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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. why didnt you start a simple discussion thread?

    I think a poll packs all the information/ design possibilities we need.


    And the poll itself is not saying a lot. you should rethink the questions.


    You quite literally say:

    Yes: I like to do some econ and stuff,

    No: I dont care about landlubbing. I want to sail only.

    • Like 5
  2. I am with you on the improvement of voiceacting. Altho the dev team is small I really feel advanced voiceacting will bring a lot more immersion to the gameplay.


    I would be happy if there are shoutings in english at least. After all thats the universal language we all use. (reloading procedure, sail trimming, helm orders, etc.) In addition to the pipes we hear when switching crew focus we may get officers involved.

    Shouts at the crew, some reliefed joys from the men when an enemy mast falls or the hull gets significant damage. (not the final wave of relief ofc.)


    On the other hand I like to hear injured men screaming. That may be a dream from my side but that would bringa lot of immersion to the action.

    • Like 1

    It's not possible to heat shot on a wooden ship. Where do you put the furnace? What happens when the gunner drops one of them?



    heated shots were resticted to fortifications only. Someday the french experimented with this on ships and found out.. its not practicable.

    the reload was horrendious because of the multiple safety instruction the had to follow. And all the new danger to ignite itself..

  4. The problem witht non existing health bars is that noone knows when to stop shooting.

    At the moment you can barely tell if your enemy is sinking or if he is in good condition.

    Sure. You see the broadside status but you can not see how much shots he took or if he is leaking.

    Also you cannot estimate how much guns are left. In a bigger fight its actually not easy to keep the intel.


    In real life the captain has a good overview. He does not have to shoot himself or trim the yards. He has a plan in mind and gives orders.

    But we players have to do all jobs by ourselfs. Sailing, shooting, planning etc. And still we may examine the enemy ship and estimate if we fight on, if we run or board.

    The theory behind this looks nice. But I fear we lack the time to check the enemy ship.


    Please consider that many (if not most) of the forum user never played the test. New invites are close (i hope) and you can have your own experiences.

    • Like 2
  5. Since My itroducing sentence is making me an agry bird I edited it.


    But the content still stays the same.

    Its everyones own opinion and decision if he wants to play at 30 or at 60+ FPS.

    My own experience is made clear in the last few posts.


    Finally it all comes down to the person playing. s 30-60 enough or are you a FPS junky who wants the most ouf if it?

  6. I think you totally unlinked my answer.


    Question then for the current testers, what would you assess as the minimum playable fps?

    Thats the question I gave my cents to.

    And I stand by my saying.


    If you wanted to know the minimum settings to actually launch and play Naval Action I can not provide facts/numbers.


    All I can tell you is my personal experience.


    To be on the save side I may say that any i5 with 4-8GB RAM will run the game perfectly fine. "Lower" end or older or AMD CPUS will run the game well.

    Grafics wise there is a big questionmark. I know NVIDIAs 660 ti runs the game at good FPS and resolution/quality.

    Whats the minimum requirement? devs said you need a directX11 capable card. No more spezifications made.



    [my rig: i53570k@4.4GHz, MSI7950oc, stock clk. 8GB RAM1600(@1866clocked)]



    I dont know if I am allowed to provide figures of my testing experience. Hence I dont want to risk making them public

  7. Until we can CLEARLY see the damage on our foe's ship we must have the indicator.

    Right now we can not estimate the cannons our enemy has left. We can not see if the leaks are bad or not. When we see the enemy sinking its practically too late. We will only realize that it is too late for him.



    UNTIL we have good vision on the target ship and until we can not see the damage. I vote for YES.

    I say this becasue I fear the devs may see this as an immediate test to implement in future builds

    • Like 5
  8. [...]The middle-of-the-range culverin was 5-1/2" calibre (about a 20pdr), with a range of 460 yards (420m) point-blank, and 2650 yards when elevated by 10�. This implies a muzzle velocity of at least 865 fps, or 590 mph.[...]



    [...]The Naval Artillery had unheard of range of about 2,000 yards (meters) by this time. Of course most engagements were fought at under 1,000 yards and sometimes within pistol shot (25 to 50 yards)[...]

    Distances were often described by reference to various of the ships guns, so a pistol shot was 25 to 30 yards, a musket shot about 200 yards and a gunshot about 1000 yards. At such close ranges the power of penetration of roundshot was impressive, at 30 yards an 18 pound shot would penetrate four oak planks 32.5 inches thick (just under 1 meter thick), hurling a shower of splinters up to thirty yards. At 300 yards range a 32 pounder firing grapeshot could penetrate 5 inches of fir planking and 4 of oak.[...]



    [...]The maximum effective range of a 24-pounder was about 1200 yards. The usual engagement range, however, was much closer. CONSTITUTION engaged HMS Guerriere in 1812 at about 25 to 50 yards.[...]



    these are the ones I found by simply google-ing.


    I know I exaggerated with 50 yards beeing the effective range. But fact is every shipfight ended at very short distances. Depending on shipsize and fleetsize its only a matter of time at wich the formations/ ship(s) are at close range.

    And even when they say 1000yards was still effective. That means a 24 pounder could still penetrate planking. There was nothing said about accuracy in the few pages I skimmed

  9. I highly doubt that the game's accuracy is anywhere near to historical accuracy.

    You can have the best sights, the best flintlock and what not.

    But you are still shooting a smoothbore gun with cannonballs wich are not a 100% fit in the bore and are not formed in a perfect curve/ball.


    There is a reason why the fighting was done at point blanc. Thats about 50 meters at most.

    The ability to reload quickly was much more important than the accuracy of the crew since you wont hit shit at long distances.


    Ingame we have a good balance. We can hit at distances but we can not hit every shot. the broadside is scattered quite a bit.

    btw: distances are exeeding 1km. I think the moment you see the enemy's name aboth them is a bit furher than a kilometer.


    Something I have noticed in the 2 v 2 videos that have been posted, that rarely do the two ships stay close together. Is there some particular reason for this?  Staying reasonably close together would surely be a smart move.....focussing of fire onto 1 of the opposing vessels to take them out of the fight quickly (or more quickly at least) and potentially splitting the enemy fire back.

    Well I cannot tell you the backgroun dbehind that behavior.

    When we had very early testing I was in a 3v3 with guys who already knew tactics from potbs. Both sides formed a line (or tried to.its not too easy) and we concentrated our firepower on one particular ship.

    Blocking like in other games works perfectly fine.

    Brawling is the most fun but you are very vulnerable while you approach your enemy.


    The use of chainshot..? maybe experimental? Or tactics? After all you have to decide if you go for a sail repair or a hull repair. Its a huge factor after all. Two repairs to spend. How will you use it?

  11. So you basically say we should build our ships and afterwards we will see if we ve been lucky or not.


    Just follow my thoughts please:

    I want a ship with the very stats I need. So and such good at going close haul. It needs this and that tweak for the handling et cetera. So.

    After I ordered it (with the exact needs I have in mind) there is some kind of  "RNJesus" wich decides: Yep or No.. your ship will ne likeeee.. THIS.

    But "THIS" may not be the characteristic you wanted in the first place.

    There two options that may happen to me now: Either I am happy because the "RNJesus" gave me an even better ship or I am desperately ragequitting because Im screwed over by the game mechanics.

    And I could do nothing to prevent it. (<-thats the bad part imo)

    (And I swear I WILL be ragequitting if I ever see such a gamemechanic ingame wich screws me over).



    By all means and porpose. The game should be balanced. Wich means that when I order two same class ships with the same stats they better be identical.

    After the whole process of building there is enough customization to be done. (guns, rigging. enough tweaks to the hull etc.)




    What I dont mind having in game:

    Some sort of ship individualization bevore building. Like I described in my post. I need a ship of certain size with some key characteristics. The shipbuilder does his job et voilà. I have the ship I desired.





    Devs did say no two ships will be the same

    I think thats out of context. (in my understanding) They said two 38 gunners wont be the same.

    I did not interpret this as two ships of the same kind cant be different.


    edit: proven to be wrong

  12. I dont think its in the interest of the game to make every ship wich is newly build out of the shipyard different.


    Ships should be identical when they first get to water. At least if you tell the shipqright to build it as such.

    So two captains can order the identical ship. But we may as well be able to tell the shipbuilder to build the ship  with my likings.
    Do I like better sailing characteristics or do I want to be heavier?


    Such questions come in my mind when I think about this subject.


    After the ship is done I customise it with the guns and maybe some tweaks to the rigging.

    But the hull is fix. Only additional copper planking and minor tweaks are possible without an total overhaul.

    • Like 1
  13. All sounds good and logic.But I think thats a step too far.


    In my understanding the developers said there can be ships of the same classification like the 74 gunners or 38 frigates.

    But it depends on the shipplans how well they sail and how durable they are.

    There was a thread about different wood types used. And devs said we can expect the shipyards to own the finest of materials for every single ship built.


    So I think he question of for example sailing characteristics or over all durability can be answered/ found in the shipdesign.

    French/ british/ spanish/ duch/ american/ etc...



    About the discussion of copies..
    There is a reason why shipyards need master-shipbuilders. Every ship from the same scratch has the overall characteristics in common.

    The shipbuilder has to make the fit. He has to straighten some parts here and there since the wood is not like modern finished metal wich will stay in place once you fold it.


    Thats the reality. But as devs stated the ingame shipyards will be 100% accurate to the plans and have all materials on hand.

  14. The game's minimu playability.. Its not a question wich is simple answered in fix numbers.

    Check out how much frames your monitor produces per second. Still most common is 60Hz.

    That means you should set your options that your game produces 60FPS.

    It prevents your monitor to show you multiple frames. And altho you "should not" see the difference with all over 30FPS you clearly do.

    The reason is motion blur wich is not simulated by any game on the market.

    Low FPS make me sick. I cant stand the gitter that appears on the screen. Once I had a good gaming rig I never wanted to go back.


    Strangely enough there are people who say "more is better" even out of the monitor's actual possibilities.(means they can see a difference)


    As said I always look to have FPS around and over 60. NavalAction runs at 60-75FPS on my computer. With presets on "high".

    Its the 2nd highest you can go.

    If I set "ultimate" I come down to 30-40FPS. Wich I dont want.

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