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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. As best I can tell from the code the reinforcement types are random. The troop numbers just go up the more you kill. I also haven't found anything to suggest AI units actually retain experience between battles. But regardless of how it actually works, the end result is definitely as you describe. The CSA campaign is definitely interesting in that it's significantly harder to full clear every map. I've contemplated going to day 2 on Shiloh to try it, but it just never seemed worth the cost. I'll probably try it next time with the goal of sacrificing all allied troops to get through the fortifications. Or maybe there is a way to setup a defensive line, will have to see. Same thing for Chickamauga and day 3. While the side battles can all generally be cleared, the grand battles present some issues. Stones River, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, and Cold Harbor all seem like battles were achieving that result is prohibitively expensive. If not in casualties, certainly in time. The terrain and timers are just frequently very unfavorable. I guess in some ways this is a positive, as the Union campaign kind of falls apart at the end in terms of difficulty. You may be interested in this thread https://steamcommunity.com/app/502520/discussions/0/1735468693702520499/ and specifically this spreadsheet where someone was tracking k/d in legendary campaigns. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1svjXFym5Yw2k8Vhf38g1lqHkVuwnvV8k-GUZ0GtUZ44/edit#gid=148388156
  2. Missed this post when it first came out, but it's definitely worth highlighting. Kill counts to the point of wiping out the enemy army in battles will noticeably impact the three intelligence report values if you compare to a campaign with a lower kill count one. This is why you can find people facing 80-90k at CSA Antietam vs 150k+. I haven't found anything to suggest that killing higher experience units or completely destroying units has any particular bonus, though it could certainly be there and I just haven't found it. In practical terms I don't think it matters a lot since the goal is usually to clear the map whenever possible anyways. Unit stats frequently end up well over 100 when the hardcoded battle values are combined with the legendary difficulty. Dropping a unit to 2 stars requires getting their stat average down below 70 so as you noticed sometimes you're just going to face 3 stars no matter what you do.
  3. Thanks for the data. It's good that it doesn't affect the numbers because I have no idea what is causing this. My attempts to decipher what is going on with the code related to sprites have been unsuccessful so far.
  4. Does this actually seem to impact end of battle numbers? There is definitely an animation bug with split units where a bunch of sprites die the first time they are hit. But I didn't think it had anything other than a visual impact.
  5. If any of those units were split or had their size changed that can do weird things with the casualty numbers. I thought I had resolved part of that issue, but maybe not. That would only apply to allied units though, your own units should not be affected. Are you sure your unit didn't end up revealed while in artillery range or had an AI unit nearby it couldn't see that was shooting at it? I can't remember if casualties taken on day 1 show on the unit in day 2. I'm leaning towards no but would have to check. If you can come up with any other details on how to reproduce this let me know.
  6. That is unfortunate. At least you can try and fix whatever you didn't like about that attempt? But you have to play through the starting mission again. I do not envy you that. Should add fixing that tooltip into my UI mod as well. Won't have to second guess if my save files are named correctly anymore.
  7. I've sometimes seen 1 union 3* at Shiloh but otherwise they are pretty rare until Malvern Hill or Antietam. For the CSA I've seen 3* units at distress call before. Overall, 3* units are much more common for the CSA than the Union, but there is also variance between campaigns depending on which reinforcement types the AI gets. If you get Veterans and transfer or training every time you'll face significantly more earlier than if you get rookies and weapons. Kill rates will influence this as well.
  8. The 14pdr james really is a great gun. Range is just a bit short once you get enough 20pdrs. If only you could get more of them than the 8 you can buy through rep as the CSA. Looking forward to seeing what you did at Fredericksburg. I held the far right flank with a rookie corps once just to see if it would work. Casualties were pretty high but it went ok. Most other campaigns I've seen have always just abandoned it for Telegraph Road so will be interesting to see a different approach.
  9. Was interesting to hear your praise for the Tredegar. Stat wise it should be excellent though with a high damage variance. In terms of actual performance both @The Soldier and I just haven't seen the results at long range, though it definitely performs well overall. Not like you have a lot of choice as the CSA either way though, take any cannon you can get. Looking forward to the rest of the series.
  10. That's a rough result, mostly the loss of experienced brigades and officers. Were you able to get a lot of the rest of those casualties onto your less experienced units? It sounds like your artillery and snipers come out in good shape? As you noted with the smaller units recruits are much less of an issue so i think you still have a pretty good chance going forward. I'm guessing you also have a pretty decent weapons surplus to restock from even if your cash is low? Getting the opening phase of CSA Antietam to go right is one of the more RNG dependent challenges in the game in my opinion. It can be incredibly easy with very few casualties or it can gut a corps depending on where the AI decides to send it's units and if it manages to actually land a mass charge. I can't think of any other part of the game that I have restarted as much as those first two phases.
  11. If you get stuck on the loading screen that usually means that the config files in the Mod/Rebalance folder aren't being found. Are you using GoG, Steam, or a Mac?
  12. At battles like Cross Roads or Stay Alert it's possible to bring in one more unit than the shown limits. For example if the limit is 10 units. Setup a division with 5 units and one with 6 units. Or more reasonably for early on go with 4, 4, 3. As long as you deploy a unit from both divisions in your initial deployment then the 11th unit will come in when the reinforcements arrive. This works on more battles but I don't have a full list. Worth checking on most side battles that have reinforcements. I don't think it works on any grand battle but the numbers there are high enough that I've also never tried. I can absolutely see beating Shiloh with only AO 3, would have to go back through and see if that lets me put points in more useful places earlier and still hit the other brigade breakpoints that I want in later battles. Worth an experiment the next time I try.
  13. 1) Everything in the customizations mod is already included in the Rebalance mod. The mods also will not work together so definitely only install one of them at a time. 2) I've tried to change the amount of sprites that display based on the amount of men but have not succeeded in improving anything. 3) We are experimenting with giving units a morale regeneration bonus when multiple allied units are nearby. This won't quite be the same as SMG but it's as close as we can get currently. That change isn't released yet, we're working on a complete revamp of the combat system to hopefully reduce the ridiculous casualty rates. 4) Reloading speed is reduced when falling back or retreating. In the Rebalance Mod we have set it to nearly 0. It may be possible to reduce it while running or walking but would have to look into it more.
  14. Yes, having smaller units basically requires bringing the maximum number of brigades per corps for every battle. I also take advantage of the extra reinforcement 'bug' whenever I can. For some snapshots Shiloh: 0/4/0/3/6/1/2 Gaines Mill: 0/4/5/3/6/1/2 Antietam: 6/10/3/9/1/2 AO 6 for fielding 20 brigades at Shiloh. With larger units might be able to drop a point or two if you can't actually hit 20 units. Goal is to have 10 medicine by Antietam. The 9 AO is a for 25 brigades at 2nd bull run. Since the CSA so rarely actually fields more than 2 corps, if you don't need the 25 slots it would be a good place to save points.
  15. That's roughly the progression I used, don't recall for sure as that play through was a while back. After maxing out Medicine/Econ/Training/AO I did max politics instead of putting any additional points in logistics. This was more for the cash than the manpower though. The main reason I leave politics for last is that I don't use the bonus recruits, though I haven't actually done the math on whether politics or training/econ is better for money. My guess is that they are fairly interchangeable, but I prefer the training/econ for their impact in buying expensive scoped rifles and cannon early on. I don't push very hard for 3 star infantry, just to expensive to maintain in most cases. I end up with some eventually but I usually spend my money on maintaining as many 2 stars as possible instead. For the majority of the campaign my standard unit size is 1,000 - 1,250. 0 or 1 star brigades will be a on the higher end of that range and I will usually try to ensure that they are the focus of any enemy fire instead of any more experienced brigades. With the small unit sizes I usually have a surplus of recruits and rifles so losses to 1 star units effectively cost very little. For certain battles where I know a small set of units will have to take a beating I will go up to 1600 but that is very rare. With these units sizes I often can afford to primarily restore my units with veterans, though that's very dependent on keeping losses down. In the closing stages of battles I will often hold back my infantry a bit to let snipers and artillery continue to get kills. Usually results in lower casualties and getting those units to 3 stars as soon as possible makes things much easier. Division commanders getting killed early on in grand battles is usually frustrating enough that I'll just restart. Everything I've seen in the game code indicates it's just random bad luck, but the campaigns where you just don't lose any officers are so much easier than the ones where they seem to commit suicide every battle.
  16. I went the complete opposite approach and skipped politics entirely to focus on training/econ to about 5, start working on medicine around Gaines Mill and max it first. AO as needed to max out division deployments. With a small infantry base and focusing on supporting units always having the max slots felt pretty essential, but 2nd Bull Run is open enough that I can see staying at AO 7 as well. This likely only works with small unit sizes with heavy focus on artillery and snipers though. I think you're headed the right direction with your Ambush Convoy approach. I usually steal the wagons and then retreat into the tree line while trying to bait the AI into charging and usually this is fairly successful. The AI does seem very hesitant to attack on that map though and sometimes just won't come into rifle range. I think an alternate approach might be pushing towards the north eastern corner while capturing the wagons and hopefully the starting units. From that position it should be possible to take advantage of the AI's tendency to form up instead of attacking to inflict significant casualties from within cover. Looking forward to hearing about your new campaign
  17. Only the latest needs to be installed. The old versions were for trying to support GoG versions before it got the 1.11 update.
  18. While the game will run you will not be getting all of the mod changes. What you are seeing is only the changes that have been made in the assets file. This includes weapon changes, perk changes, some battle changes, and some career point changes.
  19. You really shouldn't need to have installed all versions of the customizations mod. The later versions will mostly overwrite any files from the earlier ones. With the Rebalance mod several config files moved in 1.23 so older versions wouldn't be helpful. The fix to get the Rebalance mod working with GoG is very quick on my end, I'm just away from home for a few more days so I can't make the changes yet. All of the features in the Customizations mod are already included in the Rebalance mod. They should not be installed together as they will not work correctly.
  20. No changes were made to weapon ranges in the mod, the tooltips were just updated to show the actual range of infantry weapons in game. Nearly all infantry weapons have a range of 300 for game balance reasons.
  21. You can always return to the base game by choosing to verify game files. GoG is going to need it's own version of the mod but I have not had time to get this completely updated yet. However there is a test version available that should work for you. If you download the zip file in the link below and extract it to the Ultimate General Civil War_data/Managed folder it should prompt you to overwrite assembly-csharp.dll. With that version of the dll the mod should work on GoG.
  22. I only very recently found out that there was a need for separate GoG version. I'm travelling this week but will get a GoG version added as soon as I can.
  23. Any specific examples you can provide where this happened? What we have seen so far is that some of the larger battles will break if we double the amount of brigades on both sides, but we've never seen it crash just from the increased deployment sizes. Also, any details you can provide on the AI starting to bring significantly less troops? Post Cold Harbor the AI units are no longer about the same size as your own? With the existing minimum size restrictions I would have expected that to continue all the way to the end of the campaign. As far as I'm aware there is no total manpower limit or anything like that, though I certainly could have overlooked something.
  24. Just to confirm, you have the latest version? I haven't been able to recreate this issue after the last patch. Were any of the objective batteries split into two brigades for you? I'll take a look at this again when I can but it will be a bit before I can get to it. Sorry for the bugs.
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