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Restrict port timers to a common primetime.

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Restricting port timers to a time zone agreeable to all players would achieve greater balance between nations, encourage many and more PVP situations, Furthermore it would avoid locking out some nations completely out of port battles. A good middle zone would be the 16-24 timezone (Server time)


I firmly believe this to be the best way to make the game more engaging pvp-wise and alleviate player exhaustion.

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Restricting port timers to a time zone agreeable to all players would achieve greater balance between nations, encourage many and more PVP situations, Furthermore it would avoid locking out some nations completely out of port battles. A good middle zone would be the 16-24 timezone (Server time)


I firmly believe this to be the best way to make the game more engaging pvp-wise and alleviate player exhaustion.


Well that is one of the problem prime time isn't common between nations. The server may be in Europe (PvP1) but the nations attract their own nationality due to common language for chat. Prime time for a few would be horrible for others. 


IMHO timers in general need to be replaced with a more robust system that takes more commitment then just buying a flag with cheap gold.

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Wouldn't work.


The ability to buy a 'lockout' time for ports in your faction could work, though. The current owners of a port can set a timer and then also designate 4-6 hours when future owners of the port can't set a new one.


Ew, that sentence.

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Hethwill and shrouded have good ideas in my opinion, my idea is for the timer to be completely random and for it to change to another random time with each day's maintenance. This could help to simulate the 'correct' conditions for attack such as weather and sea swell etc. Plus with random timers who can use it in their favour or moan if they lose due to prime time and all that pony.

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