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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. That is very odd. The potential crashes caused by the mod usually only occur in very large battles. Gettysburg Day 2 could make sense but Bayou Fourche shouldn't have that issue at all.
  2. Do you still have any of the in battle saves you made? If you do and can send them to me I can take a look and see what is causing it.
  3. No worries, you are far from the first to run straight into that wall and get frustrated The rest of the campaign should be comparatively easy though it really depends on how you build your army. As a heads up several of the allied units only battles are currently extremely difficult if not impossible to win on Legendary. MG you have a few more options but will have similar issues. Supply Raid, Battle of Salem Church, etc. Cheese them if you can. Take the draw, loss, or skip if you have to. It's on our long term list to fix.
  4. Definitely sounds like you just had bad RNG then. Scaling can be that way sometimes. Sounds like you found a solution though. That will definitely drive up scaling a bit. The 1k is definitely an extreme though. Many people use larger units and have had success as well.
  5. Ok, I think I understand the question better now. Scaling is a complicated topic, but the main thing at Shiloh is that both the allied units and the CSA units default to max size. Since the mod increases the scaling cap those defaults of 2950 can scale up much larger. Regarding the difference between the video and your numbers there are a few things you want to look at. 1) How are your kill counts in the battles prior to Shiloh? If they are lower this can cause the AI Size to start snowballing a bit and you will end up facing more men at Shiloh. 2) Related to #1. On the battle map screen, where you select the battle, what are the intelligence reported size, training, and weapons values compared to those in the video. If they are noticeably higher but your results in #1 are similar you may have just gotten very unlucky with some of the random campaign elements. The reinforcement numbers and types as well as the battle sizing have random factors involved. This can result in facing 10-15k more men and significantly more 2-3 stars. On an older version of the mod I ran into this on Legendary and that Shiloh attempt was probably the hardest battle I've ever played in this game. 3) Are you bringing considerably more infantry than I did in the video? I use a lot of skirmishers with 1842s since the CSA brings no skirmishers and thus the extra men don't impact scaling as much. Arguably yes, you need to be preparing for Shiloh from the very first battle. Some advice to help out with those 3-5k brigades. Fortifications can still be good in the mod but the charge bonus has a very large benefit as well. If the charging unit has multiple charge perks and is higher ranked than your unit it will usually win even through fortifications. What I usually try to do is put a unit in the fortification and if they get charged I try to counter charge immediately with 1 or 2 extra brigades. This equalizes the numbers a lot if you time it right. The skirmishers with 1842s are very useful for this. The more damage you can do to those large brigades before and as they charge in the more likely they are to stop or break before they hit melee. My entire play style is focused around avoid melee if possible. Others play very melee focused but I've never been much good at that. Hope some of the above rambling is helpful.
  6. Is this MG or Legendary? Union Shiloh is one of the hardest battles in the mod. Finishing it on Legendary in good shape is very possible though. Since the above video was released the size of the CSA units in phase 1 have been reduced slightly and ironclad cannon will do significant damage which should make things a bit easier.
  7. Malvern Hill: Camp video with a discussion of my artillery preferences in the base game and some details on how the weapon stats affect weapon damage. If you'd like to know more check out this post again: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/ I should have redone this and kept one of the 14 gun artillery units since I ended up remaking one, but I ended up not changing it before the battle. Not my best battle, but still cleared the map with acceptable casualties. Fun features include losing my supply wagon to bad pathing and lack of attention, recapturing it with 3 other wagons at the same time, and once again charging into a clean pocket and coming out the worse for it. Overall, good template poor execution. Losses: 7254(1016 returned from medicine) Kills: 31500
  8. Gaines Mill: Gaines Mill deploys percentages of a corps similar to how Union Shiloh deployment works. Because of this it's advantageous to bring as large of corps as possible to maximize how many units show up earlier. However, unlike Shiloh many of these units will arrive far to late to be of any actual use in the battle. So I create junk units to pad out the corps numbers to ensure all of my good units arrive at a useful time. It's important to note that these junk units are not for scaling manipulation, they are actively increasing scaling. Fortunately the increase is negligible. Due to the short timers, I artificially inflate the size of my corps through junk units to get my good units on the field as soon as possible. Instead of attacking or flanking with my first corps I setup a ring out of sight and wait for my flanking units to arrive before trapping nearly the entire union army in the open and wiping it out. Losses: 1981(198 returned from medicine) Kills: 22296
  9. You should be able to extract and overwrite directly, but that method will definitely work as well. Glad you were able to resolve the issue and hope you enjoy the mod.
  10. Also can you let us know what you are running the game on? Steam, GoG, Mac, etc?
  11. No, we were just sending files back and forth through email at one point and that gets around googles virus checking.
  12. I didn't realize the copy I sent you was a pre-release version which needed the dll renamed. Check your Ultimate General Civil War_data/Managed folder. From the zip file you should have an Assembly-CsharpRelease1.21.tmp file. That file needs to be renamed to Assembly-CSharp.dll for the mod to work. You will probably have to delete the existing file before you can rename it. You may need to enable displaying file extensions in your folder options to complete this step if you don't already have it on.
  13. There have been problems in the past with modded files not working with older versions of the game(steam is on 1.11). Hard to say if it's the version difference or something else with the file structure of the App Store install. One thing you can try is downloading the GoG version and installing that instead. The steam dll has some steam specific code that fails if you don't have it installed, so it might work for you.
  14. Port Republic: As straightforward as it gets. Setup to ambush the reinforcements, get snipers in the rear to hit the artillery. Some complications ensued with the snipers, but nothing to bad. An update from CivWar64, you can actually bring 11 units to this battle. This is the only instance I'm aware of where the reinforcements glitch gets you two units instead of one. So this battle can be even easier. Losses: 998(80 returned from medicine) Kills: 10665
  15. Not really, it will vary by battle, difficulty, and how well you have done so far. I have a decent feel for the Union campaign but not as much for the CSA. I could definitely be building much bigger for these side battles. Scaling barely occurs on BG so you probably won't notice it at all there. I will do a longer discussion about scaling in some future video. It's just a very large and complex topic and probably needs a stand alone video by itself.
  16. Turns out it's actually pretty reliable. I tried it 3 or 4 times and had no issues making it work every time. The AI orders on spawn appears to be to move to a location rather than looking for nearby targets so they completely ignore your units unless you are right in front of them. I made another quick attempt to see if I could full clear with larger units. Didn't really get many more kills and took more losses, though I had the AI wrapped up. With a bit more agressive play maybe you can get there a few minutes earlier and get them all. Overall doesn't seem worth it unless you get lucky and can get a bunch of units to surrender at the end. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1570403818
  17. Cross Keys: I show off a fun trick to get your units behind the enemy lines before the battle starts but otherwise an average result. The AI ended up focusing further south than it sometimes does which my deployment wasn't really setup to deal with. Ended up having to move my artillery around and wasn't able to full clear the map. Like 1st Winchester, this is a case where I really should be upping my unit size by several hundred men to output more damage from my infantry as I'm well below the minimum scaling point. But I'm being stubborn and telling myself that when I go to Gaines Mill my units will be the right size for that battle. Losses: 2062(124 returned from medicine) Kills: 13968
  18. I don't have a Mac so my ability to help is rather limited. Here are the instructions I've gotten from other users in the past In Steam, right click UGCW and select Properties. Click local files, then select browse local files right click 'Ultimate General Civil War' and select 'show package contents' navigate (relative path) to /Contents/ a) Place the 'Mod' folder in Contents/ navigate (relative path) to /Contents/Resources/Data/ a) Copy the resources.assets file into /Data/ b) Copy the /Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the mod release into the /Managed/ folder, overwriting the existing file
  19. 1st Winchester: Since the timer doesn't matter in this battle and the AI is fairly aggressive I setup a defensive line near the deployment point and lure the enemy into attacking me there. Arguably I'm trying to hard to make my play style work in this battle as infantry casualties are a bit high. Just going with an infantry heavy approach, pressing the enemy and never letting up might work better. See Lava's video for an example of that approach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GguUtpHG2CA Losses: 2511(100 returned from medicine) Kills: 10158
  20. Shiloh: Camp video showing how to fill out a corps with 1 star units by swapping officers. The original battle plan was to avoid triggering both VPs to get as much time as possible to wipe out and surround all of the enemy units in the initial phases. Then avoid triggering the landing VP with its very large radius until the last minute. Instead I lost track of time and ended up having to win on day2. Improvising on day 2 worked out pretty well and ended with a pretty good result. Losses: 23706(6189 of own units) Kills: 53466
  21. Changing the unit modifier settings only affects the experience gain of units. This will result in your officers ranking up again sooner, but officers that end the battle under the modded xp caps will still get demoted if you are using old saves. The mod is designed to work by starting a new campaign so unfortunately there is no way to get around this when using old saves.
  22. Shiloh will be up tomorrow. As the last several battles have been, it's a bit of a mess with the highlight of not paying attention and going to day 2. But the results turned out pretty good so can't complain.
  23. Can you transfer one or both units to a different division to try and split them up? Or just get the duplicated unit into a slot you don't need? Worth trying moving the division to a different corps as well. My initial impression is that this is unlikely to be due to the mod changes. This one has no unit duplication type changes, though even the Rebalance mod does that outside of camp. Based on what you've described it sounds like somehow a unique got duplicated but kept the same identifier. Though that only would explain some of the things you are seeing. If you want to send me a save I can poke around a bit, but best case scenario maybe I can find a way to delete the duplicate.
  24. I've never seen that in any mod or the base game. Does the unit have the same officer as the one it duplicated from? The same battle history? Any other details you can provide like what happened to the original unit in the battle prior to the duplicate unit appearing? Any other mods you've installed in the past?
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