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PVP1 - The Empire Strikes back!


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Not really Victor it was a morale raising exercise it did what was designed to do end of.


Sir, you seem to confuse the purpose of an action for one side and the actual effects of such action on the global war scenario (also Pirro won the famous battle).

Edited by victor
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Victor in this case the fight on the french front did not affect the re-catpure of Jamaica's pirate ports. the fleet against the french was a clan fleet, the one in jamaica was seperate and 6 hours later. if anything we took a number of players there from the end of the french fight so having them gathered there was useful. overall yes of course the French being used as a diversion in the south is affecting us and helping us lose Jamaica but this battle was about how we can still fight back despite that!


Its not a gloating thing so its a shame one guy had to come in with one cherry picked battle from the French war that we lost. we also sank a lot of French ships including 20 in one open sea battle for the loss of 5. it was a really fun night on the French front with lots of good fighting but yes over all a defeat for Britain, it happens. So if you are going to accuse someone of not telling the 'whole truth' then at least tell it yourself!

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Victor in this case the fight on the french front did not affect the re-catpure of Jamaica's pirate ports. the fleet against the french was a clan fleet, the one in jamaica was seperate and 6 hours later. if anything we took a number of players there from the end of the french fight so having them gathered there was useful. overall yes of course the French being used as a diversion in the south is affecting us and helping us lose Jamaica but this battle was about how we can still fight back despite that!


Its not a gloating thing so its a shame one guy had to come in with one cherry picked battle from the French war that we lost. we also sank a lot of French ships including 20 in one open sea battle for the loss of 5. it was a really fun night on the French front with lots of good fighting but yes over all a defeat for Britain, it happens. So if you are going to accuse someone of not telling the 'whole truth' then at least tell it yourself!


I read again my post and I cannot find any accuse towards anyone about them not telling the truth, since in such posts I just tried to give my interpretation of the facts.


On the other side, I shall really thank you for your reply (at least for the important intel contained therein) ... was I talking about baits?

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In my opinion - proud aside - Brits just ate the bait by taking back jamaica the following day while loosing other ports on their borders. It was a well played diversion.

yet after we took the 3 ports back we have not lost a single port, where is this bait ?

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It really has been the rally it was meant to be. I have never seen the coast of Jamaica so active and filled with players working together. The Danish presence has worked wonders for our unity and the extra PvP is always welcome.


I hope this restores faith in the British Council Clans. We did not abandon our home. We came back to protect it and restore a safe-ground for our newer players.

Edited by Richmuel UK
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It really has been the rally it was meant to be. I have never seen the coast of Jamaica so active and filled with players working together. The Danish presence has worked wonders for our unity and the extra PvP is always welcome.


I hope this restores faith in the British Council Clans. We did not abandon our home. We came back to protect it and restore a safe-ground for our newer players.

Also a good occasion to make supply of tea don't you think? :P

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It was great fight, and y'all certainly surprised me with the size of the fleet at that hour. You fought well and deserved those ports back, I really enjoyed the defense at Montego Bay.


P.S. Sometimes I hate visiting these forums, I swear to God that people who had absolutely nothing to do with the fight on either side are the saltiest players posting in here.

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Victor, sorry the second half of my post was not about you, it was Tataann who was posting complaining that i was not telling the truth and being a hypocrite just trying to gloat.


Anyway, yeah this was all just for good fun and done to help out british morale, not as a gloating oppurtunity. The pirates who defended were very polite and amused by it to, as you can see from BigValco, who was for a very short time the protector of our fine ports!


Bigvalc i think you are right, most people causing trouble in these posts have nothing to do with them. it was your fleet and my fleet trading shots and i dont remember anyone being pissed off afterwards. quite the opposite.

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Ahoooooy capt'ns!

Good post, JCDC.

I'm new here, just few weeks playing and one week in a clan. I see your mighty fleet of ships of the line and I rise our mighthy Spanish frigates fleet.

I had good fun fighting, sinking and being sunk (with my beautiful Mercury).

See you at the sea, lads.

P.S.:I hope we will have more good battles.

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The most important thing is that we Brits finally started fighting as a  true Nation. I'm a solo player and yesterdey I got involved in 4 different actions. Many other players did the same thing. I have to say "thank you" first of all to our clans (you really did a marvellous job guys B)), then to our enemies. You Danes are such a strong opponent (chapeau to you) that you forced us to become better players and a true nation. Now I know that every single captain sailing alongside me is ready to fight till the last man, till the last ship to defend and protect every single bit of our land. Huzzah!!!!  :) 

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The most important thing is that we Brits finally started fighting as a  true Nation. I'm a solo player and yesterdey I got involved in 4 different actions. Many other players did the same thing. I have to say "thank you" first of all to our clans (you really did a marvellous job guys B)), then to our enemies. You Danes are such a strong opponent (chapeau to you) that you forced us to become better players and a true nation. Now I know that every single captain sailing alongside me is ready to fight till the last man, till the last ship to defend and protect every single bit of our land. Huzzah!!!!  :)

Be careful not to fight to the last grass of tea.

We want some too! :P

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Pitty nobody of the Pirates defended Savanna de Mar.T'was really funny killing Brits in my Ren-0-Meh just in front of the Kingston.

I scored Snow, Niagara, Brig, Belle Poule, Basic Cutter in 3 hours and I captured an undercrewed AFK Frigate, what was actually super LOL. All of these fights proved that Brits are nothing more than runnabees. Even the Chicken was trying to escape against Renommee. Brits do not fight unless they got 5 Vickies on grid. Pirates rule the wawes. YARRR.

Edited by Porpoise
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Вы занимаетесь ерундой, хех. Это игра и её нельзя воспринимать как реальность.

Klava, dunno if Google translator is right. However, I agree with you: this is just a game (and a great one), but we are role playing a little bit.  And yes, fighting against a great opponent like you is always fun :) .

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You clubbed some newbs and an afk ship in what is supposed to be a no fighting zone . how brave you are, yes that proves that the brits cant fight of course.


Yes sure, taking out Belle Poule and Cutter with Renommee is seal clubbing and what the hell are you talking about? No fighting zone? I must laugh into your face sir.

All of them got 2 minutes to receive help from your mighty nation, but your Trincos and Frigs were just too scared to PVP and help them out. 

You are just gank nation, nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that Britain achieved was destroying the Spanish super underpopulated nation. Your war effort against Pirates or Danes proves that.

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Yes sure, taking out Belle Poule and Cutter with Renommee is seal clubbing and what the hell are you talking about? No fighting zone? I must laugh into your face sir.

All of them got 2 minutes to receive help from your mighty nation, but your Trincos and Frigs were just too scared to PVP and help them out. 

You are just gank nation, nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that Britain achieved was destroying the Spanish super underpopulated nation. Your war effort against Pirates or Danes proves that.

While, there is no "safe zone".

I don't think it's actually a good thing to actually pursue every guy you face.

Maybe make some neutral ground? Or warning on the chat about the risk?


Some guys don't read the forum and some are actually new. They don't always know what's going on around them.

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Yes sure, taking out Belle Poule and Cutter with Renommee is seal clubbing and what the hell are you talking about? No fighting zone? I must laugh into your face sir.

All of them got 2 minutes to receive help from your mighty nation, but your Trincos and Frigs were just too scared to PVP and help them out.

You are just gank nation, nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that Britain achieved was destroying the Spanish super underpopulated nation. Your war effort against Pirates or Danes proves that.

You realize the Danes lost yesterday on the major front 4 Ports in a matter of hours?

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