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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Trying post some pictures today (imgur jpg bbcode) and get this error - before never had any problem and in not a new resgister account as well EDIT: just re-saved my orginal jpg flies from my phone to jpg in gimp and re-uploaded. Works now
  2. Many polish sailors and captains were at Caribbean at this era. Few of them were quite infameous of notorious piracy. Same in privateers fleets in Baltic were lot of dutch, english, scottish and others sailors and captains under polish flag. Can we stay on topic?;-)
  3. Well we hope for it to be honest. Right now its like "just another" pirate game and we wait for possibility to choose own country to play.
  4. Best option would be sail under own flag. No dilemas, no hard choices and all poles would be happy puppy;-) give us Scarborough (Fort Jacob) port like Gustavia for Swedes
  5. Indeed "Best looking map" so far imo. When we get final version of world in full relase i would print this in some big format and hang on wall
  6. Well that was clear from start: one account one character...any other options are exploits. My hands are clean - got only one character And this is historically correct - no clones
  7. Tommy can i post it on our NA fansite? Great job on that...seriously can say: proud to be part of this community!
  8. Pamietajce tez ze mamy wlasny Teamspeak : Adres: 11407 Haslo: pfk2015
  9. This could be good idea IF we can make 3 characters (class) on our account (in same nation ofc)
  10. I mean: classes like in potbs i was pretty sure we not get any classes in NA and you will be able do whatever you want as a captain of your ship
  11. Never liked ANY kind of limitations and im quite dissapointed what i see and can read here...well was hoping for something different form PotBS but like you sneak ideas from this game here...as far i understand the main reason of that is limit OP first rates and other big ships in open sea? One more question: one account one character?
  12. Aye but still if you need info just register
  13. Bart Smith


    Amazing database about shipwrecks and their locations with detailed map. Great source of knowledge. http://www.wrecksite.eu/
  14. Forgot that you got best looking fansite! (imo)
  15. My statement coming from few years experience form PotBS where me and my friend were "eco kings" and my traders get sunk only once when i was afk sailing. Simple dont want same here. I prefer : No pain no gain...or no risk no profit.
  16. Just keep open world whole pvp area or just around starting ports safe zone a bit.
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