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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. I only want to summarize where this thread is going to..

    We all agree on:


    distinguishing between hits above the waterline and below:


    above means damage to crew, cannons, sides, masts etc.

    below means damage to the hull and therefore taking on water over time.

    Hits between wind and water causes a dymanic feature to the intake of water. More heel - more water    (edited this line)


    crew damage does several things:

    first of all it reduces the speed of any maneuver, reload, pumping etc.

    How is crew loss defined?:

    devs idea is very sweet imo:


    Second - crew loses have to be separaided to light\heavy. Light wounds can be easely treated & crew returns to it`s work. Heavy wounds are not treated during battle (such damage can`t be restored in battle, only in ports).

    That means there is a surgery somewhere in the ship.


    Morale  :

    There is a good quote/ idea devs have themselvs:


    We have base morale + bonuses\cap`s given by previous dids (losing or winning, battle eskape), how long you have this ship\crew, how many teammates are in some radius, number of enemy ships in radius & so on.


    Taking wind, nice broadside, disabling musts, destroying guns\ruder\etc boosts morale.


    1 frig vs lineship - you have penalty to morale, but if you overmaneure lineship, you'll have nice boost.

    2 frig vs lineship - like before, but have bonus from nearby ally.


    Trafalgar - outnumbered by ally french-spanish fleet, but they have lower morale bonus because they are not of the same nation. That just about morale aspects of Trafalgar.



    Fire on deck is a topic wich is talked over. II stated my opinion already.


    Also Rigging damage is not final. But ideas arepresent.

    - Masts have a health system like ships.

    - sails are reduced by a fix number when hit by a) cannonball, B) grapeshot c) chainshot.

    - other things i forgot

    Mast/ rigging/ sail repairs is not talked over in the official forums yet I think.



    Maybe someone records the topics most of us have the same opinion about?

    That would be nice. (I tried it a bit here)

    Somewhere on the start where everyone can find it easily one can edit a post.

  2. But like I said:

    If you only shoot the balls and the wadings play no role. (maybe 100 meters and more) there should be no possibility to ignite a fire.

    There is no reason for it. Even when you hit metal it will only cause a small spark. But decks are watered to prevent just this.

    fuses are hang over waterbuckets to minimalize the risk of fire.


    There is only one hitbox that will cause a fire. But thats the explosion of a lucky powderroom hit. (wich should be VERY uncommon)



    Fires should be possible at close range only.

    gameplay wise it could give luck a role where I would not want to play the game. (long range shots causing fire I mean)


    I don't believe ships fired heated shot because it was suicide....... red hot shot, lit furnace,  smoke filled, crowded, chaotic, bloody, rolling deck,...    Forts fired heated shot, though.

    Nope they didnt. The French experimented with the idea but its totally incapable on a floating platform.


    Fires happens mostly because flying wadings hit flamable materials. They often got stuck between the parts of standing rigging.

    The balls themself can not cause any kind of fire unless they hit something thats on fire already.

    There is a reason why the only light/ fire on the ship was that in front of the powder-room.

    Night battles rarely happened.


    Long range shots can not set a fire.



    A fire may have certain possible threads:

    burning steering ropes -> disabled rudder

    burning rigging and of course the wood wich is everywhere on the ship.

    If a gun is loaded a fire can ignite it and a uncontrolled cannonshot goes off. The gun is disabled. (burned ropes, burning carriage all the stuff..)


    All the other stuff I am waiting on the new build to argue with.

    But the ideas here are all reasonable.


  4. I think you see it too severe.

    In reality you have all your senses to inform you about the surrounding. Feel the wind, the deck. Walk around in natural ways.

    No computergame can simulate this so we need a substitute to gather all the informations to gather.


    That said I am fine with the possibility to scroll out.

    You may have notived that we are not able to scroll any further than the head of our masts.

    And its pretty hard to get along all the steering and shooting etc and at the same time keeping a good situational awareness when its a close range fight.

  5. well.. If you see how guns developed in the years you may see a good way for the devs to implement different types.

    You have so much variation like flintlocks versus fuse ignited guns.

    long guns vs short bareled vs carronades.


    such things as firing mechanism may give us higher accuracy and faster responding guns to the fireorder.

    for example we press "fire" two things may happen with different firing mechanisms.

    a) fuse ignited: shots will be delayed a few moments, a whole broadside will be fired more in singleshots (due to different powder delays). --> naturally aiming gets harder..

    B) flintlocks:     shots will fall be delayed VERY short. a whole broadside will fall in nearly one second. (I know many old ships' captains were ordered to not fire whole broadsides because of low structural interity but games are idealized)


    devs already stated stuff like long barreled guns need longer reloads than short bareled and all..


    This may add to the upgrade list for the ship's gunnery.

    You may not need to change cannon stats accuracy wise but simply make shots delay.

    It may sound a minor issue to gunnery but this will give shooting different feeling. And upgrades make fun, ALWAYS =)

  6. I have suggestion to do:


    If we sail through the stern of an enemy let us shoot in divisions determined on the Numbers we have on the keyboard.

    Lets say 4 or 5 guns per division so when I hit "1" tthe first 4 cannons fire, "2" the next 4 and so on.. As you intend on doing single shots to range the guns I guess this feature is not very hard to implement?

    Right now we can not aim for proper stern rakes but this would hake things easier..


    Firing per deck will be more interesting at nearer ranges than point blanc. cause I only want my lower decks to fire when the upper decks can not hit home. They may come into play when we disengage.



    My personal experience on the aiming as it is now is: It needs some time getting used to but you can learn fast.

    I would not mind a certain influence of waves to the aiming. Right now its practically no limitation at all.

    The ranges displayed atm are very rookie friendly. I dont feel they are too much or too less.


    About firing in general I will always agree on your own saying:

    Dont make this game hardcore strategic but more intense.

    I dont like to have the next game where I hit a button with my mouse and the cannoneers then shoot accurately.

    This game must set apart from generic and oversaturated gameplay. And the way its going right now is good IMHO.


    All your talk about cannon mechanics make sence. I totally like it. (I am aways eager to hear about game mechs. no matther wich game)

  7. I voted for full simulation because in the end the poll will state a profile of all.

    I mean it radical to make the result gear more onto the historical/ simulational aspect.


    TBH I dont think its wrong to make the player think BEVORE he goes into action..

    potbs: youve got to gear up and fit/specc good to be sucssful.

    NA should be somewhat similar. what ship you use and how you arm it.. its all pretty importand and helps develop playstyles.

  8. this game is not about fleet controlling. Its about captaining one particular ship.

    You sail in 1st person view, have to shoot, sail and manage your crew. The zoom only goes out until you see the head of your mast.

    Fleet action is not about us controlling multiple ships. Its us controlling one vessel as a chain in the line for example.

    This answeres at least some of your questions ;)


    The game will feature a lot of variations between gundecks. Means you can choose the caliber and art of weaponry. Carronade vs Cannon for example.


    All economy stuff you ask about is beeing discussed in the forums. Check out the threads and find your answer there..  well.. there is no answer at this stage of development :P


    ATM we test arena like conditions. ship to ship combat. Its very early alpha testing.

  9. well.. that cannon was wayyyy over saturated with decoration haha..

    thanks alot for the images. Altho the gun was made in 1685.

    The decorations are just-- stunning. I wonder hoe much time one had to spend on such a barrel..

    By the looks of it.. was this a 12 pounder? That number is engraved on the barrel.



    The plan I have is about a naval 32-pounder around 1800 so if anyone can help me out there.. that would be epic.


    my progress so far



    Not finished by any means but I feel I am getting better :P

  10. Hello all,


    I am recently working my way into 3d modeling and started a french 32 pounder.


    Now I wonder:

    - British naval cannons all have the crown as symbol on the bore so everyone knows: this cannon comes from a royal gunsmith.

    - The spanish made the same with their ofn royal symbols..

    - A french 1707 gun looked like this:



    - but when the revolution happened there was clearly no way the french gunsmiths will put the french king's insignia on ANY kind of weapon..


    So what did the french do?

    Did they simply make smooth barrels? Or did they use any other kind of symbols?


    I dont know..

    But I will apreciate any kind of help on this subject

    And if I am totally wrong: this is the perfect place to right me.


  11. thing is: monthly subscribtion base is dying. EvE is what? 6 Years old now.The only reason they didng chage it cause they didnt NEED to change their income.

    WarGaming found a very profitable way to make a "free to play" title wich is in fact a.. free-to-play-painfully game.

    Same goes to gaijins Warthunder. Altho they are messing it up atm (my opinion lolz). You can play fre but well.. You will have a much better time playing with premium or premium planes.

    Gamers spend MUCH more game on "free-to-play" games tan on such with a monthly subrciption.. sounds illogical but I can understand that behavior.


    Naval action will be a game "related" to potbs.A free world game wich crafting/ trading involved. We dont know until yet but what we DO know is about the open world feature.

    Now.. HOW will you implement classic premium-features like planes/ tanks or items WITHOUT destroying the gameplay for non-prems?

    Many will know: potbs went worse with every patch they made to be a free2play title. Until now they are still nailing their own coffin.


    I am totally OKAY with a mothly subscrition but noone knows who is with me. And when there are not enough players there wont be enough founds.


    Remember: game development costs a lot of money.

  12. Until now I can tellyou:

    ships DO move backwards when your dead (or some points around) in the wind.

    You can use the windpreassure to help the ship turn. and it works very well.

    We are able to either let the crew adjust yards(autopilot) or do it ourselfs. When turning through the wind I do it myself and leave the fine-adjustments to the autopilot while sailing before the wind;)

    So stay tuned and maybe get an invite someday.


    At least when its released It will be damm epic (knocking on wood) cause right now I totally love the gameplay.

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  13. Isnt this worth a question to devs rather than a post in this thread?


    For the gunnery I can tell you its just fine.

    And I am confident that they will add more to the gunnery topic when the development goes on. There were really good suggestions and until now devs are really happy with all the nice proposals from the community.

    I do not feel that I am overstrained in the fights right now.

    The management of guns, sailing and yard trimming gives you something to do, other than just klicking your mouse over certain skills. It makes sure you have a goal in the game. And the goal in a naval combat game should be to be the best Captain around.

    I will strife for it and I am certain to NOT suck out hehe.


    Everything they implemented thus far is a very nice concept with a goood fundament. And i DO like it.

    If you played "Sea Dogs 1&2" you may have an idea about complete control of your ship ;)

  14. did you read through the forum?

    all of your questions are answered before.


    world: they said they MAY do a real map. but I heard its not the caribbean. More likely Europe and all seas surrounding.

    MAYBE even the whole world. Keep in mind this project is not open for a very long time.


    Beta: nope nothing soon. its only early alpha right now and we dont test the actual game. Everything is in concept.

    Check out the numerous forum threads talking about all you asked.


    Societies or guilds. Well thats the only question I cannot answer to you.

    But: From how the developers are talking about the game there may be exactly this. societies.

    After all: a MMO lives from the community. And a community who cannot connect each other is a sad community, right? :P

    Also: massive multiplayer battles of the line will be possible when all is finished. You need some sort of coordination there

  15. TBH:
    I would not need ANY intel about a ship I can clearly see trough my spyglass.

    Sails and rigging will tell you what kind of ship you have. one mast? two or three? fully rigged? etc.

    Gunports you can count easily. I would not mind if the spyglass tells you guncount (estimated max.).

    I hope everyone can differ between a single decked frigate and a 3 decked 1st rate.


    OFC you may NOT tell what sort of guns are behind the gunports. carronades or cannons? Figure out yourself. You will see his approach and youll see if hes more brawling or kiting.

    Maybe you give a rough explanation of your enemy. like "rank 6 frigate, 28 cannons, ~200 men". Nothing that will give you ECAXT numbers.

    Experience will tell you soon what type of ship you can fight and when you better run.


    Cargo and hold load should not be displayed. At least I think that seems obvious.




    there is actually a flotilla of Indiamen who pretended to be lineships and totally fooled a french admiral who actually HAD lineships and frigatesas well..


    Id like to have such opportunities in Naval Action, too.. Adds some "lols" for sure

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