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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. They are controlled by different configuration settings. Slots is the deploySizeMultiplier option in the same file. Base game number of slots is 1, default mod value is 1.1.
  2. Detached Skirmishers were disabled to remove access to a lot of AI glitches that they enabled. All player deployment sizes were increased slightly to allow the player to bring their own dedicated skirmishers. If you turn them back on it will make the game a bit easier, especially if you abuse the exploits, but if that isn't a concern feel free to play the mod with whatever settings are fun for you.
  3. Files are going to be in slightly different place since you're using the combined mod. But you want to look in your ultimate general civil war_data/Mod folder. In the ConfigFile.csv you can change diableSkirmishers to false to turn detached skirmishers back on.
  4. This is definitely a mod issue rather than a base game one. The current corps sizes don't line up with the number of deployment slots. The corps sizing is controlled in the assets so that isn't configurable.
  5. Ah right you mentioned you enabled detached skirmishers. I might have suggested you update that value to 1 since the extra deployment slots were added to support having dedicated skirmishers. That definitely throws the corps/brigade ratios out of alignment even worse though.
  6. Are you referring to officers in allied units? Those will show demotions as it's a ton of effort to update officers in every battle, but that also has no impact on the campaign going forward.
  7. In the ConfigFile.csv deploySizeMultiplier, is what controls the deployments. If you are only seeing deployments of 25 at Richmond I would expect that value to be 1. Using 1.25 gets you to 39 at Richmond, this will probably make most other battles way to easy though. Default value in the mod is 1.1
  8. This is not configurable in the mod as that information is stored in the assets file which can only be modified through hex editing. Demoting of officers will always occur if using pre-mod saves. It's probably possible to increase an individual officers xp with cheatengine or the like so that they are the desired rank in the mod, but that's not something I have experience with. In the mod BG xp is 75.
  9. In the base game the max brigade deployment per corps was 25 and the maximum amount of corps was 5. The largest battles allowed you to field all of these. In the mod the max brigade size per corps is currently 40 and the maximum number of corps is 4. The maximum deployment amount is only going to be 30. This is an oversight from when I was implementing the increased deployment slots and we were reworking the number of brigades/divisions per corps. The lack of a 5th corps is technically a balancing change but really should probably just get added back in for consistency. You mentioned you are only seeing 25 units per corps allowed to be deployed at Richmond in the mod? I just checked and those should all allow 30 units, did you change any of the configuration files? At Richmond you may be able to deploy two corps with 40 units into the Reinforcement slots, though I'm not sure if all of those units will end up arriving.
  10. I just retested the officer replacement functionality and wounded officers went to the barracks as expected. It's possible there is an edge case where this doesn't happen, but unless I can reproduce it consistently I won't be able to correct it. Perks are basically the same in 1.21. There are some timer bugs that were fixed in later versions that you may encounter using 1.21.
  11. Officer experience cutoffs are stored in the assets file so they not configurable currently. Wounded officers are returned to the barracks when a junior officer takes command. Are you sure the officer wasn't killed? If multiple replacement officers are generated for a single unit only the original officer and last officer will be retained. The Customizations mod makes significantly fewer changes which may be why the trainer works. The Rebalance mod has not yet been updated to change the version number. I doubt this is what is breaking the trainer as I'm only updating the text visible to the user. The version number behind the scenes in other places is not being updated.
  12. There is a known bug where allied officers can end up in your barracks. Getting officers to join would be pretty easy, it's the units that are more difficult. The officers are all auto generated, I'm not sure if there is any logic in place to make sure dead officers don't get generated again though.
  13. Updated to V1.5- The tooltip in the top left of camp will now display Difficulty: Legendary when appropriate.- Perk tooltips now properly display all bonuses the perk provides.- Several perks had missing perk bonuses. Since additional bonuses cannot be added, minor stat increases have been replaced with the missing unique bonus.- Endurance Course(all), Tactical Training, Short Range Training, Long Range Training, Sharpshooter(skirmishers), Horseback Riding, Cavalry Training, Reconnaissance Course(cavalry), Shock Cavalry are affected.- Horseback Riding had it's unique bonus changed to Accuracy since the Endurance Training speed bonus applies to both mounted and unmounted units.
  14. I've been trying to get extra units from the tutorial battle to join the army but have not gotten it to work up to this point. Getting an officer into the barracks pool had some good examples in the game code but storing the units appears to be more complicated.
  15. Other than the starting battles the only time you receive a unit post battle is Forrest post CSA Shiloh and the Iron Brigade post Union Antietam. Any other allied units just return to the void after the battle, feel free to suicide them for their weapons
  16. I'm not sure why that program wouldn't work and it's unlikely that I would be able to fix it. The mod does increase the unit sizes in the first mission and increase the rewards for completing it. Have you tried the battle without the trainer?
  17. I'm not entirely sure what you are describing. From Potomac Fort you only get to keep Sigfreid, Kemper, and Cabell. The allied units in the Newport News battle do not get added to your army after the battle. The mod does increase the number of deployment slots, but anything you deploy will still be in your army post battle assuming it isn't captured or destroyed. Does that answer your question?
  18. Ahh, no the surrender mod functionality is not implemented in that version of the mod. It has some side effects we aren't happy with at the moment. We may end up implementing something similar in the future though. However, since melee damage has been increased by the mod surrenders can be easier to get, especially with cavalry. The base game rewards for winning the Harper's Ferry battle don't really account for the material benefits in the historical campaign. The game primarily represents this with weapons and supply captured in battles. Since you will face a large force at Antietam, if you can destroy them you will end up with a lot of weapons. We will probably look into trying to add more post battle rewards like the few officers and 3* units that are currently in the game but it isn't something we have gotten to yet. Recruits are capped at 1k for balance reasons though you are getting better weapon capture rates and reducing the AI's size in future battles with captures. This is due to the changes made in the mod to officer experience levels. If you are using saves from a base version of the game you will see officers demoted as their experience level switches to match the levels used in the mod. This change was primarily due to gameplay balance. With perks being much stronger unit and officer experience gain was decreased. Colonels are now much more common and it takes much more experience to hit the higher ranks. While this does result in the historical officers having lower ranks than they normally would it also prevents the issue of having every brigade commanded by a major general toward the end of a campaign. While the mod will work with old saves, you will notice several issues like the above so we usually recommend starting new campaign. Since the AI has much higher unit size caps in the mod if you are using a save with modified unit sizes you will definitely see the AI units increase in size quite a bit.
  19. Make sure to only install one mod at a time. Whichever gets installed last will overwrite the others. With either the base game logic or the surrender mod logic you're still relying on random chance. Sometimes you get unlucky and you just have to chase the unit until it shatters. The Rebalance mod reduces the base gamespeed from 5 to 2. Unit speeds were also reduced and game timers were increased. There are perks available to increase units movement speed as well.
  20. It's one of my favorite additions. One of the few cases where ideas and ability to implement actually lined up.
  21. The Rebalance mod updated the starting battles so they should be a bit easier now. Just make sure to rest your troops up a bit before taking the fort. I'd give that mod a try on BG and see how it goes for you. If it's a bit more challenge than you're looking for can always go down a difficulty as well. I'm obviously biased, but I think the updated perks and career points give you some more interesting choices than what the base game provides. There are a lot of changes though so if something doesn't make sense I'd recommend taking a look at the 2nd post at the start of this thread. All of the changes in the mod are listed there. We've restricted it to 6k now, but you used to be able to make 15k infantry units in prior versions of the mod as long as you had the recruits and weapons. So if you want to make a giant unit you still can. Though the AI will scale with you a bit.
  22. Brian, can you give me some context around how familiar you are with the base game? Difficulty of campaigns completed? Below is my attempt at summarizing the various mods. Feel free to ask more questions. Customizations Mod: base game experience with some UI improvements, less suicidal player skirmishers, and a few bug fixes. Surrender Mod: base game experience with some improvements/changes. Surrenders will be a bit more consistent, recruits more dependent on surrenders than completing battles, most AI units will split into smaller sub units. This can make the AI a bit more interesting, but also makes the game a bit easier for a skilled player in my opinion(smaller units are easier to overrun/destroy). Surrender Mod + Rebalance: perks, weapons, career points reworked from base game. The surrender logic changes are all that was pulled over from that mod. As you noted this is a bit out of date so it will have a few more bugs and there are some balance issues. Rebalance: perks, weapons, career points reworked. UI and AI improvements from the customizations mod. Unit size caps increased. Units can split but this tends to increase the total amount of men the AI gets. In general this mod makes the game harder as you will face larger forces and have to pay more attention to condition and morale of units. Several exploits have also been removed. For both this and the Surrender + Rebalance I would probably recommend BG if you're looking for something new but not overly difficult.
  23. I can definitely confirm that shattered troops do stay in the AI's pool. Getting a unit to surrender is the only way to subtract the entire unit size from the pool. That section of code is pretty clear. The AI is definitely playing by different rules in this case, it doesn't use the career point system or any of its bonuses. Basically each battle has predefined troop sizes and attributes. These all get adjusted by a number of variables with the end result being that high kill counts will result in fewer and less experienced AI units.
  24. Just make sure you aren't comparing against the MG numbers as there are several tabs for that difficulty as well. Also frequently only infantry casualties are listed rather than total casualties so the results look better than they actually are in some cases.
  25. Did you happen to have a number of captured units when you noticed this? The mod fixes an issue where captured units weapons were not being recovered correctly so that would lead to an increase. Both WVPM and I have looked into the weapon recovery of split units and we're pretty sure they aren't returning more weapons than expected. The extra sprites dieing is mostly likely because there is a sprite related hp variable that I should be updating when I change the split units hp and hpmax. For example, if a unit starts at 2k then gets split into two 1k brigades. The first time each unit gets shot the sprite hp gets reduced to 1k - dmg. Since the sprites start at 2k you see hundreds of sprites die. There is some kind of compression between sprites displayed and actual unit numbers so those numbers are just vague approximations. Or at least that's what I think is going on.
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