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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. I spend most of my money post Phillipi creating them to use them at Distress Call. Sizing is around 250-300? I think I expand them to 300-350 for Bull Run. I used to disband Loomis to create them so they started at 2* but if I'm remembering right with the increased rewards post Phillipi it is now prohibitively expensive to clear out the recruit pool. Here are the results of the last time I played through it on MG though it's on a slightly older version: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/25749-j-p-rebalance-mod-by-jonnyh13-and-pandakraut-11219-hotfix/?page=24&tab=comments#comment-577074
  2. To elaborate a bit more. I send the starting units to the ford north of the bridge and setup my infantry and artillery in view. Usually clay's dragons come over and get themselves killed. Then I push up the artillery to just outside of rifle range and let them work on the unit defending the ford. I bring in 2 melee cav units with my first wave of reinforcements. They go straight south and then go into the field below Matthew's Hill. If an artillery unit doesn't have the speed perk you can catch it in the open and kill it if you get the timing right. I then cross the river and wait for the supply unit to spawn before crossing back. Don't cross the river to the north as you'll trigger the phase early. Rest of my troops cross the northern river and then move east towards the northern ford. They link up with the scouts, rest a little bit and then push south. Later reinforcements move towards Matthew's Hill. As the initial units move south the CSA units on Matthew's Hill move to attack them and I setup in the small houses/fields/trees in the area. If I can get them to rout in a favorable direction I use my cav to annihilate a unit or two. Clear the units by the bridge while pressing in from all sides. Preferably get units to retreat from the edge of the river while resting to nearly full with other units and moving up artillery. Once the crossing can be made uncontested move across in force. This is the most dangerous point as you will likely be charged and if melee occurs in the woods or in the water you will be exhausted and have a hard time making it to the VP. If you do have to cross under fire have units finish reloading and hold fire while crossing. You will lose a ton of stamina if you walk across the river while reloading. Your cav and any snipers can swing around to the south and harass the enemy artillery or at least make it keep rotating until your infantry can get to it. 2nd supply wagon can be captured at this time as well. Once you have the Henry Hill VP setup an arc along the forest and wheat fields. Make sure to have double lines around the VP and get all your artillery up so that you can hold the wave of reinforcements.
  3. Which side? Union I ignore Matthew's Hill and combine my forces near the middle ford and push from there. It's extremely important to reach the river with decent condition and preferably not cross it under fire. In most cases you want to be holding the VP before the reinforcements arrive or you'll be in trouble. CSA I hold the bridge until I start to get flanked from the north and then pull back and defend at the river. I don't try to defend Matthew's Hill at all. Holding the western edge of the river can be tricky with the tiny Virginia brigades. You can pull back to the treeline along the Henry Hill VP instead of trying to hold the river though I've only seen other people use that one.
  4. Making the artillery more mobile isn't necessarily required. Giving them the accuracy perks makes them significantly more effective, but means you have to buy them more time to withdraw. Lots of cheap max sized skirmisher units is my solution for buying time at Shiloh.
  5. How many points in econ do you have? At lower values cheaper weapons do sell for zero.
  6. How many points in econ do you have? At lower values cheaper weapons do sell for zero.
  7. If you aren't used to playing with units that small it may be better to go with units sized at 1100 - 1300. This lets you take more casualties before the unit becomes ineffective. At Shiloh more units get deployed earlier the more units you bring, so I prefer to bring as many as possible. This also lets me bring multiple artillery units in the first phase which helps a lot with reducing the size of the attacking units.
  8. Here is what I do for Shiloh on MG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AWu7RP5E5c For Nanesmond River the key is having good enough snipers and counterbattery that you can spot the artillery in the fort and destroy it before advancing with infantry. Stockpiling artillery across multiple grand battles is the key to being able to field the best cannon. Eventually my artillery units use 24pdrs for close in work and any artillery with 1000 range for counterbattery(siege and 20pdrs being preferred).
  9. Is 22k including your allied units? 48k is on the low end for MG Union Shiloh, but 22k is extremely low if that's your total force. While 22k v 48k would normally be winnable, the 14k you get from the AI comes in so late you'll probably have trouble retreating in good order. At Shiloh the map transitions basically happen when the VP's are captured. At least up to the landing VP the phases should change once the contested timer hits zero.
  10. Part of the problem is that the damage penalties that are supposed to apply to cover currently don't. And those fortifications penalties did apply. In 1.3 the cover penalties will be there and fortifications won't have them so that might balance things out a bit.
  11. The surrender mod splits all AI units down into regiments. Similar to the unit splitting that can happen in this mod. Our issue with that approach is that it makes all of the units small enough that they are pretty easy to roll over. In terms of the player units, the main issue with splitting them up more is that combining them into larger units is very limited. The combined units don't get perks and have other issues that I haven't been able to get around. Having more units is why I tend to play with smaller brigades so that I can bring as many as possible to any given battle. Distress Call is one of my least favorite battles due to the way pathing works around the palisades. To many flashbacks to the horrible siege pathing in the older total war games. Exploiting the game's rules is pretty much the starting point for the harder difficulties in my opinion. There are a few that I don't like to use(and some are disabled in the mod) but otherwise take every advantage you can get.
  12. It is not possible to change the difficulty mid campaign. Shiloh is going to be rather more difficult, but if you're winning with those kind of kill ratios moving up in difficulty is pretty much a necessity. There is a decent amount of advice on the battle throughout the thread and a few videos on youtube that should help as well. Some of the balance issues are things we're looking at for 1.3 but there is no ETA for when that will be ready at this point.
  13. Below is an example of damage vs number of cannon. The lower set of data is the result of using the base game formulas. The upper set of data is what the mod will use in 1.3 but it's not yet implemented. I assume the base game curve was supposed to apply diminishing returns, but at some point the cannon damage changed and the curve didn't get updated. This is the same for every type of cannon. Currently you need 45 cannon in a unit to do as much damage as 14 and you have to pay 3 times as much to resupply the unit. Jonny and I still need to come up with some kind of solution so that enough supply is available when using 50 cannon units but you don't have infinite supply when using 14 cannon units.
  14. Siege of Jackson: I beef up my infantry to 1400 to account for the relatively small number of brigades I am bringing in. In place of more infantry or counter battery artillery I bring an entire division of snipers to go behind the lines and take out the enemy artillery. Losses: 3363(672 returned from medicine) Kills: 26358
  15. Vielen Dank! Es ist immer gut zu hören, dass andere Spaß damit haben. Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut genug, um technische Antworten zu geben. Aber kein Problem mit Fragen auf Deutsch. The artillery weapon curves in the mod are the same as in the normal game. The weapon curve takes the range to the targeted unit and applies multiplier to weapon damage. In the weapon tooltips for artillery I show what the multiplier is at 100 range, 1/4 range(short), 1/2 range(medium), 3/4 range(long), and at maximum range(max) or longer. This lets you see that the 10pdr parrot is more effective at max range than long range. While the 24pdr Howitzer is better at closer ranges than it is at max range. Unfortunately, I have very little space in the UI to be more precise and I can't easily support multiple languages either. If you are running out of supply at the end of the game I would guess that you are using very large(40+gun units)? We didn't realize how much supply those would drain and are looking to come up with a fix in the next version of the mod.
  16. Gettysburg: A brief camp overview of my army going into Gettysburg. I will be splitting the battle up into multiple videos this time. Losses: 8899 (1780 returned from medicine) Kills: 64285 Day 1: I bring in as much artillery as I can get away with and stay hidden until the rest of my units arrive. Goal is to inflict as many artillery losses as possible with minimal losses of my own. Day 2: Standard flank to capture the round tops and then defend against the reinforcements. I then give up the VP to be able to go to the next phase. Culps Hill: At the end of day 2 I setup to get behind the union position and inflict as many casualties as possible while clearing out the remaining artillery. On day 3 getting to the artillery isn't really possible so I draw out and weaken the units not in fortifications. Day 3 and Day 4: I bring in as much artillery as possible and use snipers to get vision on the enemy artillery. Goal is to clear out all enemy artillery and farm the good cannon they have as well as getting a lot of xp to go back into the recruit pool. The usefulness of going to day 4 is debatable. I end it a bit early to avoid having to deal with the mass cavalry reinforcements.
  17. Overwriting the 2 files is a good sign. Did you also update the contents of this folder? C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance If this was your first time installing this mod then the mod folder needs to be copied to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\ assuming a default steam install path.
  18. If the game doesn't load correctly it's usually because the configuration files are not being found. Can you confirm what operating system you are using and which launcher(steam, GOG, etc) you are using?
  19. Alternate Brandy Station: After realizing that there is a huge amount of extra time after the timer runs out I decided to go back and see if I could full clear the battle. It was a near thing but I end up getting rid of most of the enemies units with a few intact units of cavalry and slowly clean up from there. Barely worth the effort compared to the first attempt, but was a fun challenge to pull off. Losses: 4583 (0 of own men): Kills: 12650
  20. Brandy Station: No tricks for this battle, just a frantic defense with units that don't like standing still. One of the infantry units chose a fortunate path that made things a bit easier so I was able to get a bit of extra damage done. Losses: 4641(0 of own troops) Kills: 8301 Campaign stats up to Gettysburg: Losses: 129184 Minus allies: 93512 Minus Medicine: 84501 Kills: 620162 Kill ratio with all casualties: 4.80 Kill ratio with allies and medicine removed: 7.34
  21. For legendary, exploits that involve prior knowledge don't bother me to abuse. To a certain extent the odds are stacked against the player, so in my opinion any advantage the player can gain is viable to exploit. My goal is to try and wipe out the enemy force in every battle(more difficult for the CSA than the Union) so anything that makes that process more efficient is fair game. That said, there are actually a number of exploits that I'm not using. Supply bugs to get free money, merging units to get free high quality rifles, blocking or baiting with surrendered troops, crossing rivers that are supposed to be impassable, and the multiple detached skirmisher glitches which trivialize even legendary. Playing historically would in many ways require me to make the same mistakes that were made in the past. Once I start using knowledge which a commander experiencing the battle for the first time wouldn't there isn't much difference to me between knowing the mistakes of the historical battle and knowing how the AI units will deploy. I do aim to give a basic description of the default strategies when I'm using something unorthodox, but those have been pretty well documented by others at this point. On a different note. You may enjoy the variance feature in the Rebalance mod. It adds more randomization to enemy unit stats, weapons, and sizes as well as a random chance for enemy units to duplicate. This can lead to very unexpected situations sometimes as the AI is less constrained by the default scripting when it has extra units.
  22. Those were the resolution settings I was using as well. It didn't offer me settings that low but I did have about 8 options, so it must be pulling some kind of environment specific values.
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