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Posts posted by BungeeLemming


    I would like to suggest something older, further back in the age of sail. A Carrack such as the Madre de Deus seen here as a model:


    that would be a ship from the 15th century sailing alongside of a "modern" 19 century ship?

    Sorry to mention but thats well out of the timeframe :P


    I cant remember the figures but its something like ~1650 until 1820. (really not sure but I don want to searrch the forum again-.-)

  2. that CPU is pretty OC friendly. I am having a good aircooler on top (beQuiet darkRock2)

    I am running that 4.4gig with 1.25V. Not the very best overclocker but decent enough for me.

    Sidenote: I cannot get past the 4.5 mark. once I go 4.5 I am not stable while testing.

    For my own experience I also OC-ed my Ram from 1600 ro 1866 with 9-10-9-27 timings.

    My latency came down really hard. (20-30% if i remember right)

    Its some kind of hobby I am having for myself.. burning money if it horribly goes wrong (..and no I do not have spare money to sacrifice.. I live on a risk:D)



    now back on topic mb? :P

  3. I5 4570 3.2MHz

    GF 660ti

    8 GB RAM


    Got very similar rig like PrezesOi


    The CPU is not a problem at all. Even if it is a sandy bridge i5 (the 2xxx series) the processor will handle it all.

    GPU is in most cases the best boost to any computer. (exept for really outdated ones)

    I only want to mention that more gigs of RAM is not the first thing to upgrade a rig. Its in most cases burnt money!

    So inform yourselfs what you need.

    Theres nothing worse than money spent on the wrrong thing while your still sitting on the same FPS wondering why.

  4. 16 gig of ram will not give you any boost in any game.

    my max usage for NavalAction is around 3-3.5 gig of RAM while running firefox and music in the background.


    Dont waste your money. 16 gig will not be used by any game on the market.

    On the other hand if you are seriously doing work on your computer (rendering, coding etc)  with serious workloads you will benefit on more RAM.

    If you want a boost you have to save up for a better gafics card. The CPU will last both of you another few years.

    • Like 2
  5. Really the Wasa?

    How are we supposed to sail her?

    She sank right away at her very first journey when she first encountered real winds outside the harbour..


    Im sorry Im trolling you a bit but yeah why not.


    A ship of the line of a dutch or swedish hand.

    The dutch also prioritised low draft since they have very shallow coasts.

    This lead to a very stump hull design wich obviously made them a lot more drifting to winds than their (74-)sisters.




    I will never realize that since I have no idea about the time in wich the Wasa sunk so stupibly.

    point for you I guess :P

  6. you can customize the settings in the launcher.

    When you start the game heres this little launcher with the resolution setup and all.

    This thing has a TAB where you can change any key you wish.

    But some of those keybindings are not functional. Like self destruct and such.


    Also you may keep a screenshot of the standart keybindings since there is no default to reset to.


    1:On the lynx there is a small glitch with the wood damage texture being projected on the barrels of the 6 pd guns. (havent spotted it on the cutter btw) at high graphics settings.

    This is on every cannon in the game. Its a known bug wich has to be sorted out eventually.

  8. why didnt you start a simple discussion thread?

    I think a poll packs all the information/ design possibilities we need.


    And the poll itself is not saying a lot. you should rethink the questions.


    You quite literally say:

    Yes: I like to do some econ and stuff,

    No: I dont care about landlubbing. I want to sail only.

    • Like 5
  9. I am with you on the improvement of voiceacting. Altho the dev team is small I really feel advanced voiceacting will bring a lot more immersion to the gameplay.


    I would be happy if there are shoutings in english at least. After all thats the universal language we all use. (reloading procedure, sail trimming, helm orders, etc.) In addition to the pipes we hear when switching crew focus we may get officers involved.

    Shouts at the crew, some reliefed joys from the men when an enemy mast falls or the hull gets significant damage. (not the final wave of relief ofc.)


    On the other hand I like to hear injured men screaming. That may be a dream from my side but that would bringa lot of immersion to the action.

    • Like 1

    It's not possible to heat shot on a wooden ship. Where do you put the furnace? What happens when the gunner drops one of them?



    heated shots were resticted to fortifications only. Someday the french experimented with this on ships and found out.. its not practicable.

    the reload was horrendious because of the multiple safety instruction the had to follow. And all the new danger to ignite itself..

  11. The problem witht non existing health bars is that noone knows when to stop shooting.

    At the moment you can barely tell if your enemy is sinking or if he is in good condition.

    Sure. You see the broadside status but you can not see how much shots he took or if he is leaking.

    Also you cannot estimate how much guns are left. In a bigger fight its actually not easy to keep the intel.


    In real life the captain has a good overview. He does not have to shoot himself or trim the yards. He has a plan in mind and gives orders.

    But we players have to do all jobs by ourselfs. Sailing, shooting, planning etc. And still we may examine the enemy ship and estimate if we fight on, if we run or board.

    The theory behind this looks nice. But I fear we lack the time to check the enemy ship.


    Please consider that many (if not most) of the forum user never played the test. New invites are close (i hope) and you can have your own experiences.

    • Like 2
  12. Until we can CLEARLY see the damage on our foe's ship we must have the indicator.

    Right now we can not estimate the cannons our enemy has left. We can not see if the leaks are bad or not. When we see the enemy sinking its practically too late. We will only realize that it is too late for him.



    UNTIL we have good vision on the target ship and until we can not see the damage. I vote for YES.

    I say this becasue I fear the devs may see this as an immediate test to implement in future builds

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