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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. I think it's a resolution thing. The boxes definitely start crunching together on lower resolutions though I can't get my own low enough to get the same result as your screenshot.
  2. Having supply be linked to division instead of corps would be neat. That's definitely in 'hope the developer includes it in the next game' territory though.
  3. If I could cleanly split the wagons into two I would probably do so. But I'm not sure if I can do it without basically giving the player free supply as I don't think the second wagon will get tracked properly. Added it to my list to research, thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Part of this is medium difficulty. On MG and Legendary it is significantly harder to get the charges to cancel unless you really do have significant amounts of units in the area. Properly managing charges is fairly essential as the AI would just roll over you in melee with it's larger numbers. Lowering it slightly might be an option, but it's something that could easily go to far and then every battle turns into a non stop melee charge fest. Getting the AI unit to fallback after it cancels the charge, or forcing it to charge as a group would help, but that kind of decision tweaking has been very difficult to implement. There are several bugs around changing supply amounts between days and getting free money out of it. The range damage multiplier section is a much more accurate version of that. Poor, average, good really wasn't descriptive enough to actually explain the differences between cannons. In general short to medium is canister, medium to long is shell, and max is shot.
  5. That wasn't something I actually changed. There is a bug where if you retreat a supply wagon on day 1 of a multiday battle then you get two of them. Or something along those lines I never use that one. I could just duplicate supply wagons by default, might make things a bit to easy though, would have to think about it more.
  6. Chancellorsville: Camp video with a discussion of how much money should be stockpiled and the trade offs of doing so. With this in mind I spend a bit more on veterans and stockpile more weapons as 10 economy allows me to sell them back at cost. I also setup nearly a full corps worth of extra units to swap in and get around the 2 corps restriction. On day one I setup to ambush all three Union reinforcement columns to mixed success. I am able to do decent damage to their artillery in the middle as well. On day two I pick off the easily accessible units while defending and trying to kill as much artillery as possible. On day three I setup a ring of artillery and slowly push the camp in. Casualties are higher than they should be due to multiple misplays on my part, but overall an acceptable result. Losses: 11218(2244 returned from medicine) Kills: 45595 Salem Church: I swap in fresh units and plan to bunch the AI up to take away their 3:1 infantry advantage while taking out their artillery from behind. It's a bit touch and go for a while, but a good result overall. Losses: 2055(411 returned from medicine) Kills: 16008
  7. Was that in the Surrender mod? I didn't notice that WVPM had added that.
  8. Officers gain xp at the end of battles based on a formula that compares the starting and ending stats of the unit/units under their command. The formula for division and corps commanders requires more stat gain per xp granted due to checking against multiple units. So the fastest way to level officers is in a low level unit that will get lots of kills(preferably in melee), fires a lot, and spends a lot of time moving. This also means that units with 100 in all stats will grant no xp increase to their commanding officer no matter what they do. Adding men to a unit in between days of the same battle will reset their starting stats, so you will lose out on officer xp. I suspect that swapping officers mid battle will result in the commanding officer at the end of the battle getting all xp, but have not tested to confirm yet.
  9. 4th corps will be moving back to 6-7 in the next release. with a 5th at 10. Making sure to take the speed perks and ensuring the cavalry unit is in good condition when you are using it will help a lot with this. Using them with a corps commander who has the speed perk as well can also help. It's probably possible to stack to much speed on other unit types which can cause situations where the artillery struggles to gain ground. Readjusting these is on the list for the next release. Yes, if your units shatter you lose them completely. I would probably change this if I could, but that'd be a long term research project. I can't really recommend using the AI division control. It works, but the AI will play just like it does with it's units and have no regard for keeping them intact for the next battle. If you want more of a challenge going up a difficulty level is probably the answer. Be aware that the difficulty jumps can be significant both in terms of enemy unit size and several difficulty modifiers that we have added only turn on at Major General and above. You may end up having to replay some battles several times until you get used to it. The Union start through Shiloh in particular tends to give many people problems initially. I am a bit surprised to hear that units are charging from to far away? We reduced the charge distance to around range 500 compared to the multiple screen widths that it is in the base game. This seems to have mostly stopped the AI from charging at something it can never reach and exhausting itself.
  10. While both of these changes could be added to this mod, I'm not sure if they are appropriate for it. While this mod started as just some usability improvements, I now see it as basically an unofficial patch. The goal being to provide the usability improvements and bug fixes for players who otherwise want the base game experience. With that context adding infantry weapons to skirmishers doesn't seem like it fits. While it does work pretty well for the skirmishers, it basically renders carbines useless for anything but cavalry. It also somewhat overrides the role that detached skirmishers play in the base game. Those are disabled in the Rebalance mod which is part of the trade off for allowing skirmishers to use infantry weapons. Capturing cannon is a bit closer to a bug fix, as it does seem like it was considered at one point in development. Looking behind the scenes this definitely seems to be a feature that was considered and then not implemented. There is no sprite for captured cannon so you just end up with a few infantry sprites that walk at the speed of pushing cannon. In the Rebalance mod we consider the trade off worthwhile, but it's clunky enough that I'm hesitant to add it to a mod that is trying to give a mostly base game experience. Any comments are appreciated, happy to hear you're enjoying the mod overall.
  11. Is officer wounding really that bad now that lower ranking officers replace them? It mostly keeps the unit going from what I've seen. Officers gain xp based on the difference in a units starting and ending stats. So you won't see much growth in 3* units. Also if you reinforce units in multiday battles that resets the starting stats so you're losing xp as well.
  12. What difficulty are you playing on? The levels are balanced for legendary where there are more units to kill. Those numbers sound a little low, but pretty close to what I would expect at the end of the campaign. Something to keep in mind is that your high experience Colonels are giving the same command bonuses as generals would be in the base game. Lowering the rank cutoffs slightly is something that could be considered. Ranking officers up is usually best done outside of division command. It's also necessary to make sure they aren't in units with capped stats as they will stop gaining xp in that case. We're considering increasing the xp gain again and counterbalancing it with some combination of slower officer xp, increased officer wounding, and increased veteran pricing. If you'd like to customize the rates yourself until we are ready to release a new version they are configurable. Bottom four values in the unitModifiers.csv.
  13. They are currently better due to the far superior damage curve. This was a bit of an oversight that will be corrected in 1.3.
  14. I've been complaining about that since day 1 Unfortunately it's a technical limitation. The rightmost perk has 4 bonus slots and the leftmost has 2 slots so the melee perk has to go on the right. Swapping the icon references causes problems in the assets file so that isn't possible either.
  15. Mod should work on a mac though the install instructions are a bit different. The blank screen on startup usually means that the config files aren't being found. In Steam, right click UGCW and select Properties. Click local files, then select browse local files right click 'Ultimate General Civil War' and select 'show package contents' navigate (relative path) to /Contents/ a) Place the 'Mod' folder in Contents/ navigate (relative path) to /Contents/Resources/Data/ a) Copy the resources.assets file into /Data/ b) Copy the /Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the mod release into the /Managed/ folder, overwriting the existing file
  16. I ran some quick tests comparing a unit of 1k skirmishers with all left side perks vs an infantry unit with all right side perks of the same size. Both armed with a Lorenz. The skirmisher perks give an extra 10% reload speed so they fire slightly faster, but otherwise as far as I can tell they are consuming ammunition at the same rate per volley.
  17. Nice work Shiloh certainly provides plenty of targets. Using rep on weapons is highly recommended given their cost in the mod.
  18. Odd, the skirmishers shouldn't be firing much faster than infantry and I found that I rarely had problems with those running out of ammo. Unless you are taking several of the reload perks? I don't know of any reason they should be getting resupplied slower.
  19. A while back I made a video of how I play the battle on MG. It's on a slightly older version and we've since reduced the CSA strength in the first phase a bit, improved the gunboat weapons, and made fortifications more effective. Didn't do audio at the time, but the description and comments have a lot of details on how and why I set things up as I did. I would suggest taking a look at the video and then if you have specific questions we can go from there.
  20. Which difficulty are you attempting? My general recommendation is to try to bleed both flanks before retreating so that you can reduce the enemy numbers as much as possible before more arrive.
  21. Definitely no changes to officer kill rates other than side effects of larger units doing more damage(more likely to trigger die roll). I haven't noticed any increased officer death rates while playing myself so I think you're just having a streak of bad luck. You can always buy more officers even if the barracks is empty. Just create a new unit, division, or corps and a minimum xp officer of the appropriate rank will get generated.
  22. Ahh, the stats on those units are awful. I think you'll find as the campaign progresses that melee tactics will start to become less and less effective as rifle and cannon fire becomes more effective.
  23. Units definitely spawn north of the river on day 2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1633395181
  24. Any situation that ends up with cavalry in melee with artillery is going to end very poorly for the artillery. Rifle, even more so musket, fire into melee is far less efficient than it is in the base game. It sounds like the cavalry is getting into your rear if they are regularly hitting artillery units? What veterancy rating did the cavalry have? What did your own troops have? Were your infantry in good condition and morale prior to charging? Even the best cavalry will fair very poorly if they try and get to a line of experienced infantry in cover with accuracy perks. However, if those same units get caught in the open and unsupported things can go very badly for them.
  25. The skirmishers with the ammo problems, are they armed with infantry weapons or carbines?
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