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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. By out scale I mean around 44 cannon you finally deal as much damage per volley as 14 cannon. What is happening is damage drops from 14 to 24, then starts going up linearly after 24. Basically it's not really worth going past 14 unless you're basically going to 50. A major flaw that we'd like to correct. Thankfully it's less of a problem for infantry. I would label the carbines and repeaters as ok? The problem is they are expensive and rare enough that unless the AI starts fielding them it's not worthwhile. If you can capture them in larger numbers it's probably worth using spencers. Otherwise I probably wouldn't use them for much else other than small specialized units. They can be good but it requires a lot of micro and a different play style to get more out of them than just equipping skirmishers with infantry weapons.
  2. The base game curves still apply but it's now possible to out scale them. ~44+ cannon out scales 14 cannon. 1k skirmishers is only a few percentage points worse than 385. And 3k+ infantry out scale the 1875 limit. Running out of supply also becomes a significant problem with very large artillery units and that's on our list to address. Adding new curves to remove these limits will be in 1.3 but it requires a full weapon and perk rework so that damage doesn't get ridiculous. We're working on it, but probably at least a month or two away from having anything playable.
  3. That's around what I would expect on MG for CSA Shiloh. Plus or minus about 5k on either side. I would definitely not recommend trying to win Shiloh on day 2. It can be done, but it's far harder than taking the VP day 1. Are you able to split the Union up the middle and get to the VP on day 1? Or are you having trouble penetrating the Union line to be able to do so? Shiloh is a bit of a difficulty spike in the mod, so you may want to try changing removeSizeCap to false for that battle. This can be done in Ultimate General Civil War_data/Mod/Rebalance/AIConfigFile.csv. Just restart the game after the change. That should lower the troop count by about 10k. Changing varianceMode to false for the battle would also be recommended if you are having trouble. While it can be fun, if you are struggling with a difficulty battle the chance at extra AI units spawning isn't going to help. The Union start is much harder in the mod. CSA Shiloh is comparatively easy in my opinion. This result is odd, because I feel like normally with that kind of advantage the AI is very aggressive. Any information you can provide on the weapons your units had equipped and the perks selected as well as what weapons you captured would be helpful. Are you using any of the tricks to cancel AI charges? If you have a chance, would you mind replaying the battle and seeing if it occurs again? Some screenshots of when it happens would be helpful. We've generally been trying to make the AI more prone to charging when it should without turning the game into a nonstop melee grinder. We do most of our testing on Legendary though which obviously skews our results a bit. One more note, you may want to check out this play through of the mod on MG. This is from a player who normally plays MG in the base game. He's doing a lot of experimenting, so the strategies aren't always optimal, but I believe he mentioned in his initial videos that he has made it past Shiloh so you might be able to get some tips there soon. Thanks for the feedback and glad you're mostly enjoying the mod so far
  4. The mod definitely doesn't change the officer wounding/death chances(though it might in the future). Just bad luck if it seems worse, not that this explanation makes it less frustrating when it happens
  5. Once I'm done with this campaign, I'd like to do a Union one as well. I would probably use the Rebalance mod for that play through. Good to hear that it's been helpful. Not sure how balanced it would be but you can get something close by installing the Rebalance mod and making the following changes. Replace the Resources.Assets with the same file from the UI mod. Replace the contents of Mod/Rebalance/unitModifiers.csv with that of UnitModifiersOriginalValues. Change the following values in the config files AIConfigFile: removeSizeCap, false AIArtilleryMaxSize, 600 AIInfantryMaxSize, 2950 AICavalryMaxSize, 1050 AISkirmisherMaxSize, 1000 AIOtherMaxSize, 240 varianceMode, false ConfigFile: gameSpeed, 5 fastForward, 3 disableSkirmishers, false deploySizeMultiplier, 1 timerMandatoryMultiplier, 1 timerRecommendedMultiplier, 1 mediumArtillerySpeedMultiplier, 1 heavyArtillerySpeedMultiplier, 1 artilleryShellImpact, 1 artillerySolidShotImpact, 1 This would get the you base game weapon and perks(though perks would still be using the modded names). Battles would still end later when the end of day timer is the limiting factor as that isn't currently configurable in 1.24(will be in 1.3 but that's a ways out). You'll also be able to build cavalary, artillery, and skirmisher units to the same size as the AI does. I expect you'll end up with way to much money given the cheaper officers and weapons in the base game, but if that sounds interesting I think it should be functional at least.
  6. If disbanding units in your second and third corps reduces scaling in that side battle then they were probably smaller infantry units than what is in your 1st corps and were lowering your average unit size. Scaling in the final battles is hard to affect. There might also be a size cap in the algorithm around 250k that is imposing the 300k limit. I'll look into this one.
  7. Can you provide more details on what your setup was that resulted in low scaling despite larger units?
  8. Blackwater River: Another relatively easy battle due to having a lot of extra time. I bring half a corps of artillery and snipers and let them clear the bridge defenses and then just encircle from there. Even get lucky and get a few surrenders. Losses: 1381 (276 returned from medicine): Kills: 14881 Also, a brief post battle analysis of fighting Rio Hill against scoped rifle units with the modded damage curves.
  9. Did you also meet the other goals? You have to inflict 5% more casualties on the enemy than they inflict on you in the battle.
  10. Which difficulty are you on? How large is your army currently? General advice is to only advance into defensive positions on day 1. Try to get the Union units to charge you so you can fight them while they are in the open. If you can start picking off any of their artillery with counter battery or snipers it will help you out later. On day 2 return to your defensive positions with your first corps and continue to pick off anything you can with them. With your flanking corps you want to approach to the edge of the camp and inflict as much damage as you can while in cover and limiting your own casualties. Don't try to actually take the VP. Day 3, more of the same, setup on the edges of the camp in the west and slowly advance your southern force to push back the union until you can take the camp. If the timer gets tight save up 5-6 brigades in decent shape, rest them to full condition and then charge the point. Here are two examples of how it can be played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YKe2jIdPlE&t=3s&list=PL6-2WZCqywMWNyI4imucF1tSJjyaqs2qx&index=28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFpbexOOCTY
  11. The downsides of having to work on this on the side Rework of weapons, perks, and size damage curves are the main changes. Possibly some other additions depending on how they work out. Once we get a testable version going I'll see who is active and interested in helping out with testing.
  12. Rio Hill: Brief camp with discussion on training vs politics, shotguns vs cook & brother, scaling at Rio Hill, and the impact of the AI weapons value on the battle. I play this battle out of order to avoid the chance that a reinforcement roll significantly upgrades the AI's weapons. I use a pair of cavalry units and a unit of snipers to clear out the enemy artillery quickly while my main force serves as a distraction on the wooded island. The artillery cleanup goes nearly perfectly, but I get overconfident and recross the river to early and take nearly a thousand extra casualties. Still get the full clear and break even with recruits though. Losses: 2911 (582 returned from medicine): Kills: 10185 1st Franklin: Very straightforward battle. Flank through the gap in the line push the enemy out of the fort and get units out of vision and let artillery and snipers clean up. I misjudge when the cavalry arrives and take more casualties than I should while waiting and miss a supply wagon, but otherwise a fairly clean win. Losses: 1670 (334 returned from medicine): Kills: 11955
  13. Unless something else small comes up 1.3 would be next. It's in progress at the moment, might be ready within the next few months but it depends on how things go.
  14. Thanks, glad you're enjoying the mod. The basic version is an average is used in side battles and total army size is used in grand battles. If you want a more detailed summary see the scaling section in this post:
  15. In general AI units will be a bit smaller in side battles than if all your units were 2k. This will be more noticeable if you are playing on MG or Legendary.
  16. Good to hear that you were able to get it working. Enjoy!
  17. Path for the extraction should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data Specific locations after extraction should be: Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\UIAICustomizations\ConfigFile.csv Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\resources.assets Were you prompted to overwrite the assembly and resources files? Do they show an updated timestamp?
  18. That usually means the config files aren't being found. Are you on a mac or pc? What product did you use to install the game(steam, gog, apple store, etc)?
  19. The main post for the mod has install instructions just above the links. Basically just find your ultimate general civil war_data folder and extract the files there. If you're not on windows or steam/gog it gets trickier though and not all versions of the game are supported unfortunately. No issues with installing mid campaign.
  20. 1. It does still exist. There is a mod that fixes it along with some other issues if you want to go that route https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/25750-ui-and-ai-customizations-mod-v16/ 2. The experience isn't going to make up for the penalties for a unit that size. The damage penalty on a unit that size makes it worse than a 6 gun unit. I would just disband them and make a new smaller unit. If you use an experienced colonel or BG the unit should start with the first star though it's stats will be lower than the original unit. Your other option for disbanding is dependent on how many weapons and recruits you have. If you can use up your entire recruit pool and then disband your current units the men in the recruit pool will have the exact stats of the disbanded unit. You would then disband all of the extra units you created to clear the pool. This allows you to make new units without losing stats, but can be difficult to accomplish without spending a lot of money depending on your current situation.
  21. There are hex decompilers which can translate a bit more in the assets file. Jonny is travelling at the moment, but I can ask him to create a screenshot of the career point sections when he gets back. I'm not sure if this section is near where medicine is controlled, but if you haven't seen it already here is where AO controls your army size. You could also try comparing the Rebalance mod assets file to the base game as we do change the medicine, econ, and training values there. Lots of other changes as well, but maybe searching on medicine will reveal an obvious area and you can experiment from there. One other thing to note, be careful with what you change the econ values to don't result in selling weapons for more than their buy price at 10 econ. I had to change the formula in the dll to work with the numbers in the Rebalance mod.
  22. I see what you mean, I've updated the description of the change in the main post with some additional detail. I think the reason skirmishers aren't as noticeable is that the AI uses terrible weapons for most of the campaign. I'm up to Rio Hill on legendary currently and I'm definitely taking more casualties than normal. I have a test save where the AI weapons value jumped up to 60 and instead of facing burnsides, smiths, and a few spencers they now have whitworth(ts), jf browns, and spencers. Without the new damage curves the battle is rough but manageable. With the curves I was having units shattered off the field even if I sat in heavy cover the entire battle. It's probably possible to still win with enough cheesing, but the lose 40% of your army goal is a serious concern. Oops, that's some testing code that I didn't notice got left in. It's displaying the ammo cost of a weapon. I was using it to test the supply perks. I'll remove it in the next update.
  23. New curves, here is what the result damage curves look like. I could replace the short, med, etc with 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 but I'm extremely limited with how many characters I can display on one line and I found that the numbers get much harder to compare quickly if they are spread out across multiple lines. Showing 4 and 5 range increments is the best comprise I could find between detail and space. I'm not seeing the advantages to normalizing the percentages. You're still seeing decreasing percentages for most weapons. For me at least, it seems more useful to have the percentages correspond to the values you'd see if you looked up the graphs. Showing the 'max' damage most weapons can do also isn't all that helpful since it tends to be at ranges you rarely fight at. That's true, but I think the net gain of not having the implications that the accuracy label brings is worth it. The shell/canister penalties will be consistent across all cannon, so I don't think it adds much to comparisons. I would guess the added randomness is to somewhat counter the increased damage? Not sure what the historical comparison would be.
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