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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. Well at first Id say finish some kind of rough outlining of the ship classes.


    We need a 4th rate: Ingelmann coming, we need a 2nd rate: under discussion.

    And then we can start filling the gaps with more ships.


    Another light frigate to fill in between the surp and trinco.

    Maybe a Razee ship like the Indefatigable.

    And yet a few smaller vessels like the Siobhán.


    Also we may need some better/more mortar ships.  Ketches wich were build for that very reason.

  2. This method wont work with big ships unless you are prepared to sink both of you.

    Also when you immediately hit some repairs and the survival focus you most likely to survive the ram.


    When ramming up front your bowsprit will rip off. Means if you dont want to be crippled you have to repair it thus you used two repairs for a "maybe" benefit wich "can" sink your enemy. And yourself included.

  3. In the storm events I found myself using spacebar a lot more often than full broadsides since the waves can F**k off your aim horribly. I disable all but one battery and use the range shots to get effective fire into my enemy.


    I hit about 80% of my shots. If firing the whole broadside Ill get about 30% of hits a MOST because the broadside is at such a long timing that only the first few can hit home.


    Ranging shots are nessesary. Its not a removable feature.

    As devs stated we are playing/testing a game, not a simulation.

    And as a game mechanic its simply genious!

  4. I fail to see the porpose of this suggestion.

    If you cannot count for yourself or estimate when the next broadside is falling you need more practise.

    Also every ship can carry a wide arrangement of guns wich means a lot of different reloads.

    Wich is amplyfied by the different "crew skills" we have. How could you possibly know the reload of any of your enemies when not knowing what they have in mind?

    You literally have to read their minds to know the reload wich is only a minor knowledge to have.


    If you see him fire one deck. Assume he has the next reloaded within the next 5-10 seconds. Its even harder with ships of the line.

    Has he reloaded? wich batteries? what gunsize.



    Its a 100% inconsistent factor. You never know the reloads hence your watch is redudndant to gather any information.


    If someone tried to grief me that way, I would just chainshot his sails. Problem solved.

    he then can report your saildamage as an act of piracy..

    I would never risk such a behavior myself :D


    Just leafe this "feature" out of the game and- problem solved.


    The admins have a goo understanding of the online crowd wich is in the majority a bunch of trolls. I tend to troll a lot in games, too (from time to time, not as a constand douchebag move).

  6. Well my problem is water flickering or whatever it is:






    try playing on a preset grafics option if you dont. Do so in the launcher.

    Else you have to wait for thedevs on figuring out whats the problem.

    This occured bevore and got solved.

  7. an

    anyone knows the old sea dogs ame from akella?

    they had a dude sayin: starboard guns ready captn. In a really cool accend.

    Also he said saaaaails--HO!

    I found that voice really nice and wasnt annoyed by him at all. It was ofc. not very loud. only so that you could recognize what he was saying.


    Trincomalee is getting another knot of speed this Friday

    Hmm.. Every time I fight a trinco in my surprise I have a very hard time keeping up with her.

    She already is pretty fast. A whole knot? Maybe thats a bit over the top.

    But we will see how it goes. I hopefully can play some more next week.. Got some RL stuff going on.

    Once I have the trinco Ill give you my cents on her.

  9. well.. technically its still armor. you have the plank's thickness. Also bigger ships (frigates and more applying lineships) have multiple layers of plankins wich can go up to half a meter of oak per side..

    Its not very far off the wording armor.


    other tha that integrity would be universal.





    I changed the topic name to armOr.. wich we are talking about.

    There was a typo in the name.


    They've stated that as they get nearer to release, they'll support lesser rigs

    Im not sure if you swapped the meaning of something here.

    Since this is a test version with no major grafics optimization we can expect to run the game smoother in the future with less ressources needed.

    When this comes in effect you can tell that even more rigs can run naval action than previously.


    But still, keep in mind this is a test. Optimization will be done for early acces or even later. (no official statement, only guessing)


    But-there is captain telescope already in game (shift key). It's hard for me to believe that captain will not use his device to correct his crew fire - to give them orders to shorter/longer shots.

    The captain will not bother himself watching every shot fall. If ever done that would be the 1st leutenant's job who is himself busy steering the ship. The captain of a big ship is more a kind of observer. He has the plan he is the brain of all, not the whole body.


    That aside I think your suggestion is redundant. I can easily follow the path of every tracking shot I do with the (shift) telescope.

    Zoom in, check the range, adjust. Yet another shot. Rinse and repeat until the range is found.


    Such a small window you suggest wont help me a lot because a cannonball wich is small will be shown even smaller and will be harder to distinguish.

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