the resources too. Prob most of it is not even being used,. but as soon as you get attacked by one small nation you flip out and at like your loosing every thing.    If you loose a port go do your econ some where else.  How many of you are using regions no one visits?    It's not like your poor Spanish who has nothing but there capital and no alliance at all.   Though cool thing is I'm getting the DFS to try to vote them in and pick them up since none of the big nations will do it.   The little guys have to help each other out.

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That was a good presentation, except for one major flaw. When you include Brits, Dutch and US in an alliance to make a case that we all are sharing resources and ports, (when we aren't, but could), you seem to exclude rats from the Dane, French, Swede alliance. When you redo your math, you see a more even spread.
BTW, I specifically call this out because of how rats expect nationals to consider them a nation,...aaannd because it is obvious of their alliance.
Now the alliance regions (includes rats):
DFSR:  19
DBU:  40

Now take into account the alliances resources (includes rats):
DSFR:   3 Copper, 3 Gold, 3 Silver
BDU:  8 Copper, 3 Gold, 4 Silver

Now lets look at the alliances wood resources (includes rats):
DSFR:  1 Live Oak
BDU:  1 Cedar, 1 Live Oak, 4 Mahogany

The only thing missing from this true report are the Frienemy Treaties where some of us Dutch are indeed helping out the French, and where some US are helping out the Spanish. This also does not include ALLLL the ALTs that ppl are using to gain access to their enemy's resources. Also, if the Quadalliance is complaining about a lot of unused regions, then why don't y'all go attack those regions? Go get em like Swede tried to do, but didn't get any help with at the Yucatan....especially if y'all do it at the same time...

EDIT: fixed the silver counts for both alliances

Edited by van der Decken
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While the pirates help the French & Danes, we cannot setup buildings in those ports - so we have to buy.  Silver, and to a lesser degree, copper are the issue.  We can buy enough Live Oak now the Pirates have that region - so that helps - and for mahogany, we can get it via smuggler ships.  But again, silver is the main issue.  With the Danes taking Ponce this morning, that helps.

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2 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

While the pirates help the French & Danes, we cannot setup buildings in those ports - so we have to buy.  Silver, and to a lesser degree, copper are the issue.  We can buy enough Live Oak now the Pirates have that region - so that helps - and for mahogany, we can get it via smuggler ships.  But again, silver is the main issue.  With the Danes taking Ponce this morning, that helps.

You do have silver directly north of Windward. So apparently the silver count is indeed 3 for the quadalliance? My bad.

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