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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. A caseupgrade can help a lot.

    If your card is not getting enough fresh air there is only so much the fans can do.

    Also if you lack exhaust or air-intake the hot air inside your case is re-heating the components over and over.

    A fan next to the GPU can help exhausting the hot air its producing. Another intake fan can bring fresh air to your coolers.


    The extreme would be a new case xD.

    But thats serious business wich can cost some money.

  2. devs are humans after all. And with the ammount of time the devs have they are creating the game, doing support stuff, reading the forums etc.

    Since they are a rather small group we all have to accept that fast is a relative term. (its not too bad, still;))



    Meanwhile you can check your spamfolder if the ticket got stuck in there already ;).

  3. At first:

    What happens when you start the game? Can you provide a screenshot of the error warning? 

    I dont get the problem in your OP at all O_o.


    whats your computer setup?

    this thread covers some problems as well

    Did you check if you can run the game with your machine in the first place? (shader model5, dx11)


    Theres an option to check for errors in steam.

    -> right klick on the game -> properties ->local data -> check for errors (or what its called in engl.)

    (live build atm: 523713)


    you probably know what happens when your ram doesn t work properly.

    Well If your RAM has a malfunction you will not be able to even start your computer. I just exerienced that very problem 3 weeks ago.

    I highly doubt your RAM is defect but run the memtest to be sure.


    i ve tried to higher my voltage lower or higher timings and clock of the ram - which all hadn t any effect because it seems to be the problem of the game.

    NEVER ECER turn the voltage of your RAM modules up. Unless you can properly cool it down (WATER!). It kills the mem faster than anything else. Timings does not matter to programms. They are quite a few abstract layes bejond the RAM usage. Optimal timing can reduce your latency and give you more speeds on the mem but that can not be the problem of your game crashing.


    You may reinstall the game (old Microsoft wisdom hehe).

    Also make sure your GPU's fans are spinning as they should. A friend of mine was wondering why his screen went black every now and then and it turned out.. his fans did not spin up..

  5. Monitor your temperatures.

    A friend of mine overlooked that issue on his card and was wondering why his games eventually crashed.

    It turne out the fans would not spin up faster.

  6. I am currently upgrading my system to a watercooled config.

    I used the HD 4000 on my 3570k to play NA today.. max FPS wa around 35 and min went below 15.. Wich is not a pleasant experience for me.

    I was used to 70+ FPS on custom settings.


    So nope. the HD 4000 is not a good grafics card to game on. (MY opinion)


    good and cheap GPUs will be any of the "old" NVIDIA 7xx series wich will be either out of store or extremely cheap.

    Else the R9 270 and 280s are very good "bang for buck"



    16 gigs of RAM is overkill for any game you can play. 8 gb is very well suited for every game you encounter for then next few years. Most RAM usage I ever experienced while gaming was "nearly" 4 gb. (something like 38xx mb)

    However. If you use an IGPU you better have a bit more and faster RAM to get less latency between the chips. IGPU = HD x000 or AMD APUs.

  7. R9 280 as he wrote. Its currently 180€+. Will run the game high and 80+ FPS. (Its comparable to my HD 7950)


    If you want to go cheaper the R9 270s will run the game good enough. Propably medium settings and 70 FPS+. 150€ to start with. Those two cards are actually avery good "bang for buck".

  8. Such options have been asked bevore and I can only repeat myself:


    Its a test. Not a full game. You loose nothing by quitting the game after all the connected players are sunk.

    Go out and start a new game. Your damage will be added after the "DC game" is over.


    There is no real reason to stay other than free damage. If the DCed player is downwind just hunt him down and get some additinal damage. Else just hit that "exit battle" button.

    • Like 2
  9. You should send a "NavalActionCrashSender" report.

    Thats an .exe wich you can find in your gamefolder in [...]\SteamGames\steamapps\common\Naval Action


    Also you can include the "unity.log" in the "log" folder you find in the one I copied you above. (upload it here on the forums)


    You will still have to wait for a dev to answer you. This looks like a specific problem wich may occure in very special circumstances.

  10. Just imagine a new player letting fall his anchor with full sails.. What do you all think can happen?

    I guess there is a very high chance you take down your masts and leav yourself as a hulk with a very questionable anchor on the ground. (doubtful in terms if it holds or not)

    Also you will take damage to the ship's bow. The sheer force you put on the rope and the path the anchor cable is taking to the inside.. Not a pleasant imagination.


    If you came here with the impression of "pirates of the caribbean" you must view everything they do with a very critical mind. Its not representive for the age of sailing and how it was executed.

  11. I agree that the main battery should not be loaded different. Like Victory deck1: grape, 2: shot, 3: double etc. You get my intention.


    But different ammunition on the upper decks can be helpful. Even more when damage model 4.0 gets integrated.

    Investigating ships like the Bellona/ Victory:

    All the big guns should be loaded with the same ammo type. But the upper deck guns should be able to load grape to sweep the enemy's men from the decks.

    • Like 2
  12. How u fix it? By buying a new grafics card. As hard as it sounds thats the only way you can solve that issue.


    Bevore buying a new laptop make 100% sure it provides shader model5 and directX11!

    btw: A lower end computer can easily run this game with nice FPS on low settings.

    GPUs get cheaper over the year. Make sure you have an eye on the upcoming AMD generation. Old generations will drop in price rapidly.

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