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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Yes, they would be the same. While the latest version of the Surrender mod uses it's own custom curves those would not work well with the larger unit sizes available in the combined version.
  2. If you're playing the Union the J.F. Brown is the best scoped rifle you are able to buy. You might be able to capture some Whitworth T.S. later in the campaign though. You're asking about translating the perk and weapon tooltips into german correct? I'll have to see if I have access to what language is selected in the game code. If I do I can probably get a translated version of those setup.
  3. See link for a screenshot of how the mod currently works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxxwxiqtfwnwd63/ModdedEffifiencyCurve.png?dl=0 Replacing the base game curves with custom ones is in progress but the weapons have to be completely reworked to accommodate them which has been going slowly. The current version of the mod doesn't come with the surrender changes. They overlap a bit to much to really be compatible anymore. There are a number of surrender logic changes coming in the next version though.
  4. That's a great anecdote, thanks for sharing. Regarding an aggressive artillery doctrine. I'm all for it. I mostly think the damage and range numbers are to high once you get a few perks onto the units.
  5. So one option is forcing larger units to split into smaller ones like the Surrender mod does. The issue I see with this is that now you're facing 3 200 man units each of which your 5 artillery units can destroy very quickly. The real issue is that the AI just doesn't really concentrate or respond to counterbattery at all. We could make the artillery units more vulnerable to morale damage, but that also lets you get close and rout them quickly and keep them routing. I have some changes in the works that will make the AI more likely to try and shoot at any artillery units that are visible so that should at least make it a bit harder to just wipe their artillery out.
  6. If you're worried about casualties on day 1, you can skip full clearing. I'm pretty sure that none of the day 1 units return on day 2 so as long as you garrison the forts you can ignore a lot of the units.
  7. Those are MG numbers not Legendary right? They are very close to the totals I faced on Legendary in the base game so I'm interested to see what they look like in the Mod. That battle is a giant pain, even in the base game. I just got through it and put up a video for day 1 if you want to compare tactics. It'll be a bit different since it's not the Rebalance mod, but the basics should remain similar. Yeah, there are some issues with perk stacking currently. Making slow progress on the next major release.
  8. We're looking at some changes that both emulate the AI being able to retreat off the map and make it harder to wipe out entire armies. Though this will still probably be possible as we want to keep the extended timers. Some other changes are coming that likely that will make it a little less overwhelming for the AI if their army gets wiped out every time.
  9. Can you comment on this one a bit more? Even at 50 guns you have a maximum of 5(?) cannon sprites so the units don't take up much more space than normal. Skirmisher units melee power is probably a bit high at the moment. This can probably get adjusted but will have to see. While I generally agree, I do think this really varies by battle. The defensive battles where the AI has to occupy fortifications seems to be where this is the biggest issue though. Probably not much we can do about it other than give the AI additional brigades as a band aid.
  10. Several of the UI and bug fix changes are already included in the surrender mod already. You could install the surrender mod and then take the resources.assets file from this mod to get the perk changes, but that's the most that could be done without actually merging the code of the two mods.
  11. "This year" is the what has been announced for a date so far.
  12. The developer is currently working on new games, so a multiplayer mode seems unlikely at this point. Ultimate General Gettysburg has a multiplayer mode if you want to give that a try though the UI may feel a bit clunky compared to UGCW and several game mechanics will take some getting used to.
  13. No, there is no multiplayer mode.
  14. 1) Saves are located at C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate General Civil War\Save Note that AppData is a hidden folder by default so you may have to go into folder options to get it to display if you don't already have that enabled. 2) I'm not sure if GoG's install will support a directory copy. You can just download the game through GoG again though. https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/213148105-How-do-I-download-my-purchased-items-
  15. It's hard to stack enough accuracy to get good damage out of them at the moment. Not sure if we have much planned for changes currently, will have to see where things are at once we get the other weapon types updated.
  16. Jonny told me at some point but I have since forgotten. Will get back to you once we dig up the answer in our notes. In terms of the gameplay that thing is one of the best infantry rifles in the game that sadly can't be equipped by infantry. Doesn't have the range to be used by snipers but large units of skirmishers with some cover perks can be extremely effective with them.
  17. The base game speed in the mod has been reduced. The default speed will be slightly slower than half speed was in the base game. This can take a bit to adjust to so you may want to make liberal use of the 2x or 3x speeds initially. There are a lot of changes at this point so you may want to skim the second post in this thread as all of the major changes up to now are listed. If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I hope you enjoy the mod.
  18. We've been working on a number of smaller changes, but the next major goal is to rework the perks and the systems surrounding them. Unfortunately real life is getting in the way at the moment so we don't have an estimated release date.
  19. This is how I use them as well and yes the long range perks are to generically good. Though other players have reported very good results from the reload and canister perks as well. Depends a lot on what play style you favor. This is not possible to implement.
  20. If everything is setup correctly you should see a change in the version number on the main menu.
  21. Casualties in side and grand battles will reduce the AI size. In many cases grand battles are where you get the biggest drops if you can wipe the enemy out since there are so many more men on the field to kill than in the side battles. Basically yes, as far as I can tell if you drive it down it helps drive the other two down as well. Though depending on what the reinforcement results are after the battle you can still see values go up a lot. Shattering is based on hard conditions. If remaining hp is below a certain amount and morale is low the unit will always shatter. And if the unit size drops below another threshold then it will also always shatter. On the other hand surrendering is based on a random chance against a base probability. That probability goes up as the unit making the check runs out of ammo, losses its officer, takes casualties, etc. The most important part to getting a unit to surrender is making sure it is either not near any other enemy units that are not routing. Otherwise the check wont' even got rolled no matter how bad of shape the unit is in. Regarding conditions in your control, the best you can do is isolate the enemy unit and have two units(preferably cavalry since they can keep up for longer) in melee while other units are nearby. You want to have as large a difference in your total manpower vs theirs in a small area around the unit as possible. You will absolutely have runs of bad luck where it just doesn't happen no matter what you do though.
  22. The scaling section of this post is the most detail currently available. If you have any questions let me know.
  23. As a general rule getting kills in any kind of battle has the potential to reduce the size of enemy units in the next battle. There are a lot of other factors involved so this may not always appear to be the case though.
  24. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data is the standard location you want to extract the zip into. You can also right click on the game in your steam library, select properties, select local files tab, then select browse local files. That will bring you to the folder that contains the Ultimate General Civil War_data folder you want to extract things in.
  25. AI units have higher default size caps than the player. Only way to get larger units as the player is through modding.
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