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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. I originally liked this idea, too.

    But When you have to constantly change the yards to match the perfect angle I am tapping all the time wich means I would always set them to the max in one or the other direction.


    Maybe do a tripple tap or give us the option to disable the double tap.

    I fear there could be a very thin line between "tap, tap, tap" and doubletap..

  2. Dont think of it as the Victory. Its a class of ships wich was built in britain. But theoretically every nation could have bought one (despite the fact they were at war and had better ships around)


    I am interested on how the devs will handle "shipnames" or shiptypes in the final game.

    Will we see Trincomalees or can we have our own custom inscriptions at the stern?

    I wonder..

  3. wow.. That PC is quite a beast and you still cant run it over 60 FPS?

    Whats your monitor resolution? The 970 should be able to deliver more imo.

    My old 7950 gives me 70+ FPS on custom (all maxxed out.exept of anti aliasing. But on a 1600x1050 monitor)

  4. There is nothing broken at all.


    Well, if you say so... who am I to say something else?

    Is there something wrong with me saying that?

    The aiming system works as intended. Nothing more or less.

    Sure, learn to cope with a broken mechanic by spending more time with it. To be honest, I believe I am very close to the skill ceiling and I have decided that it is a broken mechanic and poor design.

    If you consider it broken.. Who am I to tell you that sooo many players dont think its broken at all? hmm..? (see what I did there?)

    It works as intended.

    Aiming is not hard. What may be "hard" is to remember where you pointed at bevore the roll drove off your aim. Wich only happens in bad weather or when you are at very very long range.

    The micro-corrections are not bad either. You say they make a huge difference but if you think of it.. Only small ships suffer from it since they give a very small target. When you am at frigates you find it a lot easier to hit them. (promised!)

    Small ships are not meant to fight max range shootouts anyways. (despite the fact that its boring as hell)


    Just for you I did a search for like.. 1 minute and found not one but two threads already: (type in "shooting" into search)



    now I try "aiming":




    after seeing your last post all I can say is:

    We are not playing a NavalAction -sniper- game.. In reality shooting at very long distance was pure luck. And this is represented here, too. (to some degree ofc) If you don't notice the heel - well then your next volley may hit with good luck. I see nothing wrong here as may lots of other testers. Shooting at max range already is wayyy to easy and precise!

    In small ships this happens more often because of the small scales you cope with.

    When you sailships as or bigger than the brig it is a lot easier to pull off such shots you describe.


    When you loaded double and discover this phenomenom you simply misstimed your approach. Wrong stratedy->gameplay element. When you discover this at max range you do a fraction of the damage you could possibly do in optimal range. Lineships at max range think some flys flew towards them.



    I was later than Maturin


    and also, just to add another drop of oil:

    I am good at max range shooting and manipulating the yards to get better heel. You have to learn to be patient and wait for the red mark to be at its best point. That requires some grey cells to remind the point on your monitor.

    • Like 3
  5. There is nothing broken at all.

    If you insist of fighting at ranges of 1600 meters and more you deserve to be a very hard shot.


    As said in the old thread:

    We originally had this very shooting system. We didnt have the ranging shots wich allow us to adjust our fire until we hit on mark.

    If you reimplement this mechanic and keep the ranging shots there wont be any skill left. At all.

    I played with the old system. With tracking shots, too when they got implemented and it is indeed way too easy. (dont get confused with this paragraph. The last sentence talks about evolution of the firing)


    And since the community already had a talk over the aiming methods I highly doubt the devs will change the firing mechanics anytime. I am too lazy but you will surely find disussions about this topic in very old threads.




    And please do not recreate locked posts.. Its a form of disrespect to our decisions. Ask why a Mod locked it. Give us a good reason to reopen the thread on your behalf. PM the one who closed it and discuss it with him.

    I stand behind his reasons to lock the post.

    Its redundadn and was here long and lots of times bevore you posted it originally.


    My tip:

    Play longer times and cope with it. The skill included in shooting is okay. Its not rocketscience and the mouse sensibility wont change a bit with your suggestions.

    • Like 2
  6. So I am the shouter here:


    No magical skills whatsoever.

    Devs said this, too. This is not gonna be EvE or potbs. We captain the ship. We are nor magicains.

    Crewmanagement is already a part of the game wich influences the shiphandling passive. And it will get a bigger role in the future. For that I am sure since damage model 4 will require crewmanagement between the different decks.


    This subject has been talked over a lot times now. years ago, too. So I am pretty damm sure no magic will happen to Naval Action.

  7. That has been talked over, too. Range is okay. But I had a glanze at the penetration values.

    Also this is not a discussion thread.


    The very page you posted.. I myself presented them faar back in the past and devs are well aware of the article.

    Still its one of the few that tell the max range of carronades.

    The effective range of carronades were 2x less than those of long guns. And thus they are modeled that way.


    Devs are not having an argument over this. Its a dead horse by now.

    • Like 1
  8. @RGS: I moved your post here since its not a question regarding the preorder per se.


    The final game will look somewhat like EVE without all the hardcore loss and crafting mechanisms.

    Open world environment, player driven economy etc.

    Since the game is nowhere near to be finished the whole economy idea is nothing more than speculations.

    The open world will come in the next weeks (months). Devs already uploaded screenshots on their facebook page.


    Right now you can play versus AI. But they are very basic and know nothing about tactics at all. They are good to learn the basics, tho. I will advise everyone to give PvP a shot. It can be a blast. Or decisive defeat. But thats the charm of online gaming.

  9. Maturin when I play I very often set my sails parallel to the wind for numerous reasons. Slowing down in lots of situations or reducing heel.

    I agree that the immersion with animations on the sails can be great. I can also see that if it happens on many ships at once the frames can drop horrible. Smoke already is a framekiller.


    Maybe a well done sound for luffing can be a compromise and help the player realize how his sails are dragging.

  10. Well at first I say welcome to the forums, Sir.


    Then I may advise you to look up some of the subforums a little closer.


    1: get a read in this guide for novices


    2: there are quite a few TS-servers for NavalAction. They are hosted by some volunteers.


    3: thats true. And devs are aware of this issue. Ty for mentioning is nonetheless.


    4: We used to be able to do that. It was a mess with all the quit/ go in/ quit/ go in.. you get the point I guess :P

  11. Why do you start all the drama in the first place?

    A quick "sry for ram" is enough. You were focused on the little Cerberus, Maturin was focused on something different.

    Rams do happen all the time. There are two ways to cope with it. You can rant about it or you can act civil and apologize.

    One of those situations will make the battle a lot more fun. The other is making your blood boil. And the one of the accused person, too.


    Always try to retain calm. You video is not very friendly at all. "that fuck #@!+*".. Really thats inappropriate and provocative.

    Even the video cannot show whos core fault it was. Most likely both of you are guilty.


    I saw your posting in the Tribunal section and begin to not like your attitude:

    Maybee not but this is still a game not  a offence like in real life if u cant handle som harsh words well then  might as well stop living.

    I dont care what you are doing in you Real Life but in this game EVERYONE is advised to be kind to each other.

    Even tho your on the internetz you still cope with real persons. Keep that in mind. always.



    Stay calm and carry on. in every situation.

    You are allowed to rage. You are not allowed to insult other players!


    my cents to this case and your person,


    • Like 1
  12. Such an arena mode was the original way the lobby was designed. We jumped in and switched sides on our behalf.

    So basically it still is in the code somewhere.

    Only when the sea trials started the internetz brought in the clowns/ douches wich abused the system for powerleveling. So it was removed.


    This gamemode was brought to the devs attention some time ago and they said its possible.

    With all the work they have to do I dont know if its still on the agenda.

  13. Well first there is the NavalActioncrashsender.exe in your gamefiles.

    execute it and a bug/crashreport is sent to the devs directly. They then figure out what was wrong with your game.


    First few steps I would look over if it was my own problem:

    thermal issue of the GPU. Monitor your graficacard if the temps you get are over the top. If that the GPU not the game will crash you reliably. That will happen in any game wich brings your GPU to 99% usage.

    Check if the GPU is dustrfee (ideally) and if it gets enough fresh air and can exhaust the hot one out of the case.

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