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Posts posted by BungeeLemming


    Noticed that there wasn't any visible sail damage in the Bellona battle, did they remove this feature? :(

    Im sorry Sir but you better re-watch the video. You can quite clearly see Some of the jibs having holes in the canvas.


    The demasting mechnaic is a luck-roll. You hit the mast and it will eventually go down.

    I think its well balanced right now. Demasts dont happen frequently-


    This is admittedly from Wiki, but I remember reading the same in several books on the battle at Trafalgar:

    Thats Trafalgar, sure. But Naval Action is set in 1670-1820. Not in the koalition wars wich are set in 1792 to 1815.


    Is it enough to hope for non-biased reloadrate or even seamanship?

    Keep two things in mind:

    -this is a GAME

    -and we will play in a wide time SPAN

    • Like 1
  3. The spanish were considered very well trained and able seamen. I guess your sayin is from something you read somewhere.

    Historically only the french lacked a lot of seamanship in the early years of the napoleonic wars because they gillutined a lot of their marine officers which then were replaced by any "officer" available.


    That said there is only the captain who is responsible of the crew's training. And since this game is all about fair gameplay you will not see any kind of buff/debuff to anyone only because hes in a different faction.

    • Like 2
  4. since they are always been very conservative with their "ETA"s I can make one thing clear to you:

    its done when its done.

    The devs are only going to put a new build live when they are sure we cannot find major bugs and issues.


    The official ETA on the pre-order also says end 2014. Everything sooner is lucky for us.

  5. At first, welcome to the forums.

    Second there is a balance to be found between performance and grafical finesse.

    That means that the opening and closing of gunlinds in a huge battle can kill framerates. And so does crew.

    Devs are even considering to leave out the gun recoil for performance reasons. I know this sounds awkward but sadly thats the info I have from this point.

  6. So wheres the fun in this, Hyperion?


    The problem is if the Mast damage is an auto-win button you wil only see players going for demasts (wich in the actual build are rare enough).

    Noone will let you run away if your demasted. Helped by the fact that you are pretty slow wich an improvised rigging is crippeling a lot.


    The balance between gameplay and realism has to be found. And I feel that a relatively fast mast repair is okay. We only have two "repair packs" So we have to decide what were going to use them for. Having a mast shot off is a HUGE disadvantage. Will you repair it or are you saving the repair and try to keep the guns singing somehow?

    This desicion may be cruzial for the outcome of a fight.

  7. @Lyn

    I just checked your GPU and by the looks of it you wont be able to run Naval Action reliably.

    Your CPU is outdated as well and will struggle a lot with the requirements.


    From what Ive seen your Laptop is pretty old by technical standarts.

    Since potbs is very old you cannot compare this game to NavalAction at all. (other than the game's setting)

  8. @AP514

    did you actually read my post or just threw a AMD hatepost the moment you saw the letters?

    AMD is unbeatable in a PRICEPOINT!

    I am quite into the hardware stuff and can tell you that AMD processors are not bad at all. They are just not as good as intel. (core to core comparism)



    can you tell us what kind of PSU that computer actually uses? All it says is 460W wich tells us as much as: It does have a PSU.

    Most important is your efficiency rating. My computer runs an overclocked i5 and overclocked GPU with a 450W PSU and I am totally fine with it.

    If you want to see a good approximation on your actual power draw you can check out tools like http://www.bequiet.com/de/psucalculator

    Also there are forums wich have a lot of real world PCs checked. http://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/f238/wie-stark-muss-mein-netzteil-wirklich-sein-teil-3-a-800218.html

    Dont mid the german just check the power draws and make up your mind.


    Thats really the only limiting factor wheater or not your PSU can deliver.

    If money is not the peroblem you only have to tell us about your gamin life. Do you game much or not and do you care about high quality or not.

  9. So your computer looks nice exept the grafics card. No need for more RAM and the CPU is still very powerful for any games out here.


    The 750 ti from NVIDIA is about the lowes end card you could ever consider for gaming. I dont know how much your into gaming but I would not be happy with the performance of this card.

    The price is of course very nice for its power delivery. Nothing bad there. (110-120€ I saw)


    If you want to step up the grafics I can recomment the R9 280 from AMD. I am using the 7950 wich is the same chipset and I am very pleased with the performance in any game I play. It even kicks the 760s butt in about any benchmark you throw at those cards. (760 is 200 bucks).

    So how expensive is this thing? 150€. Only a 30€ stepup from the 750 ti but a huge improvement in processing power. *thumbsup*.


    Notice I am pricing in Euros and the dollar prices can differ from the once I mention here.

  10. maybe you post your CPU and actual RAM you use. Also the GPU and I/we can give you some infos


    If you only need a GPU and have a decent setup CPU wise the GTX 970 is unbeatable right now.. 350-400 bucks and it rips through games godlike.

    the gigabyte Windforce editions are retty darn good cards. A very cool and quiet cooler. Only "drawback" they are long cards and dont fit in all cases


    Dont believe all the hype about amd processors.

    what hype? did I miss something.. Since AMD is not upgrading their socket for 5 years now they suck hard.

    Get an intel and be fine. really. They are worth the money. A friend of mine went from an high end AMD FX to an intel i7 and got like 20-30 FPS more out of BF4.

    Get an intel xeon (E5-1620 v2 beeing the best right now). Those are i7s without overclocking potential and without the grafics. wich is redundant if your running an dedicated grafics card. You only have to worrie about the correct clock speeds.

    Every GPU from the "newer" generations will run NavalAction. The 660ti does a good job on medium to hight settings. (A friends tested NA on this particular card).

    Mirones feel about the RAM is not what I encountered. My max RAM usage is MAX 3Gb.


    On the other hand, if your on a budget you can build a good PC for 500 and an AMD processor.

    I just recently built a 800€ machine wich is better than my 2 years old 1.3k computer (sniff)

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