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Everything posted by Lastreaumont

  1. On previous versions and at the beginning of my new campaign on v1.09, I used tasks forces to pack the ships I want together and use them to control a map region or hunt ennemy ships. But now, with the refuelling management we have to do, I chose to leave my ships in harbor most of the time, switching between "sea control" option if I allow them to go to missions and "defend" option if I want them to stay in harbor until full refuelling is complete. About this, I have a question: many months to fully refuel a ship, is it a simulation of famous french big strikes? :-) (Yes, I play France in this campaign)
  2. I came to the same solution and start to do it in my current campaign.
  3. Oh, sorry I probably made a mistake in my translation, when I translated "installations de télépointage" in "telepointing facilities", because in french, "télépointeur" is the name of an aiming system and I'm pretty sure that performances of an aiming system has something to do with accuracy. :-) Maybe the correct translation of "télépointeur" is "director". (I discovered this on an english plan of the Richelieu) On the Wikipedia page of the Richelieu (again only on the page in french, sorry), we can read explanations about the special organisation of the funnel (cubit with aiming system for 152mm guns on the top) was an answer to the smoke problems shown on Dunkerque and Strasbourg.
  4. The Wikipedia page of french battleship Dunkerque (see source below) explains that the tries at sea showed that smoke from funnel was bothersome for telepointing facilities of main tower. So, in 1938, the funnel top type was changed from "en sifflet" style to "en volute" style (sorry, I don't know how to translate the styles names). The change was done on the Dunkerque and on the Strasbourg. Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunkerque_(navire_de_ligne) (This is explained only in french version of the page, not in the english one, sorry. )
  5. I think this is because of the switch from coal to semi oil. Coal gives a bonus of floatability.
  6. Good idea the painters. I steal it for my next french campaign. ☺️
  7. I change the names too, especially when I play France. I like to give names using the same thematic to ships of the same class. The thematics I often use are: - 1st French Empire marshals: (Davout), Berthier, Lannes, Murat, Nay, Soult, etc. - 1st French Empire victories: (Austerlitz), (Wagram), (Iéna), Auerstaedt, Marengo, Arcole, Eckmuhl, etc. - French girl names: Amandine, Bénédicte, Clémentine, Daphné, Eglantine, etc. - French wind names: Mistral, Tramontane, Zéphyr, Sirocco, Autan, etc. - Famous french kings: Henri IV, Philippe Auguste, Dagobert III, (Saint Louis), etc. - French cities names - French regions - Funny names for a warship: Finesse, Subtilité, Douceur, Tendresse, etc. - Mazarin, a cardinal, to go with Richelieu - I often have a trio of BB called: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Names in parenthesis are not mine and already in the game)
  8. I agree. But the case of the mothballed status is complicate. If the coming out time is too short, players will abuse of this powerfull budget balancing tool (as I did before), and if this time is too long, players will just ignore this useless option (as I do now). Hard to balance between these 2 I think.
  9. I see many comments about how ship's engine power and ship's speed should work according to hull form/size and other parameters. I am not familiar with all the physic involved, so I was pleased when few days ago I discovered this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgSFglbl5g 1st question, for everyone: am I the only one who learnt something watching it? :-) 2nd question, for developpers: should it be possible to know the approximate optimal speed of a given hull, according to size and beam settings, to optimize engine's sizing?
  10. I was a great user of the mothballed option to reduce my maintenance costs, so maintenance of my current campaign becomes quite complicated. A smell of scrapping is coming... With the new update change, my problem is when I go to war, my mothballed ships are ready some months after the end of the war, after all the job was done by some allready ready ships. So, in the future, a button to interrupt the "unmothballetisation" would be great. Maybe... Because if going out of mothballed state is so long, I am not sure I will really use it in the future. I thought I found a substitute to the mothballed state by using a very low crew state, but result is the same. I have another idea to experiment but I need to test it before. So, if the game for the developpers is to find our cheats, please find mine below: From the beginning of the campaign, focus research on: - Rangefinders, to have radar ASAP, to increase precision and engagement distances. (Stop focus when Radar 1 is discovered) - Big guns, to have 12in Mark V guns ASAP, to increase precision. (I didn't stop this focus, but with the new change about the mothballed state, I think I'll do because I think I don't really need big precise guns bigger than 12in if I can't pay the maintenance of big ships with bigger guns) - Sonars, to have sonar ASAP, to facilitate torpedo dodges. (Stop focus when Sonar 1 is discovered) With this I can build ships which becomes quickly more precise than their opponents, that can engage the ennemy without being in range of its guns or its detection and, if the ennemy comes closer, torpedoes are less a problem when you can see them from longer distance. So, I have a budget to balance. Bye. :-)
  11. I remember an announcement about the auto resolve button that said it doesn't take into account the battle status before it was used, but I can't find the message anymore. When peace is asked, your governement ask to you what is your opinion about this, and then decides. The decision is not always the same as your suggestion. I have the same problem of not turning guns or torpedo launchers, so I do all my possible to avoid close range brawls, using fast ships that fight at long range, as I did before to try to reduce impact of massive torpedoes swarms. But I agree, this issue is quite problematic. About the technology transfert, reverse engineering is not always possible, especially if the new technology is not into the object, but into the process to build it. For the example of guns, analysis of a gun does not always explain to you how to forge it. Maybe scrapping a ship could give research point bonuses to the technologies used to build it, but giving directly technologies is a little too generous, I think.
  12. Yes, that's it! Including CV also means including planes operating from ground (not the main force in Pacific, but important in Mediterranean sea or North sea and English Channel). And planes will become the focus of the game instead of ships. Another thing to take into account is the knowledge of history. We know CV will become the kings of sea, most of the other ships types will become obsolete, and what will become the most important and useful. So, as soon as the CV become available, you know you can scrap the majority of your fleet, to build only small ships (up to CA maybe) with as many AA as possible, and CV with as many planes as possible. Because this is all you need for CV battles. Sorry, but this gameplay does not appeal to me.
  13. Please put submarine design into Ultimate admiral: Submarines and carriers design into Ultimate admiral: Carriers. Please do not polluate this game with these (censored) ships. Don't do the same mistake as Wargaming with World of Warships.
  14. In metropolitan France, the 2 main naval harbors are Brest and Toulon. Cherbourg is a smaller one. Le Havre and Marseille are great commercial harbors, without naval bases. La Rochelle was a naval harbor in older times. I'm sure it still have a naval activity during 19th century (same as Dunkerque). Nice isn't also a naval harbor. The harbor is quite small. When warships come to Nice, they anchor in Villefranche bay. There are losts of postcards of warships anchored in this bay. For example: Another one: https://servimg.com/view/15825815/4024 But this bay is quite small too. When an US carrier comes to Nice, she anchors in Cannes Bay, between coast and Lerins islands. So, according to my knowledge, a french players should be able to: - anchor ships in Dunkerque, Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest, Nantes/Saint-Nazaire, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulon, Nice - build and repair in Brest, Toulon, and maybe in Nantes/Saint-Nazaire and Cherbourg. This is for metropolitan France. For ex-colonies, I need to do some researchs.
  15. Here is my first (really) big battle: This was an intense experience for my PC (my nice little old war machine :-) ), with a frame rate better expressed in FPM. The battle ended in time out, for a not so bad result: I started this campaign (France, 1920) just after last save reset and finished it in 1.08. (No cheats or save edits were used during this campaign, just the will to finish a campaign with another end than "saves were reset".) Maybe it's time to plan a refit of my PC between two refits of BB or BC. :-)
  16. I noticed you can only delete unused designs and sunk ships still count as using their design. So, if you loose a ship, you'll never be able to delete its design. Maybe a way to force us to remember our lost sailors. :-)
  17. I tried to build a Dunkerque design too, and can't do something good. Maybe we'll need some ballasts... ☺️
  18. I thought a long time about the Nelson example presented by o Barão, because I didn't understand how the design changes could have a so strong impact on roll and pitch. Why the big citadel have to create a more stable ship. And I found a possible explanation. Look at the center of mass position on the Z axis on o Barão's ships pictures: it is very high for the Nelson style design, quite high for the small citadel classical design and low on the big citadel design. So, the smallest your citadel is, the higher the center of mass is, and the higher the center of mass is, the more unstable your ship is, because too many heavy things are on the top. So, reducing the citadel to save more weight for other things is a good solution only if the saved weight is used to add things that don't increase the center of mass height, or if your center of mass is already very low. This is consistent with the stability problems of my SSTO designs in Kerbal Space Program, if I don't take care of center of mass position regarding center of lift position regarding center of propulsion position.
  19. 2 small reports about refit (seen on updates 7 and 8, campaign with France, started in 1930). - The game allows to refit ships currently at sea, the refit is done in one month and the ship remains ready and at sea. I love this "feature", but I think this is not very realistic. :-) - If you refit a mothballed ship, at the end of the refit, the status of the ship changes to normal, but without crew size change. This normal status is taken into account in foreign relations. Editing the crew size, increasing and decreasing it, is ok to go back to mothballed status.
  20. Please find here the 2 pillars of my 1940 french campaign fleets. 1st one is a concept of fast battleship, with 3x3 457mm as main battery. Her main job is to sink ennemy BB and BC. https://zupimages.net/up/22/21/vdgk.png Why a so "small" main ship? - Because BB are even more expensive for a budget as generous as presence of green into the Sahara. - Because BB aren't the best to perform nice torpedoes swarm dodging dances 2nd one is a concept of heavy heavy cruiser, with 4x3 305mm as main battery. Her main job is to escort the 1st concept and sink all ennemy cruisers and DD. She is well armored because she will engage numerous ennemies at the same time and maybe under the fire of ennemy BB. https://zupimages.net/up/22/21/st2q.png The 2 designs have some torpedoes launchers. - Because A.I. seems to be more cautious when approaching if you have them. - Because it could be usefull to finish a too robust ennemy or to add some mess into an ennemy formation.
  21. Most of my designs have at least a pair of torpedo launchers because I noticed the AI seems to approach more carefully if you have torps than if you don't. And I need time to damage them before they come too close, especially during the first battles of a campaign, when the crews have no skill. But using torps as main weaponery, no. The AI is too efficient to dodge them.
  22. I'd like to give to the AI my congratulations for the creation of this very efficient CL (1930): Lovers or torpedo cruisers will probably scream strongly. 😄😄😄😄 I didn't take screenshot of the multi crossed salvos launched by a group of 4 of these CL because I was too concentrate to try dodge them. The worst torpedoes swarm I ever see. The ability of this cruiser to launch small salvoes instead of a big one is very efficient.
  23. I'm not sure DD are usefull at all. I like to play 1930 or 1940 campaigns. If I build DD (generally 4, not more), It's just to keep the possibility to trigger some convoy attack or protect missions. If some of my DD are present at the beginning of a battle where I have ships of other types, my 1st action is to order the DD to retreat. In rare cases, if I think I could need them later, I order them to stop and to do circles until they really stop. Why do I do that? - They are too fragile since the AI learned it's a good idea to focus them before they come too close and launch their torpedoes, or just scout for incoming torpedoes. - The less ships number I have to manage, the better I'm to organize the torpedoes swarm dodge dance of my ships. Yes, most of the time, I micro manage all my ships without the help(1) of the formation tool or the auto dodge option. (1): I'm not sure "help" is really the best word to describe their actions. 😉
  24. I didn't take the risk and asked her to retreat with all the escort ships while I went and fighted the ennemy BB and 2 CA with my BC alone. This was safer.
  25. My britain ally came to help me with a battleship and her escort. She looked like an exalted Nelson, with more and bigger guns. So I looked carefully about her details and I realised I just meet the quintessence of the glass canon concept. I'm not a specialist of ship design, but I think british engineer forgot something, or are a little too confident...😃
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