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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. The AI on this battle is also pretty terrible. Most of the AI units spend the majority of the battle standing around offering point blank flanking shots to the gunboats. The gunboats have 3k range so that they can hit things at Shiloh. We may have to replace them with the tutorial gunboats that haven't been modified. Did the AI artillery target the boats at all? It's possible to get most of the AI stuck if you stay out of vision. If we can figure out a semi suicidal AI setting so that they actually move to attack when you start fighting some of their units it would probably improve things. You are very quickly reaching the point where you can probably mass artillery, put a thin line of infantry in front, snipers to spot and win most battles. Even with cutting the artillery perk damage in half they can still be very powerful. The real problem is that in many battles the AI is passive enough that you can sit there and bombard them all day instead of them just rushing your thinly defended batteries.
  2. This is likely the issue. I moved the config files into the _Data/Mod/Rebalance folder to keep mod files from getting crossed between the different ones I work on. @snake9 If the file location turns out not to be the issue please let me know.
  3. Easiest way to check the install is looking at the weapon and perk tooltips. If you're seeing additional values and different numbers from the base game they did install. What difficulty are you playing on? 6pdrs are actually quite decent in the mod. Muskets have to be used a bit differently than rifles but have very good melee values and can do a ton of damage if you get up close. Infantry damage was reduced significantly from the base game. It will go back up as you get more experienced units as perks contain a lot more power in the mod.
  4. Compiled list of all current mod changes added to second post at the top of the thread.
  5. Pre battle size dropped 6k for my on MG. Across two legendary saves it dropped 2k in one and 8k in another.
  6. If you have an nvidia graphics card you can use shadowplay. Otherwise you'd need to setup OBS, fraps, or something like that.
  7. It will be nice to add this UI optimizations to Surrender Mod. I'll talk with WVPM those changes don't conflict so adding them should be possible.
  8. Battle Changes - Fortifications now no longer reduce damage or reload speed. - Union gunboats damage brought in line with other cannons outside of the tutorial battles. - Size of CSA units decreased somewhat at Shiloh. Bug Fixes - Colt RR and Colt M1855 removed from AI adaptation weapons since they don't properly show up in the shop when captured. - Capturing artillery units at Potomac Fort and Nansemond River will now still trigger the destroy batteries victory condition. - Muskets now back to 300 range.
  9. Each brigade can only target one unit. Units do deal collateral damage in a weapon specific radius. Is that what you were asking about?
  10. By second corps do you mean your 2nd corps? Or the AI reinforcements? Both showed up fine for me, here is the later set at 14:50.
  11. If you put together 1-2 cheap cavalry units you can usually steal 1-2 wagons from the AI so you can start resupplying before phase 2 opens. After the hornets nest opens up you should have access to your 2 corps worth of supply? Or are you running through that as well?
  12. Which specific feature are you looking to be merged? Several of the UI features are already included in the Surrender mod or are implemented differently by that mod.
  13. The problem with adding those kind of conditions is that they are very difficult to make generic enough to work across multiple difficulties and army setups. 3k and 3.7k brigades would be very small for people building max sized units. Veterancy is largely a factor of difficulty and campaign status and any set rules around it would have similar issues. The variance mode is intended to have the chance to generate battle setups which are difficult or impossible to win. I will turn it off by default in the next patch.
  14. I don't know, but there is no directory of graphics files that I have seen so it's probably wrapped in however unity stores that kind of object.
  15. FYI, when you reload you cause a bunch of AI routines to reset. They can go from very predictable to very aggressive so be careful.
  16. No, the topo lines were hand drawn onto the UGG maps. Even if someone can figure out how to replace the maps it would be an incredible amount of work to update all the maps.
  17. The spotting values certainly seem to be different. The CSA right flank at Fredericksburg is especially noticeable. You can't see anything much beyond the woods and the AI will spot you at least twice as far out. If you want a split units weapons just get them killed like any other. If you have a unit that split which goes to camp there is another bug for me to fix.
  18. Ok, you're basically at the minimum AI Size then. Assuming those 22k infantry are accompanied by sufficient artillery that setup should be winnable.
  19. Added DamageFalloffByUnitSize spreadsheet to provide details on the optimal unit sizes.
  20. What is your intel report army size value? I do a lot of switching around of my officers to maximize the number of fresh units I can get a star on. My three 2* brigades were not going to rank up at Crossroads and already had high ranking colonels so they stayed in camp. If I had brought my best 2 star unit to crossroads I probably could have gotten it to 3 stars. Debatable if that or getting more xp on my less experienced units was the better choice. So post crossroads I had four 2* and eleven 1* units. I then bought up all of the lt colonels and above to create temporary units. Then I created 2nd corps and 3 additional divisions using the extra generated officers. All division commanders were swapped out with the worst lt colonels. I then go through and assign any colonels that can't get rookies to one star to more experienced units and assign the experienced officers to new units. While I try to minimize it, efficiency losses are acceptable here as long as I don't lose a perk. In reviewing I should have swapped Gibbon out as well as it would have gotten me one more rank up. This process resulted in 5 new one star units assuming I had switched out Gibbon. I chose to emphasize ranking up artillery and a sniper unit over additional infantry brigades, but could probably go either way. My best general went on the 24pdrs to hopefully get a MG post Shiloh(worked out this time). All 3 colonels available for rep points prior to Shiloh were bought. I skip the 3in ordanance buy but otherwise all rep weapons are bought prior to Shiloh as well. The exact results will vary based on what you end up with in the barracks, if any officers died or were wounded, and how xp gets distributed across your forces. If you could get all your officers wounded at distress call you'd be in a great spot assuming you can still pull off bull run with the handicap.
  21. That's quite an increase, but mechanically possible with how the variance and splitting works. I'll have to try and get one of those increases on Legendary so Jonny can have a challenge for a change
  22. It's more about bringing it back in line with the campaign in general. Brandy Station, Supply Raid, Union Salem Church all just don't play well with the mod changes. Some of them you can cheese some of them you can't, but they all need to be adjusted eventually. Video added to previous post.
  23. Here is the result of my playing up through Shiloh on MG. Video below. First half or so will hopefully be useful in terms of charge management. The AI wasn't terribly aggressive so pulling back to the hornets nest was much easier than on legendary. The battle was basically over by the time the landing opened and I got real lazy, so don't put to much stock in the second half. You can watch me suicide half a cav unit and chase routing units all over the map if you like though. My cavalry play in general was not great. Edit: I didn't take the time, but for maximum benefit leave something alive and go to day 2 so you can kill forest as well. On legendary I would have started with 2 more skirmishers in phase 1, but the extra cannon worked so well while I was working out deployment slots that I didn't change it. If you only care about maxing the units you get in phase 1 you can choose to only go up to 5 AO. But 6 gives you an extra unit in phase 2. I played distress call with 8 units and Bull Run with 10. Starting with 2 logistics/2 medicine would have allowed me to field a unit of whitworths, 20pdrs, and siege units but I'm not sure if it's worth what you lose in econ and training. The biggest benefit to having those cannon is that you would have enough counter battery units to easily clear out the mass of CSA artillery in the later phases. Would have saved me several hundred casualties as I ended up having to shoot them out of the woods. Still, only 4k casualties from my own units and a good chunk of them are on the skirmishers with 1842s which will be getting disbanded anyways. The AI has muskets or terrible rifles all the way through Shiloh which makes it really easy to beat them with firepower as long as you avoid getting charged. This does mean that melee usually ends badly for me and it felt much harder to force surrenders. Oddly legendary is easier in terms of AI equipment since better rifles have lower melee values. It's much harder in terms of size, rewards, and far more 3 star units. @BCH Some of your earlier screenshots showed the AI with over 70k troops. That's more like what I normally see on legendary. Are your kill ratios around the same as me and @lightningg? Or are you just getting incredibly unlucky with the variance stuff?
  24. Probably a vanilla issue. Any chance you have a screenshot? If not don't worry about it, I don't know how to fix that kind of thing anyways.
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