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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. As far i know all UI works will be done at the end of development. Current UI is temporary pretty much.
  2. Clan list dont show all mebers ranks: Not sure this is bug or ...but see on screenshot. Looks like officer and up are affected. Cant report by F11 when got open clan list as well thats why i posting here
  3. Od dzisiejszego patcha istnieje mozliwosc zakladania gildii ! Zapraszamy do Polskiej Floty Kaperskiej - nacja Verenigde Provincien (Holandia) I jedziemy z tematem ! Po ostatnim wipe jaki jest planowany przed wypuszczeniem gry na steam ponowimy dyskusje odnosnie wyboru nacji w jakiej zagramy. Jeszcze raz zapraszamy do wspolnej zabawy ! Wiecej info na naszej stronie : http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/
  4. More like land battles i would happy to see boarding fight visualisation or some kind of animation of it.
  5. Aye agree. Its very good this issue came out at this stage - during alpha tests. This should be fixed until early access. Sometimes a will to own first certain ship on server is more important than rest . But stay focus on testing guys. We dont want bugged game on steam are we?
  6. Hi there On top of chat window you got icons to switch on and off chanels. Try click + and choose chat window you want open. Nation, Global Help or other...
  7. Hi there I made simple map in polish language. Still some work to do like resources and port descriptions. If anybody want help (especially with resources list) please pm me. Cheers http://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/Mapa_Naval_Action/liI9bAtgX9
  8. Always wonder how they keep this running - so many accounts and so many data on Steam. Hope they will fix asap.
  9. Confirmed. Got same problem and get about 10 dc this evening. I belive its more like Steam fault.
  10. Would be nice that items been stacked up automatically and warehouse got more slots, sometimes you have to buy extra ship to hold parts from breaking them - simple no space. Pretty sure that warehouse will change together with new UI.
  11. Pls close it and warn to not post similar crap in future.
  12. Those are pictures made on Fuerteventura by my S6 during "red blood moon night" view was spectacular btw Not so bloody as expected but still...
  13. Wierd i was sure they didint join because lobby was full 36 max aye? Anyway GF all
  14. Hi there i was tag by brit his buddy joined and one of them manage to board me and after strange lags spikes happend and i was dc...
  15. Well they said : this could take too much of development time and resources...but i gladly see them in game
  16. Well sadly devs said: no avatars as far i remember...
  17. Well for me personally - if captains enter port he leave ship at docks or harbour and since then he is visible in port.
  18. Hi I always was wonder about how many other captains are in same port as me at same time? Maybe this coould be nice feature to see number of captains currently on docks, or maybe we can see even nationality of them? At the end every captain have to dock up and have to be noticed...what you think?
  19. Since teleport captian sound so terrible (no realistic at all) i gladly see possibility to pay for fast travel (taking for example 25% orginal time from sailing time at same distance instead instant changing location)
  20. What exactly they upgrade? cant see any visible changes...
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