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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. The devs emphasized that Naval Action is going to be a game where you dont have to sail thousands of miles bevore combat actions.

    The world shall feel like its huge and teleports are definately going to ruin that impression.


    This idea affronts the whole "big world" impression. Later endgame content will be some sort of conquest where societies are going to capture towns and empoy a huge fleet.

    The bigger the effort and society the greater is their influence. But that influence still is locally and not over the whole map. You can only defend a limited region due to logistic regions.

    You shall not hold ports in lets say the antilles and havanna with the same fleet. (You will have to split it )


    So yeah. The idea goes against some prinziples that the devs have in mind for the game.

    And personally I dont like it.

    I dont want Naval Action to become POTBS II. Where we had ships in every important port.

  2. Oh hi,

    welcome to Mr Dorans world.

    He tried to gank me (in a Surprise back then), too. I in a privateer. He costed me 1 hour of my life.

    And we two are not alone. He does it with everyone he sees. No matter if he can catch up or not. Bevore the matches I made sure to be downwind to him and still he insisted on attacking me. Weird behavior imo. waste of time.


    Mr Doran is famous for this actions and many players went ahead and ganked him instead.



    Rigt now there are no rules wich prohibits such behavior.

    We can only apply to the manners of the players and hope that such players are the minority.




    • Like 4
  3. Lieste, dont mix up RL with what we have ingame. In the past there were many threads carronade vs cannons (range) but devs went the way we have it and they do have good foundation to their desicion.

    point blanc is where you dont have to elevate the gun and dont have to bother aiming her.  run out - shoot - run in - reload - run out - etc. (thats my understanding) And at that kind of range you will have an advantage with carronades.



    I dont know if you tested the new shooting mechanics. So I explain/ describe it:

    Carronades now (in the OW) shoot over quite a long distance. But the penetration value goes down dramatically (I experienced that myself since I mounted carronades on small vessels. you can see the balls bounce off even at good angles).

    Also the dispersion is modeled quite "funny". The first few meters of the ball's flyghtpath is on a straight line but then the ball disperses like crazy. Wich means that you cannot aim or effectively shoot at longer distances than 500 meters. This is basically the very max range you want to fight with carronades.


    Cannons however have a lot straighter shooting characteristic. Cannon balls do not disperse as crazy as caronades do.

    You can still reliably hit the enemy at 1km.

    And even if I exaggerated with 1.5km you will be able to hit at least some of your shots. If they penetrate, that is another story.

    Big guns versus light to med. frigates: for sure.


    The point I want to have is that there is no redundancy between normal or long cannons atm. If you fight against bigger ships your better off with longs. If your even it comes down to your preference.

    If you merge those two sizes into one format you only have the choice between carronades and cannons.

    Less variety.

    Im 100% backing up the devs with their decision here.

  4. So.

    You say the navy sailed with long guns only.

    That may be true.

    But we are having a sandbox game. Everyone can chose at his will.


    Traders for example. Did they go with long guns? When armed they used light guns for a smaller crew. More crew means more salary to pay.

    So yeah.. Trader go cheap.


    When only restricted to long guns. Whats the point? You reduce it to cannon or carronade. 500meters or 1.5 km range.

    What choice does the player have?



    The point is:

    In that time there were many different gunsizes. Experimenting was a big thing in those times.

    long guns: yeah put those on naval ships.

    normal guns: well thats for the cheap. Traders and such.

    Carronades are for experimental guys and privateers maybe. Traders, too.


    They aint "extra long" they are "long"

  5. Well lets take that assumption:


    max effective barrel length was 8-9 feet. Thats basically our long gun's size.


    However, long guns were mainly used on fortifications rather than ships. Yes there were some long guns on (nearly) every ship in case of a sternchase. But the broadsides were mounted with cannons wich were better to handle.


    The "normal" guns ingame translate to this kind of gun. They have a more handy barrel lenght wich needs less men to operate and had a better firing rate. As said those were the main armament mounted on the broadsides.


    Smaller cannons will translate into an even higher rate of fire but less range and pen.


    As devs said: Get rid of the real life definition of long and short guns. Or at least dont take it 1 : 1..

    All the game wants you to tell with the meaning of "long" and "normal" is that they have different firing characteristics.



    the rate of fire drops on a higher rate if you use long barreled guns. (ingame I mean)

  6. That depends on your own experience.

    You can move the verts around and try to match them on the plas. You will need to adjust the verts a lot to make a nice smooth curve. If you dont you may end up with edges and/or stupid angles.


    Another way is to use curves in the first place. Model them around the "frame timbers" and use a modifier to bind a mesh to it.

    this tutorial shows you what I mean

    • Like 1
  7. You find all your answers in these forums.

    Justme is right. Those who have shown the devs that they give feedback are already invited. (they know who post n the forums and who file F11s)

    heres more


    Since this is no technical support this thread is closed.

    • Like 1
  8. Well it seems like Ive got to learn some more stuff with blender.

    My level is maybe a tit more than beginner. Ive played a lot with 3d modeling but after seeing your model I feel like the biggest noob ever :D


    Very nicely done, Sir!

    I hinted the devs what you show us here ;)

    Maybe you want to write them a mail and ask them about tech requirements (If you want to see this in game at one point).

    Some time ago there were other 3s artists wich wrote them in private. Noone knows what happened but maybe we will see some surprises in the future..

  9. duuuude.. I wish I had so much money to buy a new PC every year, too.

    I mean: you "old" system still nails NA on highest possible settings..


    Still.. Nice setup you have.. Wish I had 3k and built something epic. (I mean..3k.. you can get a titanX for that money and a 5820k or more holy crap)

    • Like 1
  10. Well it was clear that WOWs is never going to exceed the skilllevel we have on WoT.

    It basically is WoT with a lot more inertance.

    Shooting is way too easy, ships evade like tanks would, DDs are the invisible ninjas, BBs randomly do between 10 and 120k dmge..

    All in all I think they made a nice RNG game. You are so dependant on the players of your team that you will soon be feeling the sadness you do in WoT. (I casually play both but get annoyed soon when I see how the teams play out. Not much room for you to carry if your an average player)


    They could have done better. Now all they have to do is balance the ships and have a good appeal to the masses.

    Just like WoT wich is running on its own.


    Oh and btw: the grafics are a joke.. we have 2015 and they cannot design ships with HD texturepacks.. My GPU is laughing its ass off while NA is really demanding (and looks epic)

  11. WOW dude why didnt you tell us this great news bevore?

    1000€ and your going to have a gaming rig wich lasts you for a few years and longer.


    But if you spend that money you should go with intel CPUs. Most games run perfectly fine on 4 cores but like to have more power per core. And intel is ahead of AMD in that regard. Also if your not doing extreme rendering processes on your computer you will be fine with 8gB RAM. Mine is never under full load. Maybe at some point it gets up to 6gB used, wich is not slowing the computer down at all (that happens when your at 90%+ load)


    With the money you have I would recommend you either of these two:

    -> machine with an i5 +gtx 960

    -> computer with i7 +960

    imo the i7 is totally worth the 100$. Its not a ripoff CPU its actually a very good one. Wich you could overclock if you wanted to.


    I dont know about bestbuy. But if you can get your hands on this computer you should definately do so.

    Thats an i7 with 16 gigs of ram. 1TB HDD and a seperate 120bG SSD wich will boost your desktop performance incredibly.

    SSDs.. once you got used to them youll never want anything else

  12. Clicking "B" will reduce you to fighting canvas (battle sails)


    Battle sails configuration reduces heel and the chance of fires (on your lower sails (if thats implemented in Dmge model 4.0))


    Press "F" to (re-)enable the autoskipper


    Dont forget to reverse your rudder when going backwards (when making headway || whatever sounds more "naval")


    Survival crew focus will plug your leaks


    You can put your waterline hits out of the water by heeling to the opposite side


    Lower your speed to decrease the rate of flooding



    • Like 1
  13. the grafics card will kill it for you.

    You 100% need a dedicated GPU (Grafics Prozessing Unit) to run the game at non-stuttering FPS.

    But I already replied to you here


    Video card: Game requires a video card with full DX11 and Shader Model 5 support with at least 1GB of video memory.
    nVidia gtx 460 and higher or AMD Radeon HD 6450 and higher are required.
    nVidia gtx 660 and higher or AMD Radeon R9 270 and higher are recommended.

    That qote is oficcial.


    That means you must calculate another 80-100 bucks into your build.

    And do not buy a dualcore CPU these days if you plan on gaming.(


    Theres also some stuff you better inform on bevore buying a computer.

    When using 8GB of RAM make sure you use two 4GB DIMMS in dual channel wich doubles the speed you get from the 8BG used. (I guess the installation all is done by the retailer)


    Do you need Windows? If yes you are down to 400$. If no you can happily shop for 500..

    But everyone looking for a deal for you (Like I do atm) needs the info. Its quite a difference in pice.


    With that option here:

    Radeon HD7970 3GD5 X16 2DVI HDMI 2MDSP [Add $462.00]

    I would suggest you better look out for another shop. Seriously THAT card is worth at most 200 bucks. Its an old card wich doesnt even get sold anymore..

    And the R7 250 OC is sold for 85€ or 90$.. that webpage sells it for 113$.

    I can oly advice you to look out for a better shop. Those prices are obscene!

    • Like 1
  14. check this thred out!

    Queen annes revenge was not a three decker. No pirate could ever afford to run such a big ship.

    She originally was a tradeship wich was upgunned to 40 cannons.


    So either that homepage did mess up the previews of they didnt do the research.

    I am at least happy you didnt mean the "PoC ship". Hollywood really messes history up :D

  15. there is no hacking. only what darby said:

    the ship lineup changed and thus everyone was forced to play those new vessels. Privateer, Navy Brig and the Cerberus.


    Every tester had to cope with it and after youve gone through all these new ships you can happily sail the Constitution again ;)

  16. Cannony flying around as if they are firewood.. I hope they dont play the same bullship with physics as they did in Pirates of the Caribbean. They do not have the xcuse of some magical bullshit happenening..


    I seriously hope they stay with the realism and truth rather than making another Hollywood BS..

  17. May I admit that the hull lines look rather.. low draft.

    This ship looks like it was designed for coastal patrol duties.

    Just like the dutch designs: get lighter/less draft and in return youll add a lot of leeway to her.

    So she would be a terrible sailor compared to shipbesigns coming from the brits or french, spanish.. youi know what I mean ;)


    Still.. She would totally crush any same sized frigate.. thats one impressive armament

  18. This ship is a third rate, and not a second rate. The thirds rates are from 64 to 80 guns, while the second rates are from more than 80 to 98 guns.

    .. And then there are different specifications for 1st/2nd and 3rd rates during the period wich Naval Action occupies.

    When the 7Provincien was launched she was a 2nd rate. Thus Wind is correct.

    If you see her 100 year later she would be a 3rd rate. Despite the fact that noone would want to fight such an old ship.


    In the end both of you are correct

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