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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. I guess its stil very cool if you play it for the first time.


    Keep that spirit and you will stay happy with potbs. It can be epic

  2. I dnot know if you see that yourself.

    The first movie has serious frame issues. It does not look smooth to my eyes.

    I am used to 60FPS+ gaming. And when my frames drop I see it immediately. I am a spoiled child in that aspect.


    The second one is much much better but still remains a bit stuttery. Feels like when I play on ultra and only 40-50 FPS left.

    (standart 70-90 on high)

  3. first please imply added posts like that into the initial post by klicking the "edit" button. It helps keping the forum clean.



    The video shows an outdated build.

    Right now we still have the healthbard but no hitpoints. And sinking is not all about shaving off the health.

    We have shotholes. Above and below the waterline. Also sinking is dynamic. So shotholes may get under water when the ship is sinking.

    But we can tell the crew to get them plugged.

    Still we look for a meaning for the health bar. Its an indicator of how much the specific side is beeing shot at and how much guns are propably left. But we see the exact cannoncount anyways.


    Thats the thoery. In game its somewhat redicolous how much shotholes can be fixed and the ship keeps afloat. But tweaking is done every patch. Its not a great concern for me.


    About ramming:

    Its a valid tactic. See t as such. If you win and you are overconfident its your own fault.

    When you play a lot of pvp games you will get used to dirty tricks. Its the same like in POTBS.

    Its a learning curve and thats all fine.

    Dont overpunish someone who is running a last stand for example.

    "It aint stupid when it works" Its a good sayin if you ask me

  4. If you mean Sea Dogs.. I played it a LOT back in the days. It still sits in my shelf.

    Altho my english back then was horrible I cheated all the way up to a decent ship and boarded my way to a Man O War... eventually since it was damm hard to do so.

    Since I could not understand what the story was all about :D


    Sea Dogs II aka Pirated of the Caribbean with all them cheating (code-hacking) possibilities was just awesome :D

    The "piratesahoy community" has a lot of mods online for that game.

  5. There is already a POTBS thread in the offtopic section "Tavern".

    You may find alot of common ppl there..



    here we go

  6. I used the rudder indicator a lot in POTBS.


    When twoships sail on a parallel course I often used a bit rudder to narrow the distance but while doing so I could still fire. I never gave so much rudder that I cannot shoot.

    In NA I can do that, too. But only with yard trimming.


    Its a kind of substitute for me right now.

  7. The most damage will come to ships with only a few layers of planking. Huge armored ships like the Victory will not be as much damaged like cutters.


    1) light ship..(at 90°impact angle)

    .. ramms light ship:  If the bowsprit hits the main mast it will break to a certain possibility. The Bow will get damaged and may as well leak water.

    The rammed ship however will have huge leakage since planks are driven in (is that the correct phrase?). Means they leak a LOT and in real life they cannot be repaired at sea.

    btw: both ships (same sized) will have a resulting direction due to physic laws.


    .. ramms medium ship: (frigate sized)

    The bowsprit will come off, bow will get damaged a lot, no leaking since the frigate has a higher freeboard. Frigate will go on her course, light ship has lost a lot its driving force.(maybe 30% of originalspeed)

    The frigate on the other hand will have a damaged side (damage somehow decided by the kinetic impact). No leaks on her side.


    ..ramms a huge ship: (SoL)

    The bowsprit will come off since the sides will 100% be hit by it. no leaks since the bow wont be able to rise on a freeboard.

    The ship will nearly stop. Bow is damaged.

    On the other hand the big ship will have minor damage. Maybe even none since its armor planking is soo huge, not even smaller cannon balls penetrated them.

    Speed of the big ship is not reduced.



    Other way round:


    2) big ship..


    .. ramms small ship:

    The small ship will be run over, broken in two halves --> sink immediately.

    but the rigging can damage the bowsprit of the huge ship and even bring it down with some luck. (yeah I read ramage's novels haha)


    ..ramms medium ships:

    Not very sure about that tbh. The smaller ship will take a LOT of damage and in some cases could be overrun, too.

    At very least so much planks will be broken to make her leak until she inevitably sinks.

    Au contraire the bowsprit of the SoL will come off in most cases.


    ..ramms big ship:

    HUGE damage on both ship's armor  . The bos will be highly damaged, bowsprit will come off.

    The side of the other ship will have taken a lot of damage. I guess many planks will leak but not make it sink.

    Bowsprit will break apart, many planks droven in on the bow and make her leak as badly as the opponent.





    when the Bowsprit comes down its HIGLY likely that the foremast will come off, too since a lot of stability will be lost due to the bowsprit.

    Standing rigging attatched to it will help bring down the foremast.


    theres my few cents.. I wish I had the patience to draw things for more visibillity. sry for that :P



    the so called salamis maneuver was used to initiate a boarding.

    It means the attacking ship will ram the target ship at height of the mizzen mast in order to bring it down. The possibility of the bowsprit beeing snapped off was a calculated risk.

    The entangled rigging will prevent the ships from drifting apart.

    If the maneuver was succesfull the quarterdeck could immediately be attacked by the boarders. The most important part of the ship's command.


    sorry for german quotas

    • Like 2
  8. btw: there is a "edit" button in wich you can add all your additional questions to one post rather than posting 4 posts with only one sentence each.

    It helps to keep the forum clean.

    You can merge all your posts in one and delete the remainings.


    For ships we will have:

    (armed Yacht)/ sloop/ shooner/ brig/ Surprise/ Frigate/ Constitution/ Bellona/ Victory


    id like this to be a world of tanks type of game you have tier 1 ships which are like schooners then you go up until galleons earning xp by sinking ships and winning battles then with that xp you research better guns and stuff until you can research the next ship and get it.

    If thats going to be the final game I claim that NavalAction has failed.


    The devs have so much good ideas of open world and sandbox.. WoT is plain arena fight with no real goal to play for. You drive your tanks, get better tanks and thats it.. Thats not a good long term motivation.

    Mirones.. XP will most likely be a factor to determin what ships one can sail.. Just imagine a newcomer in a good society or with a very riich friend.. First ship a 1st rate? and then he goes into rvr.. guess how upset the hard workers will be..

  10. as far as I am concerned theres always one crewman fetching the cannonball.

    Gunpowder is beeing fetched by the powdermonkeys.

    So.. the guy getting the ammo has 10 rounds wich he does not have to run for the ball.


    Its nothing wrong with my conclutions. But your right its not a very good suggestion.

    Crew fatigue is more likely the way to go

  11. Ammo racks you mean, ink. And we have them modeled on our ships already(without function).


    An idea came to my mind:

    What if we have about 10 shots in those racks. When these ammoracks are empty the crew has to fetch the roundshot from below the decks wich will increase reload times.

    So we have around 10 broadsides wich reload reasonably quick. When loading double shot this number is reduced to 5 broadsides.(obviously)


    Ofc the crew can restore these cannonballs on deck when they have nothing to do.

    For instance if I had a fight and won it. Now I am heading back a few miles to my teammate who is still strugeling with some other foes.

    When I still have my crew to gunnery stations they may fetch ammunitin from below. (after a few minutes not firing).

    And when I come intot he fight I have a slight reload-"buff" compared to the ships firing for a long time.

  12. The open world prototype is a must have if the game is ever to evolve into a sandbox open world game.

    The sooner this topic is beeing worked on the sooner we will be able to test it and help improve.

    In affect this means we are beeing able to estimate what new gamemechanics can be implemented.

    Maybe we get ideas of later RvR possibility and reasons to do PvP.


    IMHO its at least 2nd priority

    • Like 3
  13. Actually devs just recently added damage decals.

    And the newest build improved the whole damage/sinking mechanics again.

    They track where the shot fell and tell you how many holes your hull took.

    By tracking they can see when the hole is under or over the waterline. So we better be careful where we heel our ships now.


    Shotholes can be plugged by the crew. But we have to manage that by giving them the order to actually work on it.

  14. In the past we just had to put out computerstats into the right thread and be lucky enough to be picked.

    Since the game is officially imported to the Steam library, early access is coming in the "near" future.

    "near" because noone knows.


    My advice:

    follow this forum. You will find a LOT of information about this game. And when devs announce open testing you will read it here.

    In the meantime you will get to know the game and a lot of gamemechanics.

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