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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Ink

    PVP EU just crashed.

    Captain, issues were on your side. It seems there were temporary issues on third-party ISPs as graphs indeed indicate decrease of online players by that time, but it is defently not related to server provider issues, server is running fine since maintenance time.
  2. Просьба уточнить после каких сражений опыт не начисляется? Например бонусный опыт за выполнение миссии при прокачке слотов не учитывается. Баг с возможностью восстановления команды во время абордажа нам известен. Но на данный момент мы решаем, сделать из этого особенность геймплея (т.к. доктор находится в безопасном месте) и сделать отображаемой возможность лечения или же окончательно убрать данную возможность. проблема с "прозрачными" башнями также известна и будет решена.
  3. Outlaw battle is open for the whole duration of instance and everyone can be attacked there, case is dismissed
  4. Captains, this is a bug that will be fixed in one of the patches.
  5. Уточнение - Вы пробовали перезапустить клиент или проблема после перезапуска не прошла?
  6. Unfortunately, this is not possible to compensate as such things may happen during Early Access. Font issue is a known problem but there is no quick fix possible, it will be fixed later.
  7. Captain, no server issues were spotted on US server on weekends. Most likely there were packet loss issues between you and the server. Please once it happens again run connection test report via Steam Launcher.
  8. Captains were warned about upcoming wipe, at the moment experience transfer is impposible.
  9. PVP kills should be counted on the board regardless of instance type, will be checked. This is a known issue, will be fixed but no ETA at the moment.
  10. Perhaps it was caused by some sort of forum db rollback during yesterday maintenance. Unfortunately most likely they are gone forever but that maintenance was important as it fixed some bugs with forum.
  11. Просьба проверить - проблема при выходе из сражения должна пройти.
  12. Your messages were not hidden, please can re-check your post history via profile?
  13. Forum did not crash, it was maintenance by forum provider.
  14. In case there are no server issues (we make announcments about it asap), most likely this is a local connection issue which is not compenstated. Send F11, I'll contact you later if any bug spotted.
  15. Thats not the case, forts are not loaded in a mission at any distance, either point blank or miles ahead.
  16. this happens if you spawn into a combat way too far from a port, this is not a bug, intended due to optimization issues atm.
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