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Everything posted by IronKaputt

  1. And I'm out of town till monday 😅 P.S. Good luck to Marshall.
  2. I want CV exactly because I'm BB fanboy: I'm here to design my perfect shupfus, protected against all odds, and that very much include air strikes. Say I am more concerned about working magnetic fuzes, but that only means I would need some degaussing devices, making gameplay richer, not ban torpedoes and mines instead.
  3. Can we also have an optional smoke generators for them?
  4. Just to be sure — are we talking here about ship/fleet commanders or player "El Almirante" avatar?
  5. South Dakota would like to have a word with you. It's like people have Yamato syndrome of some kind, forgetting her outdated AA guns.
  6. I don't expect 100% accurate simulation here, just something to suspend the disbelief. Say top quality crew could maintain AL better so it would fire at max possible rate.
  7. Well, if by ROF you mean bonus to autoloader research — I'm in. I'm strongly against flat arcade bonuses in this game though (until they optional of course).
  8. Rule of thumb — the more control we have the better, as usual. Option to customise the nation traits would be welcome.
  9. That. When build 20-inched SuperBB with 3 and 6-inch autoloading DPs to shoot the planes and sink the flight deck chest bitch.
  10. Well, by this logic we should also ban subs 🤔 I'm fine with galleys, if it help the game to succeed, though I hope for some 50s stuff first.
  11. And channels. Shipfu being too thicc to cut corners would be a nice limiting factor.
  12. More reasons for such "treaty": people should only build their Agincourts with Gerät 36 in Tillman's turrets to compensate for fun, not because it's the only way for survival in arms race. My point is: we should exploit the benefit of single player to set/mod the game according to personal preferences instead of imposing them to each other.
  13. [sigh] That's why we need some sort of ingame treaty, there player can set limits for AI (displacement, caliber, etc) - doubles as difficulty settings. I fully understand people who don't want to built "ludicrous" ships and I respect their wish. Please respect other's wish to design monstrosity with quad 20-inch superheavys.
  14. SMS St. Siegmund: build H-45 with six-gun turrets in "Sink Australia" mission. There 22-inchers came from BTW?
  15. Speaking of — I think flexible game settings will solve a lot of problems.
  16. First pic is Seydlitz after-Jutland sub remodel. Appropriate example of "stabilized, bul low on flood points" situation I presume. I hope we'll have gun elevation mechanics - more difficult then just max range of corse, but very appealing (great for potential carriers add-on).
  17. Iowa-class seem to have such feature called Broadway. Would be great option for ship design indeed.
  18. You're against doing it manually or agains the whole idea of counterflooding? Trading some additional flood points for angles, lowering the whole ship, so we'll have something like this instead of shells flying through the roof? Or am I missing something? That's what I meant of course, not "Your ship won't explode if you sink her in advance".
  19. Counterflood mechanics is very much needed indeed. Also flooding against flash fire.
  20. The only reason to make something actually impossible is to prevent "Camel is a horse designed by AI" situation I presume, othewise limits goes against the game's whole idea. Physical possibility is crusial, no argue with that, but why we forbidden to have sonars and smokes on large ships for example? I'm strongly disagree with "it may be better to make something actually impossible in the game, rather than explain to the player why it was practically impossible" - it's simpler, yes, but not better in any sense. "Yeah, the designer kinda there, but since we consider players unable to think and learn, you can't actually do much with it. Please enjoy the game which treats you like ignorant moron." If player with zero knowledge skips tutorials and ignores designer warnings he'll learn the hard way, but please don't rob people the possibility to experiment (or just have some stupid fun with meme ships).
  21. Yep, some Basic Tech => Advanced Tech gradation would be nice. And a quality control. RTW, RTW everythere. Also require qualified enough personnel to build and maintain new stuff.
  22. Anti-torps need scheme + slider mechanics, the same armor and speed have. Penetrations and torpedo hits should reduce protection level for damaged sector.
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