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Surrender penalties

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Make PvP surrender punishable by negative XP and money based on the ship type you are sailing.  This is both more realistic as a captain that surrenders his boat can expect to be put on trial to determine if he did all that he could to escape or win and it would encourage people to duke it out and at least make some XP and money.


PS  Get rid of BR rules on the OS.

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I disagree. Respectfully :) losing a dura is punishment enough.

If someone has decided they aren't going to fight back, surrendering is a faster way to end the battle than sitting there doing nothing while the other guy shoots you for 20 min before boarding. Most of the time when someone surrenders it is because they don't want to spend a bunch of time losing a battle. Surrender just gets it over with so both players can go back to playing sooner.

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If a captain believed he was in an unwinable situation and felt he could save his crew (and possibly cargo) surrender would be a viable option.

This may be a little less the case with more headstrong naval captains, but civilian and trader vessels would rather surrender than fight to the death

Edited by William the Drake
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Yeah - surrendering is totally valid


Apparently not for the AI unless the captain looks around and realizes he's the only one left.  I just don't get that part.  At least PVPers can use logic.


...oh, so my suggestion is AI common sense surrendering.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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The problem is on the other side of the equation. When an enemy surrenders you receive no kill/assist rewards. Let people surrender and let the victor get assist/kill rewards.

On the other hand if they surrender, you get a free ship

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