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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. I may halp you out with this:

    you have to aim yourself.

    You are not like in potbs klicking buttons and see the ship/crew do things. YOU have to aim for whatever part of the ship you like and you still have to sail your ship.


    Everyone asking questions here has to get away from the POTBS thinking. We are not 3rd person, clicking skillbuttons and stuff.

    We are actually captaining, sailing, shooting and managing the crew on ourself.

  2. Just for the record:

    IF I dont want to spend money on POTBS I can still earn ANY KIND OF SHIP I like and ANY outfitting I fancy.

    Its pay to win if I MYSELF feel forced to buy stuff that gives me a noticable advantage or beter said that gives me the ability to even out odds over my enemy. And until now I dont HAVE to pay real money for this special porpose.

    Some other guys spent money on BSNs yes. But it was not my own money. I simply go to AH and buy me some BSNs if I so desire.

    Any ship can be obtained with DBs since they get listed in the AH.


    Its not pay to win cause I am not forced to pay money on it. I am not! Since F2P is out I could have lived on without spending any real money. I did pay them a few bucks. but only because I am LAZY and I am not willing to fleet hours and hours in front of SC.

    Also I am no huge shipbuilder with 100 slots. I make ships on my own and provide my soc. Thats enough for my daylie pvp living. I own all Rates but the sovereign. why? Cause portalus patched some "OP" ships with their totally OP range of... 600y base.. What am I supposed to do with such crap?.I can skill for more range and also fit for it. But I loose a lot of potential. A ship with no real use in PvP is uninteresting for me. (exept trading and lvl ing porpose)


    All I can say to the fight: NOOBS with 1st rates still dont stand a chance against SKILLED players. Period. Its the game and its GOOD that way. You have to improve to have fun. a challenge and I like it. I play for nearly 4 years now and still. The group Im regulary in is not the best of all. We ARE damm good. but we still get roflstomped because of stupid mistakes and all.

    The fight was a 8 or 9 vs us 10. 10 in frigs vs 8 heavy ships including 3rds and 3 1sts. guess how good a 1st rate can run from chargins Frigates? not so good. And even 4k structure and reps will burn down over time. We get them rates and get sunk in return. It was totally worth it. (grammar I know)


    Just to say: This game will get a skill-based shipcombat. Nothing about clicking buttons and seeing the magic happen. And so far I totally like what Ive seen.


    So much from me. I will always continue my thought of POTBS and pay2win. (Its not)


    Ofc. Portalus is constantly working on ruining the game even more. Therefore I would NOT be surprised if the bronze cannons become OP "SOME"-day.

    • Like 2
  3. potbs still is no pay-to-win game.


    You can obtain every simgle item needed for ships and fittings with ingame money. Ofc. for some you need horrendious ammount of DBs but still: you dont need any "UBER"-ship since you can sink those with your "non prem" ship as well.

    For an example: dons trolled us with Victories over and over again.. WE then simply charged them with frigates. sunk all their shiny expensive rates and were happy with it.

    We did it twice and had two weeks of non-trolling.

  4. there is no clear outline of a game right now.

    We are only testing shipcombat. ship to ship ofc.


    As far as Ive read we will have some RvR content in the FAR future.

    Also, as fasr as I know, devs are interested in economical content.


    But right now all we know are SPECULATIONS. nothing clear on the horizon yet. All but its going to be a shipcombat game :D

  5. Warthunder at lowest settings just looks-- aweful if you know how it CAN look.

    blackouts last longer and are way more darkened and other stuff wich will kill your game-feeling. I played on my laptop intel i3/HD4k and 4gig ram for 2-3 months bevore I got myself a decent PC. I wont recommend Warthunder on a low end computer. its ugly and you are not competetive.


    Naval Action runs on best details/setting with 70+FPS. My rig? itel i53570k(stock), AMD 7950oc-ed, 8gig ram.

    I can check If the game runs smoothly on my laptop. but not right now.

    I dont know if im allowed to tell further information but my Computer is just fine with the game right now.


    for the engine:

    maybe you check this thread out. first page of the questions-section btw.


  6. British ships always carried a devision of so called "Marines". (ger. meaning is Sea-Soldat wich nails their meaning pretty good)

    They were trained soldiers and seamen in one person. They were placed in the crow's nests and on the quarterdeck to kill officers and the sailors at the wheel.

    This sounds like one would not need any more seamen but the way they were trained made them worse sailors than the actual seamans on board.



    I think this idea is great. And even better when Naval Action will have boarding introduced.

    (big muskets were no use in a boarding where one could hardly handle a cuttlass)

    • Like 1
  7. I just checked the pics of the Surprise /Unité and was wondering:


    At this point of your development, can you tell how many men we will be able to see aboard?

    Ships of those times were very crowded places.. 200 men or more on such a little frigate like the surprise..

    5 inch to sleep in your hammock and no private place exept for the captain..


    And 600+ men on a ship of the line with 74 guns and even more.

    I think the satissima trinidad was manned with over a thousand men.

    HMS Victory took over 800 men to her complement. (just to give examples)



    Will there be an option of how you man your ships? To play like a privateer or pirate and crowd a small schooner with over a hundred men to sail alongside an enemy and board him?

    That asked I may point at POTBS' avcom model wich is so totally ramdom and gear-based that I do hate it with a passion..

    I hope there wont be such issues with your game ;)




    Another subject:


    Are you ships modeled completely? In potbs for example most gunports are simply black so the game doesnt have to model the interior of the deck bejond the gun.

    Can we see through everything in Naval Action?

  8. Ahoy there,


    The most important game-publishing platform is Steam. Its the only platform I use to check out new stuff.



    For the Screenshots I list them from high to low prefered:

    Pic 1 (very intense shipcom) > Pic 14 (DAT storm =)) > Pic6 (thats ingame grafics? awesome!) > Pic 10(shows fleet action possible) > Pic 12 (ship and those waves in the foreground! awesome!)


    Now I reverse. best so worst ("ugly" category):

    Pic 7 (soo untidy. british ships were known for their clean decks!) > Pic 9 (that looks unfinished. wheres crew and what about the junk on deck?) > Pic 3 (not a good example for what your grafic can do) >

    Pic 3(unspectacular) > Pic 17 (what is that ship doing so close to that tower? and it looks like artwork rather than grafics)


    Just to mention your looks on deck: There used to be racks for cannon balls. They were all around the ship's bulwarks. And when the crew was sent to quarter they will have cleared the decks from every bit that lies/stands in their way or can create lethal splinters when beeing hit by enemy gunfire. On the other hand you can find a lot of water buckets and barrels with fresh water so the crew can refresh when having a break from action.



    The desicion to vote your pictures was pretty hard. They are all very nice. Some are awesome and some are "only" good. But they all look VERY neat! They represent a game with a well fundament.

    Keep your work up. Till now everything looks astonishing!

    I like it and there are many enthusiasts wich will like it, too!

  9. is this a queque? :P


    intel i5 3570k @stock clocks

    8Gb 1600-RAM

    samsung SSD840

    MSI*s AMD-Radeon 7950 slightly OC-ed


    If theres a chance Id really like to help you out by testing your work.

    I am a total fanboy of the eara of combat at sea/ under sails..

    Until now your game looks damm amazing.. and I will play it no matter what or when

  10. a question to shiptypes:

    Will there be differences between Ships of the same type but different nation/ design bureaus?


    Like the French vs the british 74 gun ship of the line?

    British ships were built more "armored" but French/Spanish ships had much better sailing characteristics..

    In fact the 74 gun ship came up in france and britain copied the design.


    Same story with the 38 gun frigate.. The french design was said to be faster than the british.



    will this difference be done with "ship fittings" like we have in Potbs?

  11. At first there would a factor like crew XP.. and then there is a huge problem I see personally it as gamebreaking when I have a ship I want to test and sail it to pvp and I come across an enemy who sails his ship for like months and has an expert crew. He will simply murder me with no big losses and I can look how I will come out of that mess..


    You should propably make a thread concerning that issue..

    I have no fuzzy feelings about that O_o

  12. when the crew is at stations there should be a high penaltie to lowering and hoisting more sails.


    Handling to a certain degree is still possible. But every maneuver that requires to trim the sails will take long, too.

    That may mean you can turn like 10 to 20 degrees to both sides like always and then begin to turn pretty slow.

    Turning through the wind should "maybe" be totally impossible or result in a backward movement when sails are backing against the masts..


    Those are my thoughts of it. After all its a game and you have to consider the penaltion and balance it so its not a game-killer..


    Btw: there should be a delay when I send the crew to other stations. a few moments when they relocate to the guns or braces etc..

  13. In fact It was a suggestion on how they could "recycle" some ships.


    It seems that the "old 64 ship of the lines" were made razees since they were.. old/obsolete in a time when the 74 gun ship became standard.


    But Those ships are a way to counter supergrigates like the USS constitution

  14. I was just reading in an old webside about warships in the napoleon's eara when I read about Razees again.


    A Razee is a ship like the famous "HMS Indefatigable". She was designed as a 64 gun ship of the line.

    But instead of commisioning her as an outdated ship they stripped her down to a heavy Frigate.


    That means she still had her main batterie with all the 26x24 pound cannons but got cutted down to a frigate size. The draft for example was raised from 19 to 13 feet.

    More details to be seen in the famous Wikipedia since I lack english knowledge to explain technical details..


    http://home.arcor.de/thomas_siebe/indefatigable.html <-- sry for german language..



    Its only a suggestion but It may be worth having a look at.


    It would give players some sort of freedom to arm and design some ships for their porpose.

    I dont know how to achieve such features ingame but maybe one could simply use the same model with empty gunports for raised speed and other features..


    best Regards

  15. USS Constitution in Naval Action.. I wonder how to balance this ship to other Frigates.

    Those few Frigates made after the 44 gun-ship scratch are so powerful compared to British or french frigates of that time..

    I mean: They are armored like Lineships and carry 24 pound cannons on their main batterie.. on the topdeck masses of carronades.


    btw: that side is very dissatisfying in terms of shipcombat. But I guess thats because its not made for the Shipcombat freak like I am one..

    Ive GOT to find the page where you can read tons of shipcombat sceneries in the Napoleonic aera of time. Ill post it as soon as I can find her. Sadly I couldnt track her for months..



    I finally found it:



    But I fear its german only. You can read reports of British and French Commanders in some battles.

    They are documented very good with precise chronology..

    If you read them, have fun.

    Also you can find a List of ships wich are included in the page's content.(Its where I have all my names for my potbs-ships) http://home.arcor.de/thomas_siebe/schiffname.html

  16. But then:

    We live in 2013 with quadcore/8-core/12 core etc CPUs.. GPUs are soo much potent these days..

    Why should a developer save on intensive Computerperforming gamecontent if it can make the game-experience better?


    Just make different detail levels so everyone with a decent PC can run the game..

    I would hate to see such beatuful beginnings end up in sth. ugly like any browsergame can do..


    And the screenshots so far look AWESOME!

  17. storm I dont get if your pro or contra.


    Boats were hoisted over board and towed astern.

    When cannonballs fly and hit the small planks of such boats they will burst into lethal splinters flying around the decks and killing/injuring men.

    Ofc. when you are surprised you cannot hoist them in time. But standart prozedure was to hoist them over board.


    Therefore I wont appreciate boats on deck for this game. <- my opinion

  18. thats totally correct.

    But in my first question the admin answered me that sea conditions are not yet implemented to sailing/speed caracteristics.


    My questions aim at an status wich they may want to do in the future and how the game may look like when finished.


    And for reaload times the only difference between smaller and bigger caliber guns were their weight.

    The loading process was totally the same. You only needed more guns to man them since you had to ran em out the gunport again.

    And there comes another question in my mind that may be too much for realism..

    Will crews get exhausted and reload slower when you are fighting like half an hour?

    But i dont expect such features since "naval action" is going to be a game, not a simulator

  19. re stalbe gun platform:


    When you  look outside a gunport in bad weather, the horizon will bounce up and down pretty fast. That means your target will be seen for a short time. In stormy weather it required more good luck to hit home in bad weather than beeing an expert gunner (wich helps ofc):P


    A huge ship of the line has a long deck/ keel etc. As an effect you will ride the waves for a certain time and the gunner gets a more or less "long" time window in wich his gunport is showing him a target.

    The smaller frigate gunner therefore has the smaller ship with a smaller deck/ kiel length. The frigate cannot ride the wave as long as the bigger ship of the line can do and the time window in wich the gunner has a clear sight of the enemy is shorter.


    And like the ship of the line is longer than the frigate, the frigate is longer than a corvette, the corvette than the brig etc..

    merged: the longer the ship, the more stable is the gun platform.


    But this only gives you an advantage in bad weather/ big waves (obviously until the waves reach a certain size).

  20. also I wonder what sort of range different cannons will have. The top deck guns of a 74 gun would have more range than the same caliber on a lower decked frigate..

    What about stable gun platforms?


    In Potbs we have the complete opposite to real life.

    Small ships get higher target tracking despite the fact that smaller ships' hull move more up and down than the gundeck of a huge ship of the line.


    The same would affect speed in bad wheater. A small ship cannot ride a wave as long as a bigger ship can do. Therefore the big ship is faster.

    Also: The hight of a mast affects speed in such weather, too since big waves make big lees in their "windshadows". huge ships can catch the wind better in those than smaller ships which become becalmed for a certain time.


    As a short question:

    Is speed a fixed parameter for any situation the ship faces or will this caracteristic change with every different occasion thw sea yields?

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