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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. There are hex decompilers which can translate a bit more in the assets file. Jonny is travelling at the moment, but I can ask him to create a screenshot of the career point sections when he gets back. I'm not sure if this section is near where medicine is controlled, but if you haven't seen it already here is where AO controls your army size. You could also try comparing the Rebalance mod assets file to the base game as we do change the medicine, econ, and training values there. Lots of other changes as well, but maybe searching on medicine will reveal an obvious area and you can experiment from there. One other thing to note, be careful with what you change the econ values to don't result in selling weapons for more than their buy price at 10 econ. I had to change the formula in the dll to work with the numbers in the Rebalance mod.
  2. I see what you mean, I've updated the description of the change in the main post with some additional detail. I think the reason skirmishers aren't as noticeable is that the AI uses terrible weapons for most of the campaign. I'm up to Rio Hill on legendary currently and I'm definitely taking more casualties than normal. I have a test save where the AI weapons value jumped up to 60 and instead of facing burnsides, smiths, and a few spencers they now have whitworth(ts), jf browns, and spencers. Without the new damage curves the battle is rough but manageable. With the curves I was having units shattered off the field even if I sat in heavy cover the entire battle. It's probably possible to still win with enough cheesing, but the lose 40% of your army goal is a serious concern. Oops, that's some testing code that I didn't notice got left in. It's displaying the ammo cost of a weapon. I was using it to test the supply perks. I'll remove it in the next update.
  3. New curves, here is what the result damage curves look like. I could replace the short, med, etc with 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 but I'm extremely limited with how many characters I can display on one line and I found that the numbers get much harder to compare quickly if they are spread out across multiple lines. Showing 4 and 5 range increments is the best comprise I could find between detail and space. I'm not seeing the advantages to normalizing the percentages. You're still seeing decreasing percentages for most weapons. For me at least, it seems more useful to have the percentages correspond to the values you'd see if you looked up the graphs. Showing the 'max' damage most weapons can do also isn't all that helpful since it tends to be at ranges you rarely fight at. That's true, but I think the net gain of not having the implications that the accuracy label brings is worth it. The shell/canister penalties will be consistent across all cannon, so I don't think it adds much to comparisons. I would guess the added randomness is to somewhat counter the increased damage? Not sure what the historical comparison would be.
  4. Stones River: Shorter camp with discussion of reinforcement order for the battle and corresponding army configuration, utilization of 3* artillery, and some explanation of the new tool tips in version 1.6 of the mod. Day 1 victory with a complete wipe and plenty of time to spare. Used a risky start to have my artillery in place immediately and rushed all my infantry up to cut off the southern Union troops and take advantage of the phase changes. Might have been able to take a few less casualties by letting the artillery work more, but pretty average losses overall. Losses: 8611(1722 returned from medicine) Kills: 50573
  5. Either option can work, but if you spread your units out you will probably need to delay your initial attacks a bit until all your units on the field. You have a lot of time in this battle and don't have to capture the VPs before some of the first timers run out. The more advanced strategy involves 2 strong corps, flanking around the CSA left and taking the woods around the church, then continuing the flank with the 2nd corps towards Sharpsburg. At that point you just complete the encirclement with whatever you have left in your 3rd corps and can wipe out the entire CSA army. If your units were 2500 going into the previous battles, I would probably just spend what resources you have making new units. 3 corps can be more than enough, but if you want to go up to 4 you are definitely going to have to use smaller units to spread the rifles/muskets out enough. Smaller units can be very effective, you just need to be careful with them. I actually prefer keeping my units around 1k to 1.3k as I'd rather have 2500 men spread across 2 units for the potential of flanking fire and more tactical flexibility.
  6. Updated for V1.6 - Weapon tooltips have been updated to show a damage range instead of accuracy low, hi, and base damage. - All weapon tooltips now have a Range Damage Multiplier section which shows the modifier applied at short, medium, long, and max range. Cannon will also display the modifier at 100 range. These provide snapshots of how effective a given weapon is at various ranges. Short, medium, long, and max correspond to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and maximum effective range for each given weapon. So short range for rifles is 75, while for the 20pdrs its 500. - The player's skirmishers on hold position will now fire at units in range when hidden without a direct fire order.
  7. I use it on every brigade myself. Don't care about the morale bonus at all.
  8. The infantry perk in the base game was missing the speed bonus. The mod added the bonus back on for infantry and skirmishers you should get the speed bonus for them now.
  9. This is expected on colonel. The way the perk select change works, the officer just doesn't get them assigned for the battle. A colonel won't have any so they'll still need to gain xp. This is different than the method I used to use as a workaround and I should update the description to match. For Cavalry there was a horse speed perk which was changed to accuracy. This is enabled by default
  10. Everettsville: Brief camp where I resort to the tried and true strategy of making a giant battering ram of musket units. I bleed the Unions mobile units and then smash through the middle of their line towards the end of the battle. Overall an average result for a very tough map to limit casualties on. Losses: 4105(821 returned from medicine) Kills: 10922
  11. Not really programming, but can be hard to get into initially. If you're looking to get in deeper I'd message Jonny about it. Mostly, there is a deploySizeMultiplier in the ConfigFile.csv you can use to make certain types of changes. Using 1 gets you the base game values, 1.1 the current modded values. Anything higher will increase them. It's more than just straight multiplication of the base values behind the scenes though and many small deployment slots(< 6) I have hardcoded in the dll. But feel free to experiment.
  12. Fredericksburg: Another long camp video as I go up to AO 10 to be able to deploy as many units immediately as possible. Instead of giving up Prospect Hill, I hold it to kill as much as the Union army as possible. I also split my units across 5 corps to speed up the arrival of my reinforcements. The battle goes relatively well despite a loss of focus in the later third due to some frustrating line of sight issues and uncommonly effective AI cavalry usage. Losses: 9402(1884 returned from medicine) Kills: 78063
  13. There are hex decompilers which can translate far more than HxD does which is how a lot of this stuff was discovered.
  14. Corinth: A short camp video for setup. Now that a good chunk of my army is 2* I stop using as many veterans on the infantry. I also prepare to fight the battle using mostly 3rd corps units in preparation for Fredericksburg. Overall this goes pretty well despite my frustration at the end at it not going perfectly. I take 500 or so more casualties than I should, but my kill rate is about as good as it gets without taking considerably more losses. Battle plan is to start taking out the enemy artillery while ambushing the reinforcements. Then I hit the AI from 3 sides to take the point once the artillery is dead. Losses: 2290(458 returned from medicine) Kills: 12877 Prairie Grove: Other than giving up the point until the end of the timer I couldn't find any real tricks for this battle. The timer is short, the Union vision is nearly perfect, and your sight lines are not great. While you can sometimes sneak units around the outside of the map midway through the battle, I wasn't having much luck with the timing and gave up on trying. Instead I split my units up between the two large clumps of trees and try to bait charges to weaken the Union until I push to take the point. The AI is stubborn with a few units and cleverly retreats an artillery unit out of my sight by accident so I'm unable to get as many kills as I'd have liked, but casualties are kept fairly low. Looking back, several control mistakes in the last few minutes cost me a few dozen casualties on expensive units. Losses: 1393(279 returned from medicine) Kills: 9393
  15. With 60k on normal you should be fine. I'm assuming the 170k you are referring to is the intelligence reported value which doesn't mean you'll actually face that many in the field. So you have multiple side battles and Cold Harbor to get those numbers back down a bit and get your army setup for Washington.
  16. Been there as well, the victory conditions at Chickamauga are a bit picky. In terms of continuing, how big is your current army and what difficulty are you playing on?
  17. Added a summary of what affects scaling and some tips on how to manage it.
  18. Adding army commanders is probably not possible. Among the issues with doing so is that adding elements into the UI is very difficult. Everything we've added so far is tacked onto something existing but the space is very limited. We can repurpose weapons to create a 30pdr. The siege gun is an example as it's using the 14pdr James 'slot'. We are limited to the weapons listed in the assets file though which is why we haven't increased the amount available. Cavalry could have more weapons allowed though anything with longer range becomes a balance issue. I could probably find a workaround to prevent certain weapons from being able to fire as cavalry. Have to make sure the AI can never have those weapons though. Thanks for the well wishes
  19. It might be possible to change the sprite generation for fewer lines , but I haven't had much luck trying in the past. Altitude difference can actually block artillery fire, it's just really rare. Antietam near the Eastern edge of the sunken road and the round tops are the only place I've noticed it. Perhaps it would be possible to make that more restrictive, but it would take a decent amount of research time. I also expect that adding restrictions would result in the AI behaving rather poorly. Not following your last suggestion, can you try to clarify or restate it?
  20. If you're also interested in dll modding feel free to message me. Getting started is not that difficult with a programming background.
  21. Presumably that is controlled in the assets somewhere but I don't know where it is. I'm currently enabling it through a workaround in the dll that adds the extra weapons to the shop interface.
  22. That value is the rate at which a unit gains a point of stamina for spending time moving. So the higher the value the slower a unit gains the stamina stat.
  23. Shooting can be extremely effective but you really need to stack the accuracy perks at the moment. You can check out my video on Shiloh to see how effective it can be. I haven't been able to figure out how to change how many pixels get assigned based on unit size. If you want to increase the unit sizes I think that is currently configurable in the mod config files but I'd have to verify if everything is tied to that or if that's only in the newer version I'm working on. For editing the dll you want to look up dnspy and decompiling Unix games. Feel free to message me with questions, but I'm currently traveling so it may be a few days before I can get back to you.
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